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{"openapi":"3.1.0","info":{"title":"FastAPI","version":"0.1.0"},"paths":{"/v1/chat/completions":{"post":{"summary":"Creates a model response for the given that conversation.","description":"Given a list of messages comprising a conversation, the model will return a response.\n\nCurrently, we support `meta-llama/meta-llama-3.1-8b-instruct`, `google/gemma-2-9b-it` and `microsoft/phi-3-mini-4k-instruct` as the model.","operationId":"create_chat_completion_v1_chat_completions_post","parameters":[{"name":"x-phala-signature-type","in":"header","required":false,"schema":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"type":"null"}],"description":"StandaloneApi or ModifiedResponse. If other value is set, will not have signature","title":"X-Phala-Signature-Type"},"description":"StandaloneApi or ModifiedResponse. If other value is set, will not have signature","example":"ModifiedResponse"}],"requestBody":{"required":true,"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/ChatCompletionRequest"}}}},"responses":{"200":{

Linking my account h4x3rotab on GitHub with my address 5DFG7GbJu6BrVkt4EAgnMjyDGZosdTd7uxKU4VJLZJ8MqpLh on Substrate in, and the challenge code is: 5cab6a89d5f86210473b69a6aaaec99e. #LitentryVerifyMyAddress

Linking my account h4x3rotab on GitHub with my address 5DFG7GbJu6BrVkt4EAgnMjyDGZosdTd7uxKU4VJLZJ8MqpLh on Substrate in, and the challenge code is: bb4d286c87a516202d342a5a8603d0b2. #LitentryVerifyMyAddress
h4x3rotab /
Last active March 31, 2021 11:41
Start pahla collator

Deploy ElectrumX Server On Ubuntu

Here are the steps required to run electrumX for BitcoinGold wallet ElectrumG. Replace the variables according to your setup.

  • $username is the username under which electrumX will run
  • $rpcuser$ and $rpcpass are form the conf of bitcoindgold.conf

Before run

Make sure you have at least 30G ~ 40G free space on your device, and you have enabled txindex=1 in bitcoingold.conf

h4x3rotab /
Last active March 30, 2020 21:05 — forked from azrdev/
build tinc-1.1pre .deb package on raspbian

Follow for (which is currently 1.1pre17)

sudo apt-get install packaging-dev debian-keyring devscripts equivs

Don't add experimental to your sources.list, its gpg keys are not in raspbian. Instead, get the source package (.dsc and tinc source code) manually: On look for the "source package" link in the box on the right side; it is currently labeled [tinc_1.1~pre17-1.1.dsc]. Then use that link to get the .dsc and the source code, and continue with the debian backport guide:

h4x3rotab /
Created September 13, 2019 05:06

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am h4x3rotab on github.
  • I am h4x3rotab ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 02EC D7F2 1ABE A88B 4270 CB2A 38EE 12EB 597B 4FC0

To claim this, I am signing this object:

h4x3rotab /
Last active January 26, 2018 06:54
Analysis of stolen coins from a miner's wallet
import decimal
import requests
# load all related transactions
target = 'GRTi7YMuJvMFJbcbp8a4YnjKTZ6UJBpGJA'
rsps = [requests.get(''
% (target, i)) for i in range(8)] # 8 pages in total. got it manually
all_data = [resp.json() for resp in rsps]
# PMX 2.0 file format #
This is a description of the PMX file format. This is used for 3D models in Miku Miku Dance (MMD).
Since I couldn't find any English descriptions of the PMX file format, I've made this, which is translated from I haven't used this file format yet, so please don't ask me what everything means.
An English guide to the PMD file format, which preceeded PMX, can be found here:
If you want to learn more, there are some open source projects on GitHub which can read this format, so go take a look at them.
Note: fields with type text begins with an int (32 bit) with how many bytes of text the section is.