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Created June 19, 2016 05:50
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solutions for codewars challenges in javascript
//Rearange Number to Get its Maximum
var maxRedigit = function(num) {
var ou=[];
var snum=num.toString();
if (num<=0 || snum.length!=3){return null}
for (var i=0,len=snum.length;i<len;i+=1){
var a=ou.sort(function(a,b){return b-a}).join('');
return parseInt(a)
//Sir , showMe yourID
function showMe(yourID){
var s=yourID.match(/^[0-9-a-z-]|-[a-z]|-$|\s/)
if (s==null){return true;}else{return false;}
//The Coupon Code
function checkCoupon(enteredCode, correctCode, currentDate, expirationDate){
var curdate=new Date(currentDate);
var exdate=new Date(expirationDate);
if(enteredCode!==correctCode || curdate>exdate){return false}else{return true}
//Name on billboard
function billboard(name, price = 30){
var a=name.length;
var tot=0;
return tot
//How old will I be in 2099?
function calculateAge(p,r) {
if (r-p>1){
return "You are "+(r-p)+" years old."
}else if(r===p-1){
return "You will be born in "+(p-r)+" year."
}else if(r<p){
return "You will be born in "+(p-r)+" years."
}else if(p===r-1){
return "You are "+(r-p)+" year old."
return "You were born this very year!"
//Fix your code before the garden dies!
function rainAmount(mm){
if (mm < 40) {
return "You need to give your plant " + Math.abs(40-mm) + "mm of water"
}else {
return "Your plant has had more than enough water for today!"
//Sum of positive
function positiveSum(arr) {
var sum=0
if (arr[i]>=0){sum=sum+arr[i]}
return sum
//Heads and Legs
function animals(heads, legs){
var x=(4*heads-legs)/2;
var y=heads-x;
if (x<0 || y<0){return 'No solutions'}
if (x===Math.round(Math.abs(x))){return [x,heads-x]}else{return 'No solutions'}
//Match My Husband
function match(usefulness,months){
var sum=usefulness.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b;},0);
var grvt=100*Math.pow(Math.E,-0.15*months);
if (sum>=Math.round(grvt,3)){return 'Match!';}else{return 'No match!';}
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