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Last active August 11, 2021 13:07
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Ansible Playbook using the community.ciscosmb module to import externally generated ssl certificates to cisco small business series (SG300/SG500/SG550) switches. Standard PKCS#8 PEM files are converted to PKCS#1 format cisco wants.
#run with -e certdir=/some/path to point at the dir with your {{ inventory_hostname }}.pem and .key files
- name: import wildcard certificate to the switches
hosts: cisco_switch
gather_facts: false
become: false
certpath: "{{ certdir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.pem"
keypath: "{{ certdir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.key"
ansible_connection: network_cli
ansible_network_os: community.ciscosmb.ciscosmb
ansible_python_interpreter: auto_silent
- name: prepare the certificate and key in cisco format
delegate_to: localhost
- name: check the certificate files
path: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ certpath }}"
- "{{ keypath }}"
register: tmp
- name: fail if file does not exist
msg: "{{ item.item }} does not exist"
when: not item.stat.exists
loop: "{{ tmp.results }}"
- name: read certificate into variable
cert: "{{ lookup('file', certpath) }}"
- name: convert private key to pkcs#1 format
command: "openssl rsa -in {{ keypath }} -outform pem"
register: tmp1
- name: convert public key to pkcs#1 format
command: "openssl rsa -in {{ keypath }} -outform pem -RSAPublicKey_out"
register: tmp2
- name: read keys into variable
privkey: "{{ tmp1.stdout }}"
pubkey: "{{ tmp2.stdout }}"
#- debug:
# msg: "{{ privkey }}\n{{ pubkey }}\n{{ cert }}\n"
- name: upload the certificate and keys
- config
- "crypto certificate 2 import\n{{ privkey }}\n{{ pubkey }}\n{{ cert }}\n."
register: tmp
failed_when: "'Certificate imported successfully' not in tmp.stdout[1]"
- name: enable the certificate
- ip https certificate 2
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