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h8rt3rmin8r h8rt3rmin8r

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mjdargen /
Last active August 13, 2024 19:44
Retrieves NASDAQ listed securities from NASDAQ ftp server updated nightly.
# NASDAQ-Listed Securities
# File Name: nasdaqlisted.txt
# FTP Directory:
# Field Name Definition
# Symbol The one to four or five character identifier for each
# NASDAQ-listed security.
# Security Name Company issuing the security.
# Market Category The category assigned to the issue by NASDAQ based on
ernestkamara / AdbCommands
Created June 26, 2018 08:42 — forked from Pulimet/AdbCommands
Adb useful commands list
== Adb Server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
== Adb Reboot
adb reboot
adb reboot recovery
adb reboot-bootloader
== Shell
reg2k / Fallout 4 All Console Commands.txt
Created March 4, 2018 16:29
Dump of all Fallout 4 console commands (with description)
ID Full Name Short Name Description
256: Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
257: ShowVars SV Show variables on object. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [player->sv]
258: ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show all global variables.
259: ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [svq QuestID]
260: ShowQuests SQ List quests.
261: ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
qti3e /
Last active September 11, 2024 15:11
List of file signatures and mime types based on file extensions
kevinadi /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
Script to create self-signed CA certificates, server certificates, and client certificates for testing MongoDB with SSL
# Generate self signed root CA cert
openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -subj "/C=AU/ST=NSW/L=Sydney/O=MongoDB/OU=root/CN=`hostname -f`/"
# Generate server cert to be signed
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -subj "/C=AU/ST=NSW/L=Sydney/O=MongoDB/OU=server/CN=`hostname -f`/"
# Sign the server cert
alirobe / reclaimWindows10.ps1
Last active August 31, 2024 20:27
This Windows 10 Setup Script turns off a bunch of unnecessary Windows 10 telemetery, bloatware, & privacy things. Not guaranteed to catch everything. Review and tweak before running. Reboot after running. Scripts for reversing are included and commented. Fork of (different defaults). N.…
### UPDATE: For Win 11, I recommend using this tool in place of this script:
### iwr -useb | iex
meskarune /
Created September 18, 2015 17:09
speech to text bash script using google's voice recognition api
echo “Recording… Press Ctrl+C to Stop.”
arecord -D “plughw:1,0” -q -f cd -t wav | ffmpeg -loglevel panic -y -i – -ar 16000 -acodec flac file.flac > /dev/null 2>&1
echo “Processing…”
wget -q -U “Mozilla/5.0” –post-file file.flac –header “Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000” -O – “” | cut -d” -f12 >stt.txt
echo -n “You Said: ”
janikvonrotz / Convert-DirectoryToJson.ps1
Last active February 21, 2024 21:28
Convert-DirectoryToJson #PowerShell #JSON
function Get-RandomHexString {
$hex = '012345679ABCDEF'.ToCharArray()
$array = foreach($number in 1..$count ){ $hex | Get-Random}
return (($array) -join "").ToString().ToLower()
function Get-WikiType{
-accesscode -
-batterytestmode - rapidly cycle battery percentages for testing
-bigpicture - Start in Steam Big Picture mode
-browser-offline -
-cafeapplaunch - Launch apps in a cyber cafe context
-candidates - Show libjingle candidates for local connection as they are processed
-ccsyntax - Spew details about the localized strings we load
-cef-allow-browser-underlay - Allow webhelper to create BrowserView underlays
-cef-delaypageload - Enable early-out for known page loads
-cef-disable-breakpad - disables breakpad in crash dumps