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Created December 25, 2008 06:27
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  • Save haikuwebdev/39859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save haikuwebdev/39859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempt to build a TaskPaper theme similar to TextMate Twilight theme.
* Make tags smaller. There are some things I added for 'tag' but not being applied to tags just yet.
* Would like @next_action to be visually differentiated, then when the task is complete, have it look like a normal @done task and remove the @next_action tag. See for some tips that might help.
<!-- Window Style -->
<color id="foreground" red="0.8" green="0.6" blue="0.3" alpha="1.0" />
<color id="background" red="0.15" green="0.15" blue="0.15" alpha="1.0" />
<window foregroundColorID="foreground" backgroundColorID="background" shouldUseHUDScrollers="no" />
<!-- Text View Style -->
<color id="tag" red="0.61" green="0.36" blue="0.18" alpha="1.0" />
<color id="handle" extendsColorID="foreground" />
<color id="insertionPoint" red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" alpha="1.0" />
<color id="selection" red="0.2" green="0.2" blue="0.2" alpha="1.0" />
<font id="base" name="Lucida Grande" size="0" />
<font id="tag" extendsFontID="base" size="12" />
<characterStyle id="base" fontID="base" foregroundColorID="foreground" />
<paragraphStyle id="base" paragraphSpacingBefore="0" paragraphSpacing="0" lineSpacing="0" lineHeightMultiple="1.3" alignment="NSLeftTextAlignment" />
<characterStyle id="tag" fontID="tag" foregroundColorID="tag" />
<!-- Task style. This section defines the styles that are applied to task lines. -->
<color id="task" red="0.9" green="0.9" blue="0.9" alpha="1.0" />
<font id="task" extendsFontID="base" size="14" />
<characterStyle id="task" fontID="task" foregroundColorID="task" />
<entryRule matchesQuery="type = task" lineCharacterStyleID="task" paragraphStyleID="base" />
<!-- Project style. This section defines the styles that are applied to project lines. -->
<color id="project" red="0.8" green="0.6" blue="0.3" alpha="1.0" />
<font id="project" extendsFontID="base" fontTraitMask="NSBoldFontMask" />
<characterStyle id="project" fontID="project" foregroundColorID="project" />
<entryRule matchesQuery="type = "project"" lineCharacterStyleID="project" paragraphStyleID="base" />
<!-- Note style. This section defines the styles that are applied to note lines. -->
<color id="note" red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" alpha="1.0" />
<font id="note" extendsFontID="base" size="12" />
<characterStyle id="note" fontID="note" foregroundColorID="note" />
<entryRule matchesQuery="type = note" lineCharacterStyleID="note" paragraphStyleID="base" />
<!-- GroupHeader style. This section defines the styles that are applied to groupHeader lines. (top level projects) -->
<color id="groupHeader" extendsColorID="foreground" />
<font id="groupHeader" extendsFontID="base" fontTraitMask="NSBoldFontMask" size="16" />
<characterStyle id="groupHeader" fontID="groupHeader" foregroundColorID="groupHeader" />
<paragraphStyle id="groupHeader" extendsParagraphStyleID="base" lineHeightMultiple="1.0" paragraphSpacingBefore="40" paragraphSpacing="9" />
<entryRule matchesQuery="isgroupheader" paragraphStyleID="groupHeader" lineCharacterStyleID="groupHeader" />
<!-- @done style. This section defines the styles that are applied to lines tagged with @done. -->
<color id="done" red="0.5" green="0.5" blue="0.5" alpha="1.0" />
<font id="done" extendsFontID="base" size="12" />
<characterStyle id="done" fontID="done" foregroundColorID="done" strikethroughStyle="NSUnderlineStyleSingle" />
<entryRule matchesQuery="@done" contentCharacterStyleID="done" />
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