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Last active August 24, 2020 08:13
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Wrapper for the cauth universal and premium api
Made by Harry Kruger
License MIT
const Axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const https = require('https');
const FormData = require('form-data');
* @typedef {Object} APIOpts
* @property {String} [adminBaseUrl=] The base url to base admin requests on
* @property {String} [universalBaseUrl=] The base url to base universal requests on
* @property {String} programKey Program key for application
* @property {String} apiKey API key for application
* @property {String} [adminKey] Admin key for the user, required for admin methods
* @typedef {Object} User
* @property {String} username
* @property {String} email
* @property {Number} expiry
* @property {String} userVar
* @property {String} hwid
* @property {Number} level
* @property {Boolean} paused
* @property {Boolean} banned
function stringify(str) {
try {
return str.toString();
catch(err) {
return ''
function boolify(bool) {
return bool == 'true' ? true : false
function formatUser(user) {
return {
username: stringify(user[0]),
email: stringify(user[1]),
expiry: parseInt(user[2]),
userVar: stringify(user[3]),
hwid: stringify(user[4]),
level: parseInt(user[5]),
paused: boolify(user[6]),
banned: boolify(user[7])
function formatToken(token) {
return {
token: stringify(token[0]),
days: parseInt(token[1]),
level: parseInt(token[2]),
used: boolify(token[3]),
used_by: stringify(token[4])
function formatLog(log) {
return {
username: stringify(log[0]),
message: stringify(log[1]),
time: new Date(log[2]),
ip: stringify(log[3])
function formatForm(obj) {
const form = new FormData();
for (const key in obj) {
form.append(key, obj[key] || '');
return form;
const optsNotDefined = new TypeError('Options not defined'),
noUsername = new TypeError('Username not specified'),
tokenAmountNotNumber = new TypeError('Token amount not number'),
tokenDaysNotNumber = new TypeError('Token days not number'),
tokenLevelNotNumber = new TypeError('Token level not number'),
tokenTypeNotNumber = new TypeError('Token type not number'),
tokenNotString = new TypeError('Token type not string'),
noPassword = new TypeError('Password not specified'),
noEmail = new TypeError('Email not specified'),
noMessage = new TypeError('Message not specified')
* @class Api interface
class API {
* @param {Object} opts Options passed to constructor
constructor(opts) {
opts = Object.assign({}, {
adminBaseUrl: '',
universalBaseUrl: ''
}, opts);
this.opts = opts;
this.universal = Axios.create({
baseURL: this.opts.universalBaseUrl,
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla cAuth'
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false,
this.admin = Axios.create({
baseURL: this.opts.adminBaseUrl,
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla cAuth'
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false,
* Dispatched a request on a axios object
* @param {Axios} axios axios object to perform request on
* @param {Object} params object for params
* @param {Object} form object for form
* @param {Array} errors responses that will cause reject
* @return {Promise} request that will respond with its data
async dispatch(axios, params, form) {
params = new URLSearchParams(params);
form = formatForm(form);
return'?' + params, form, {
headers: form.getHeaders()
.then(async res => {
if (!res || ! throw new Error('Empty response');
* Dispatch with universal api
* @param {String} type The type param
* @param {Object} opts Form to post
* @param {Array} errors responses that will cause reject
* @return {Promise} request that will respond with its data
universalDispatch(type, opts) {
opts = Object.assign({}, {
program_key: this.opts.programKey,
api_key: this.opts.apiKey
}, opts);
return this.dispatch(
{ type },
.then(data => {
if (!data.success) {
const error = new Error(data.message);
error.response = data.response;
throw error;
return data;
* Admin with universal api
* @param {String} type The type param
* @param {Object} opts Form to post
* @param {Array} errors responses that will cause reject
* @return {Promise} request that will respond with its data
adminDispatch(type, opts, errors = []) {
opts = Object.assign({}, {
program_key: this.opts.programKey,
admin_token: this.opts.adminKey
}, opts);
if (errors && !Array.isArray(errors)) throw new Error('Errors not array');
errors = errors.concat([
return this.dispatch(
{ type },
.then(data => {
if (errors.includes(data)) {
throw new Error(data);
return data;
* Fetch a user
* @param {Object} opts object of options
* @param {String} opts.username username to fetch
* @return {Promise<User>}
async fetchUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('fetch_single_user', opts,
.then(data => {
return formatUser(data.split('|'));
* Fetch all users
* @param {Object} opts options params
* @return {Promise<String[]>}
async fetchUsers(opts = {}) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
return this.adminDispatch('fetch_all_users', opts)
.then(data => {
return data.split('&').map(user => formatUser(user.split('|')));
* Resets user hwid
* @param {Object} opts options params
* @param {String} opts.username Username to reset hwid for
* @return {Promise} response for request
async resetHwid(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('reset_user_hwid', opts,
* Dlete a user
* @param {Object} opts options params
* @param {String} opts.username username to delete
* @return {Promise}
async deleteUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('delete_user', opts,
* Edit variable for user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to get var of
* @param {String} opts.new_var the new variable
* @return {Promise]} Response from api
async editVar(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
if (typeof opts.new_var != 'string') throw new Error('No new_var specified');
return this.adminDispatch('edit_user_var', opts,
* Puases a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to pause
* @return {Promise} Response from api
async pauseUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('pause_user_sub', opts,
* Unpuases a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to pause
* @return {Promise} Response from api
async unpauseUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('unpause_user_sub', opts,
* ban a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to ban
* @return {Promise} response from api
async banUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('ban_user', opts,
* Unban a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to unban
* @return {Promise} response from api
async unbanUser(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername
return this.adminDispatch('unban_user', opts,
* Generate a token
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {Number} opts.token_amount The amount of tokens to generate
* @param {Number} opts.token_days The amount of days for token
* @param {Number} opts.token_level The level of the token
* @param {Number} opts.token_type The type of token
* @return {Promise} response from api
async genToken(opts) {
opts = Object.assign({}, {
token_amount: 1,
token_days: 1,
token_level: 1,
token_type: 1
}, opts);
if (typeof opts.token_amount != 'number') throw tokenAmountNotNumber;
if (typeof opts.token_days != 'number') throw tokenDaysNotNumber;
if (typeof opts.token_level != 'number') throw tokenLevelNotNumber;
if (typeof opts.token_type != 'number') throw tokenTypeNotNumber;
return this.adminDispatch('gen_token', opts, [
.then(res => {
return res.split('|');
* Fetched a token
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.token The token to fetch
* @return {Promise} response from api
async fetchToken(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (typeof opts.token != 'string') throw tokenNotString;
return this.adminDispatch('fetch_single_token', opts,
.then(data => {
return formatToken(data.split('|'));
* Fetch all tokens
* @param {Object} [opts={}]
* @return {Promise} response from api
async fetchTokens(opts = {}) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
return this.adminDispatch('fetch_all_tokens', opts)
.then(data => {
return data.split('&').map(token => formatToken(token.split('|')));
* Delete a token
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.token token to delete
* @return {Promise} response from api
async deleteToken(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (typeof opts.token != 'string') throw tokenNotString;
return this.adminDispatch('delete_token', opts, [
* Delete all logs
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @return {Promise} response from api
async deleteAllLogs(opts = {}) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
return this.adminDispatch('delete_all_logs', opts);
* Fetch all the logs
* @param {Object} opts
* @return {Promise} response from api
async fetchLogs(opts = {}) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
return this.adminDispatch('fetch_all_logs', opts)
.then(data => {
return data.split('&').map(log => formatLog(log.split('|')));
.catch(async err => {
if (err && err.message == 'Empty response') return [];
else throw err;
* Login with user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to login with
* @param {String} opts.password password of user
* @return {Promise} response from api
async login(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername;
if (typeof opts.password != 'string') throw noPassword;
return this.universalDispatch('login', opts)
.then(async data => {
return data.user_data;
* Register a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to register
* @param {String} email of user
* @param {String} opts.password password of the user
* @param {String} opts.token token of user
* @return {Promise} response from api
async register(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername;
if (typeof != 'string') throw noEmail;
if (typeof opts.password != 'string') throw noPassword;
if (typeof opts.token != 'string') throw tokenNotString;
return this.universalDispatch('register', opts, 'response')
.then(data => {
return data.response;
* Activate a token
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to activate token for
* @param {String} opts.password password of user
* @param {String} opts.token token to activate
* @return {Promise} response from api
async activate(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (typeof opts.username != 'string') throw noUsername;
if (typeof opts.password != 'string') throw noPassword;
if (typeof opts.token != 'string') throw tokenNotString;
return this.universalDispatch('activate', opts)
.then(data => {
return data.response;
* Log a user
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.username username to log
* @param {String} opts.message message to log
* @return {Promise} response from api
async log(opts) {
if (!opts) throw optsNotDefined;
if (!opts.username) throw noUsername;
if (!opts.message) throw noMessage;
return this.universalDispatch('log', opts)
.then(data => {
return data.response;
module.exports = { API }
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ha6000 commented Aug 24, 2020

it is updated to support universall api changes

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