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Forked from rvlasveld/quit-open.applescript
Created April 28, 2021 19:50
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Cocoa-AppleScript to open and close applications when an other launches or terminates. See for more information.
-- main.scpt
-- Cocoa-AppleScript Applet
-- This app can close and open applications when an other application,
-- the trigger, is launced or terminated. This can be useful when two
-- applications interfere with eachother or when one is dependend on the
-- other (e.g. with setting an VPN connection).
-- Roemer Vlasveld (
-- Github Gist:
-- Github repository:
-- Blogpost:
-- Modify the following lists to your needs.
-- To find an application name, use e.g. the command-tab
-- window.
-- Application to trigger when it is launched
property pTriggerLaunchApplications : {"MATLAB"}
-- Application to trigger when it is terminated
property pTriggerTerminateApplications : {"MATLAB"}
-- Applications to open when the trigger is launched
property pOpenOnLaunchApplications : {"Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"}
-- Applications to close when the trigger is launched
property pCloseOnLaunchApplication : {"Flexiglass"}
-- Applications to open when the trigger is terminated
property pOpenOnTerminateApplications : {"Flexiglass"}
-- Applications to hide when opened
property pHideOnOpenAfterTerminateApplications : {"Flexiglass"}
-- Applications to close when the trigger is terminated
property pCloseOnTerminateApplications : {"Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"}
property pNSWorkspace : class "NSWorkspace"
on run
-- Register for notifications of launching and terminating applications
tell (pNSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace())'s notificationCenter()
addObserver_selector_name_object_(me, "appQuitNotification:", "NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification", missing value)
addObserver_selector_name_object_(me, "appLaunchNotification:", "NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification", missing value)
end tell
end run
-- Handle the notification for a launched application
on appLaunchNotification_(notification)
set theLauchedApplication to (notification's userInfo's NSWorkspaceApplicationKey's localizedName()) as text
if theLauchedApplication is in pTriggerLaunchApplications then
-- Open the associated applications
repeat with applicationToOpen in pOpenOnLaunchApplications
tell application applicationToOpen to activate
end repeat
-- Close the associated applications
repeat with applicationtoClose in pCloseOnLaunchApplication
tell application applicationtoClose to quit
end repeat
end if
end appLaunchNotification_
-- Handle the notification for a terminated application
on appQuitNotification_(notification)
set theLauchedApplication to (notification's userInfo's NSWorkspaceApplicationKey's localizedName()) as text
if theLauchedApplication is in pTriggerTerminateApplications then
-- Open the associated applications
repeat with applicationToOpen in pOpenOnTerminateApplications
tell application applicationToOpen to activate
-- Try for AppleScript support, because we may want the application to hide
tell application applicationToOpen to count windows
on error message
-- Enable scripting
-- Reopen
tell application applicationToOpen to quit
delay 2
tell application applicationToOpen to activate
end try
if applicationToOpen is in pHideOnOpenAfterTerminateApplications then
-- Close all the windows of this application
tell application applicationToOpen to close every window
end if
end repeat
-- Close the associated applications
repeat with applicationtoClose in pCloseOnTerminateApplications
tell application applicationtoClose to quit
end repeat
end if
end appQuitNotification_
on enableAppleScripting(theApplication)
-- Add AppleScript support to an application by overwriting the Info.plist in
-- the Application bundle.
-- See
set application_path to (path to application theApplication)
set bundle_identifier to get bundle identifier of (info for the application_path)
tell application "Finder"
set the application_to_modify to (application file id bundle_identifier) as alias
end tell
set the app_path to (POSIX path of the application_to_modify)
set the app_info_path to ((POSIX path of the application_to_modify) & "Contents/Info")
set the plist_filepath to the quoted form of the app_info_path
-- determine which Mac OS X version currently running
set osver to system version of (system info)
-- Make a backup of the Application bundle and overwrite the plist file
do shell script "ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent " & app_path & space & app_path & "" with administrator privileges
do shell script "defaults write " & app_info_path & space & "NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool YES" with administrator privileges
do shell script "chmod a+r" & space & app_info_path & ".plist" with administrator privileges
if osver "10.7" then
if osver "10.8" then
-- Assume Xcode is installed
do shell script "sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/bin" with administrator privileges
end if
do shell script "codesign -f -s - " & app_path with administrator privileges
end if
on error message number errorNumber
-- Something went wrong
if message is not equal to "ln: /usr/bin/codesign_allocate: File exists" then
display dialog "Problem with enabling AppleScript for " & theApplication & ": " & message & " -- Error number: " & errorNumber
end if
end try
end enableAppleScripting
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