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Created January 11, 2016 22:20
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Convert DeepSEA training sequences a BED file
import h5py
# HDF5 file with two arrays: 'trainxdata' (samples) and 'traindata' (labels)
OUTFILE_FASTA = 'deepsea_train10k.fa'
OUTFILE_BED = 'deepsea_train10k.bed'
def onehot2base(onehot):
if onehot == [1,0,0,0]:
return 'A'
elif onehot == [0,1,0,0]:
return 'G'
elif onehot == [0,0,1,0]:
return 'C'
elif onehot == [0,0,0,1]:
return 'T'
elif onehot == [0,0,0,0]:
return 'N'
return 'U'
training_data_file = h5py.File(INFILE_SAMPLES, 'r')
samples_onehot = training_data_file['trainxdata']
samples_fasta = '\n'.join(
['>seq' + str(i) + '\n' +
''.join(map(lambda x: onehot2base(x), samples_onehot[:,:,i].tolist()))
for i in samples_onehot.shape[2]]
with open(OUTFILE_FASTA, 'w') as f:
# Call bwa mem hg19.fasta OUTFILE_FASTA
# Use bedtools bamtobed on BWA MEM output
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