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Last active January 26, 2022 13:33
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Generic persistent treap
import { assert } from "./Errors";
export type treap<a, b> = node<a, b> | undefined;
export type node<a, b> = {
left: treap<a, b>;
right: treap<a, b>;
priority: number;
data: a;
subtreeData: b;
export interface Build<a, b> {
subtreeData(data: a, left: b | undefined, right: b | undefined): b;
mergeData?(left: a, right: a): a | undefined;
export interface Slice<a, b> {
dataLength(data: a): number;
subtreeDataLength(subtreeData: b): number;
sliceData(data: a, startOffset: number, endOffset: number): a;
function fix<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, node: node<a, b>) {
node.subtreeData = M.subtreeData(, node.left?.subtreeData, node.right?.subtreeData);
return node;
export function singleton<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, data: a): node<a, b> {
const subtreeData = M.subtreeData(data, undefined, undefined);
return { left: undefined, right: undefined, priority: Math.random(), data, subtreeData };
export function length<a, b>(M: Slice<a, b>, node: treap<a, b>) {
return node === undefined ? 0 : M.dataLength(;
export function split<a, b>(
M: Build<a, b> & Slice<a, b>,
node: treap<a, b>,
offset: number,
returning: "left" | "right"
): treap<a, b> {
if (offset === 0) return returning === "left" ? undefined : node;
assert(node !== undefined);
const llen = length(M, node.left);
if (offset <= llen) return split(M, node.left, offset, returning);
offset -= llen;
const len = M.dataLength(;
if (offset >= len) return split(M, node.right, offset - len, returning);
return returning === "left"
? fix(M, { ...node, data: M.sliceData(, 0, offset), right: undefined })
: fix(M, { ...node, data: M.sliceData(, offset, len), left: undefined });
export function slice<a, b>(M: Build<a, b> & Slice<a, b>, node: treap<a, b>, startOffset: number, endOffset: number) {
let leftMiddle = split(M, node, endOffset, "left");
return split(M, leftMiddle, startOffset, "right");
export function first<a, b>(node: node<a, b>): a;
export function first<a, b>(node: treap<a, b>): a | undefined {
if (node === undefined) return undefined;
if (node.left === undefined) return;
return first(node.left);
export function last<a, b>(node: node<a, b>): a;
export function last<a, b>(node: treap<a, b>): a | undefined {
if (node === undefined) return undefined;
if (node.right === undefined) return;
return last(node.right);
export function withoutFirst<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, node: treap<a, b>): treap<a, b> {
if (node === undefined) return undefined;
if (node.left === undefined) return node.right;
return fix(M, { ...node, left: withoutFirst(M, node.left) });
export function withoutLast<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, node: treap<a, b>): treap<a, b> {
if (node === undefined) return undefined;
if (node.right === undefined) return node.left;
return fix(M, { ...node, right: withoutLast(M, node.right) });
function merge<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, left: treap<a, b>, right: treap<a, b>): treap<a, b> {
if (left === undefined) return right;
if (right === undefined) return left;
return left.priority < right.priority
? fix(M, { ...left, right: merge(M, left.right, right) })
: fix(M, { ...right, left: merge(M, right.left, left) });
export function concat<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, left: treap<a, b>, right: treap<a, b>) {
if (left === undefined) return right;
if (right === undefined) return left;
let llastData = last(left);
let merged = false;
while (true) {
let rfirstData = first(right);
let data = M.mergeData?.(llastData, rfirstData);
if (data === undefined) break;
llastData = data;
right = withoutFirst(M, right);
merged = true;
if (right === undefined) break;
if (merged) {
left = merge(M, withoutLast(M, left), singleton(M, llastData));
return merge(M, left, right);
export function from<a, b>(M: Build<a, b>, dataSource: Iterable<a>) {
let p = 0;
const root = { priority: -Infinity, right: undefined } as unknown as node<a, b>;
const stack = [root];
for (const data of dataSource) {
const node = singleton(M, data);
let last!: node<a, b>;
while (stack[p].priority > node.priority) {
last = stack[p];
fix(M, last);
p -= 1;
stack[p].right = node;
node.left = last;
p += 1;
stack[p] = node;
while (p > 0) {
fix(M, stack[p]);
p -= 1;
return root.right;
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