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Created April 26, 2013 14:56
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Save hacknightly/5467905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A VTK file loader for three.js, thanks Mr. Doob
* @author mrdoob /
THREE.VTKLoader = function () {};
THREE.VTKLoader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.VTKLoader,
addEventListener: THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener,
hasEventListener: THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.hasEventListener,
removeEventListener: THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener,
dispatchEvent: THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent,
load: function ( url, callback ) {
var scope = this;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {
var geometry = scope.parse( );
scope.dispatchEvent( { type: 'load', content: geometry } );
if ( callback ) callback( geometry );
}, false );
request.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( event ) {
scope.dispatchEvent( { type: 'progress', loaded: event.loaded, total: } );
}, false );
request.addEventListener( 'error', function () {
scope.dispatchEvent( { type: 'error', message: 'Couldn\'t load URL [' + url + ']' } );
}, false ); 'GET', url, true );
request.send( null );
parse: function ( data ) {
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
function vertex( x, y, z ) {
geometry.vertices.push( new THREE.Vector3( x, y, z ) );
function face3( a, b, c ) {
geometry.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( a, b, c ) );
function face4( a, b, c, d ) {
geometry.faces.push( new THREE.Face4( a, b, c, d ) );
var pattern, result;
// float float float
pattern = /([\+|\-]?[\d]+[\.][\d|\-|e]+)[ ]+([\+|\-]?[\d]+[\.][\d|\-|e]+)[ ]+([\+|\-]?[\d]+[\.][\d|\-|e]+)/g;
while ( ( result = pattern.exec( data ) ) != null ) {
// ["1.0 2.0 3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]
vertex( parseFloat( result[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( result[ 2 ] ), parseFloat( result[ 3 ] ) );
// 3 int int int
pattern = /3[ ]+([\d]+)[ ]+([\d]+)[ ]+([\d]+)/g;
while ( ( result = pattern.exec( data ) ) != null ) {
// ["3 1 2 3", "1", "2", "3"]
face3( parseInt( result[ 1 ] ), parseInt( result[ 2 ] ), parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) );
// 4 int int int int
pattern = /4[ ]+([\d]+)[ ]+([\d]+)[ ]+([\d]+)[ ]+([\d]+)/g;
while ( ( result = pattern.exec( data ) ) != null ) {
// ["4 1 2 3 4", "1", "2", "3", "4"]
face4( parseInt( result[ 1 ] ), parseInt( result[ 2 ] ), parseInt( result[ 3 ] ), parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) );
return geometry;
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