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Last active March 18, 2020 02:26
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Correct way to using memoize in EH project
// Import memoize from lodash fp package - it is convention in EH project
import memoize from 'lodash/fp/memoize';
// in lodash functional programming, memoize only have 1 argument
// this is code to changed to original API which support keyResolver
const memoizeWithResolver = memoize.convert({ fixed: false });
const keyResolver = (...args) => JSON.stringify(args);// Just sample code, you can choose method which you prefer
const withMemo = memoizeWithResolver((a,b) => doSomethingWith(a,b), keyResolver)
// Import memoize from normal lodash package
import memoize from 'lodash/memoize';
import memoize from 'lodash/fp/memoize';
const withMemoize = memoize((a, b) => console.log({ a, b }));
withMemoize(3, 5); // Console print: {a:3, b:5}
withMemoize(3, 6); // Nothing printed. Reason: cached by first argument
const keyResolver = (...args) => {
return JSON.stringify(args);
const withMemoizeAndResolverButWrong = memoize(
(a, b) => console.log({ a, b }),
withMemoizeAndResolverButWrong(3, 7); // Console print: {a:3, b:7}. keyResolver do not called
withMemoizeAndResolverButWrong(3, 8); // Nothing printed. Reason: cached by first argument and key resolver do not called
//------------Correct way----------
const memoizeWithResolver = memoize.convert({ fixed: false });
const withMemoizeAndResolver = memoizeWithResolver(
(a, b) => console.log({ a, b }),
withMemoizeAndResolver(3, 9); // Console print: [3,9], {a:3, b:9}. One from keyresolver, other is memoize
withMemoizeAndResolver(3, 10);// Console print: [3,10], {a:3, b:10}. One from keyresolver, other is memoize
withMemoizeAndResolver(3, 9); // Nothing printed. Reason: cached
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