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Last active May 11, 2020 22:47
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using LinearAlgebra: givensAlgorithm, SymTridiagonal, I, Diagonal
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
import LinearAlgebra: lmul!, rmul!
import Base: Matrix
@propagate_inbounds is_offdiagonal_small(H::SymTridiagonal{T}, i::Int, tol = eps(real(T))) where {T} =
abs(H.ev[i]) tol*(abs(H.dv[i]) + abs(H.dv[i+1]))
abstract type SmallRotation end
Given's rotation acting on rows i:i+1
struct Rotation2{Tc,Ts} <: SmallRotation
Get a rotation that maps [p₁, p₂] to a multiple of [1, 0]
function get_rotation(p₁, p₂, i::Int)
c, s, nrm = givensAlgorithm(p₁, p₂)
Rotation2(c, s, i), nrm
Passed into the Schur factorization function if you do not wish to have the Schur vectors.
struct NotWanted end
@inline lmul!(G::SmallRotation, A::AbstractMatrix) = lmul!(G, A, 1, size(A, 2))
@inline rmul!(A::AbstractMatrix, G::SmallRotation) = rmul!(A, G, 1, size(A, 1))
lmul!(::SmallRotation, ::NotWanted, args...) = nothing
rmul!(::NotWanted, ::SmallRotation, args...) = nothing
@inline function lmul!(G::Rotation2, A::AbstractMatrix, from::Int, to::Int)
@inbounds @fastmath for j = from:to
a₁ = A[G.i+0,j]
a₂ = A[G.i+1,j]
a₁′ = G.c * a₁ + G.s * a₂
a₂′ = -G.s' * a₁ + G.c * a₂
A[G.i+0,j] = a₁′
A[G.i+1,j] = a₂′
@inline function rmul!(A::AbstractMatrix, G::Rotation2, from::Int, to::Int)
@inbounds @fastmath for j = from:to
a₁ = A[j,G.i+0]
a₂ = A[j,G.i+1]
a₁′ = a₁ * G.c + a₂ * G.s'
a₂′ = a₁ * -G.s + a₂ * G.c
A[j,G.i+0] = a₁′
A[j,G.i+1] = a₂′
function single_shift_schur_tri!(H::SymTridiagonal{Tv}, from::Int, to::Int, μ::Number, Q = NotWanted()) where {Tv<:Number}
m, n = size(H)
@inbounds @fastmath begin
# Compute the nonzero entries of p = (H - μI)e₁.
H₁₁ = H.dv[from]
H₂₁ = H.ev[from]
p₁ = H₁₁ - μ
p₂ = H₂₁
# Map that column to a multiple of e₁ via two Given's rotations
G₁, nrm = get_rotation(p₁, p₂, from)
# Apply the Given's rotations
H₂₂ = H.dv[from+1]
# First col
H₁₁′ = G₁.c * H₁₁ + G₁.s * H₂₁
H₂₁′ = -G₁.s * H₁₁ + G₁.c * H₂₁
# Second col
H₁₂′ = G₁.c * H₂₁ + G₁.s * H₂₂
H₂₂′ = -G₁.s * H₂₁ + G₁.c * H₂₂
# First row
H₁₁′′ = H₁₁′ * G₁.c + H₁₂′ * G₁.s # H₁₁ and H₁₂ touched by left mul
H₁₂′′ = H₁₁′ * -G₁.s + H₁₂′ * G₁.c # H₁₁ and H₁₂ touched by left mul
# Second row
H₂₂′′ = H₂₁′ * -G₁.s + H₂₂′ * G₁.c # H₂₁ and H₂₂ touched by left mul
# Store.
H.dv[from + 0] = H₁₁′′
H.dv[from + 1] = H₂₂′′
H.ev[from + 0] = H₁₂′′
# Conditonally store depending on whether the off-diagonal is still inbounds
bulge_value = zero(Tv)
if from + 2 to
# Third col: the bulge-inducing element
H₂₃ = H.ev[from + 1]
H₁₃′ = G₁.s * H₂₃
H₂₃′ = G₁.c * H₂₃
bulge_value = H₁₃′
H.ev[from + 1] = H₂₃′
rmul!(Q, G₁)
# Bulge chasing. First step of the for-loop below looks like:
# from to
# ↓ ↓
# x x x x x x x + o
# i → x x x + + + + x + + x
# x x x x o + + + + + x
# x x x ⇒ x x x ⇒ + + x x
# | x x x x x x x x x
# | x x x x x x x x x
# | x x x x x x
# i
# Last iterations looks like:
# from to
# ↓ ↓
# x x x x x x
# x x x x x x x x x
# x x x x x x x x x
# x x x ⇒ x x x ⇒ x x x
# x x x x x x x x x + o
# i → ------- x x x + + + x + +
# x x x 0 + + + +
# i
for i = from + 1 : to - 1
p₁ = H.ev[i - 1]
p₂ = bulge_value
G, nrm = get_rotation(p₁, p₂, i)
# Unbulging, we zero'd out the second off-diagonal
# and we only store the off-diaognal
H.ev[i - 1] = nrm
# B for bulge. Load the relevant values
B₁₁ = H.dv[i + 0]
B₂₂ = H.dv[i + 1]
B₂₁ = H.ev[i + 0]
# First col
B₁₁′ = G.c * B₁₁ + G.s * B₂₁
B₂₁′ = -G.s * B₁₁ + G.c * B₂₁
# Second col
B₁₂′ = G.c * B₂₁ + G.s * B₂₂ # B₂₁ = B₁₂
B₂₂′ = -G.s * B₂₁ + G.c * B₂₂ # B₂₁ = B₁₂
# First row
B₁₁′′ = B₁₁′ * G.c + B₁₂′ * G.s # B₁₁ and B₁₂ touched by left mul
B₁₂′′ = B₁₁′ * -G.s + B₁₂′ * G.c # B₁₁ and B₁₂ touched by left mul
# Second row
B₂₂′′ = B₂₁′ * -G.s + B₂₂′ * G.c # B₂₁ and B₂₂ touched by left mul
# Store.
H.dv[i + 0] = B₁₁′′
H.dv[i + 1] = B₂₂′′
H.ev[i + 0] = B₁₂′′
# Conditonally store depending on whether the off-diagonal is still inbounds
if i + 2 to
# Third col: the bulge-inducing element
B₂₃ = H.ev[i + 1]
B₁₃′ = G.s * B₂₃
B₂₃′ = G.c * B₂₃
bulge_value = B₁₃′
H.ev[i + 1] = B₂₃′
rmul!(Q, G)
function local_schurfact!(H::SymTridiagonal{T}, start::Int, to::Int, Q = NotWanted(), tol = eps(T), maxiter = 100*size(H, 1)) where {T<:Real}
# iteration count
iter = 0
@inbounds @fastmath while true
if iter > maxiter
return false, iter
# Indexing
# `to` points to the column where the off-diagonal value was last zero.
# while `from` points to the smallest index such that there is no small off-diagonal
# value in columns from:end-1. Sometimes `from` is just 1. Cartoon of a split
# with from != 1:
# + +
# + + o
# o X X
# X X X
# . X X X
# . X X o
# . o + +
# . . + +
# ^ ^
# from to
# The X's form the unreduced tridiagonal matrix we are applying QR iterations to,
# the + values remain untouched! The o's are zeros -- or numerically considered zeros.
# We keep `from` one column past the zero off-diagonal value, so we check whether
# the `from - 1` column has a small off-diagonal value.
from = to
while from > start && !is_offdiagonal_small(H, from - 1, tol)
from -= 1
if from == to
# This just means H[to, to-1] == 0, so one eigenvalue converged at the end
H.ev[from-1] = zero(T)
to -= 1
# Now we are sure we can work with a 2×2 block H[to-1:to,to-1:to]
# We check if this block has a conjugate eigenpair, which might mean we have
# converged w.r.t. this block if from + 1 == to.
# Otherwise, if from + 1 < to, we do either a single or double shift, based on
# whether the H[to-1:to,to-1:to] part has real eigenvalues or a conjugate pair.
H₁₁, H₁₂ = H.dv[to-1], H.ev[to-1]
H₂₁, H₂₂ = H.ev[to-1], H.dv[to]
# Scaling to avoid losing precision in the case where we have nearly
# repeated eigenvalues.
scale = abs(H₁₁) + abs(H₁₂) + abs(H₂₁) + abs(H₂₂)
H₁₁ /= scale; H₁₂ /= scale; H₂₁ /= scale; H₂₂ /= scale
# Trace and discriminant of small eigenvalue problem.
t = (H₁₁ + H₂₂) / 2
d = (H₁₁ - t) * (H₂₂ - t) - H₁₂ * H₂₁
sqrt_discr = sqrt(abs(d))
# Real eigenvalues.
# Note that if from + 1 == to in this case, then just one additional
# iteration is necessary, since the Wilkinson shift will do an exact shift.
# Determine the Wilkinson shift -- the closest eigenvalue of the 2x2 block
# near H[to,to]
λ₁ = t + sqrt_discr
λ₂ = t - sqrt_discr
λ = abs(H₂₂ - λ₁) < abs(H₂₂ - λ₂) ? λ₁ : λ₂
λ *= scale
# Run a bulge chase
single_shift_schur_tri!(H, from, to, λ, Q)
iter += 1
# Converged!
to start && break
return true, iter
local_schurfact!(H::SymTridiagonal{T}, Q = NotWanted(), tol = eps(real(T)), maxiter = 100*size(H, 1)) where {T} = local_schurfact!(H, 1, size(H, 2), Q, tol, maxiter)
function eigen_decomp!(H::SymTridiagonal{T}) where T
n = size(H, 1)
Q = Matrix{T}(I, n, n)
converged, iter = local_schurfact!(H, Q)
@info "done" converged iter
return Diagonal(H.dv), Q
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