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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save h2non/4d5466ff3127812a21df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save h2non/4d5466ff3127812a21df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
libvips cache trace output. Merges both stdout and stderr
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70191b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70191b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70197f0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70197f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019980) -
vips cache+: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98004b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98007d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800af0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fe10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2084b8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x580bed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2084b8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f4b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343980) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83434d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83434d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208674000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x580a050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208674000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83504c0) -
v127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:11] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 0.2170
ips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ae20) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ae20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208774000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208774000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a4c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2088f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350b00) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2088f4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b650) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70374d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70374d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9005990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208cc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037b10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208cc0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843e10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037ca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:11] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 0.3068
, data = 0xc209000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70371b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2091fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d4d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70371b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60137f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983bb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d4d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60131b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2091fc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359320) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60131b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2092fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013e30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2092fc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b7f0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x983bc90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013340) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2096f0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843af0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8356850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901be30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359000) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x901be30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b340) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2096f0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ac90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209afe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98084d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810020) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98084d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60114b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209afe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810e30) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835baf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpeglo127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:11] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 0.5261
ad_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810e30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83597d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b4b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a1c0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5823590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x834dca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885660) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78851b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x835bc80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e4d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b4b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808ca0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a5ba000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78851b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a1c0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a6ba000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834de30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a7ba000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d7f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f320) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a8fa000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78097d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83824d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a5ba000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a3bad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a6ba000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601de30) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78097d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a7ba000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83824d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ab00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98081b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90271b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a8fa000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90277f0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ac00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x601de30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58291a0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b7f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e020) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98081b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90271b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ad00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5822ca0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906caf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98104d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c330) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ae00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90277f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ab00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20af80000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ac00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x906caf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x781cb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x606db10) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b140000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031020) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ad00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b020) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b344000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ae00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b55a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601faf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x781cb00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60317f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b75c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20af80000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:11] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 0.8511
0x837db00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b244000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58451b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5822d90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b140000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601faf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x582cca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2084b8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60317f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83471b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b344000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b85c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b55a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58451b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854af0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d4c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b95c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b75c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c010) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7038190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837dc90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ba5c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b244000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83471b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x781cc90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983ee30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2970) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bb5c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2084b8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58457f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b85c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bc9c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909cb00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f24c0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bdfc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983ee30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b95c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83477f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a499e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ba5c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58567d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bf00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x836be30) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bb5c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x585ae30) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x89127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:12] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 1.1083
f24c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98887d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347340) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909cc90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bc9c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58567d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c3c0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a49ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bdfc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fe10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854c80) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a45850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836be30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x585ae30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60774b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c7e8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20bf00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076000) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c9f6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076c80) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c100000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20cc02000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829b00) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9006370) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58334b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60774b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ce0e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706dca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c3c0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d016000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e640) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d21a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c7e8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70017f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c650) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58334b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602aaf0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c9f6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20cf16000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:12] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 1.2953
d4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aab00) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60314d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208674000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x89e1ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d7f0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20cc02000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fc80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373c80) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208774000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ee10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d1a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d660) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ce0e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706de30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70017f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90421a0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d31a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602aaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90427e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d016000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888320) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aab00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d41a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d21a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d51a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061af0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8c90) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:12] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 1.4274
0x605c4c0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9809190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78544d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d61a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20cf16000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ee10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d71a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90421a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58547d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208674000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x600ead0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901bca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d81a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b87e0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90427e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d91a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208774000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20da1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2b00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20db1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d31a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dc1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78544d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b24c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d41a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864b00) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d51a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70401a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dd1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001980) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b87e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60767d0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8366990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f21a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d61a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20deda000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58644c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aac90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1af0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d71a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78127e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d81a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dff2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b24c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d91a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a42850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d000) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e0fe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20da1a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79e30) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70401a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c1a0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20db1a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x983eca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60767d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dc1a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987aaf0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58644c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e380000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a797f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x585ab10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98947e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78127e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e540000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061c80) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dd1a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e730000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef4c0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20deda000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854660) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 acces127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:12] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 1.7129
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83737d0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60741e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20eb44000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98941a0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867e20) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784caf0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ed50000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dff2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ef5a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8970) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x987aaf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a797f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585ab10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f166000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e0fe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60742d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f370000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602daf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x836bca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a37d0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:12] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 1.8012
x7885340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a422d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef4c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d1a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83737d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0af0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e380000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f7a0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98941a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d650) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78721b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x784caf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e540000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040330) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d11a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78727f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e730000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208874000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860e10) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864650) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20eb44000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58564b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f8a0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ed50000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812970) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84151a0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ef5a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586de20) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a37d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70014d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f9a0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x580bcf0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98607d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f166000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20faa0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x787be20) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873ca0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78721b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f370000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602eaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x601e190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fba0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78727f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84157e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fca0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987ac80) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79980) -
vips cache+: cast in=( - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.0319
(VipsImage*) 0x7098000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fe00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f7a0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e04d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa7e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58564b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5b10) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ff00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84107d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x586de20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20d11a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b14d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208874000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef650) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x702a450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98607d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x787be20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70877d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894330) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16ca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d04d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f8a0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909de10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784cc80) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x701eed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84157e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410190) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.1723 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.1628
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410e10) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f9a0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210600000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20faa0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60617d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a161b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fba0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3320) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0b10) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b14d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6ca0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x702a990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b31a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3960) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fca0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0c80) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20fe00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70877d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a024c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b84c0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6029850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ff00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909de10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e67f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872980) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84127e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e84d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383c80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x605ce20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70987d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210100000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60617d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60362d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a161b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58801b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e84d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210200000, le127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.2670
ngth = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f020) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2111f0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b21a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b31a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84121a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602dc80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412e20) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2113f6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860960) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210600000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58641a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a024c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953000) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953e10) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b84c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2115fa000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x983eca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58807f0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e67f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6012190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601dca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211804000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: s127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.4337
equential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e84d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b1b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211a12000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x605ce20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78124c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70987d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211c16000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59537d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e84d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211e30000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5640) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21203e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b21a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x842eb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d4d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98731b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84121a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60332d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401000) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212242000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98737f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2be30) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc210f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21244e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eb10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087960) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a881b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x781cc90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9006a30) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212658000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212862000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58807f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410320) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2111f0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212a74000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa14c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212c80000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2113f6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092ca0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x837e990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212e90000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59537d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a794d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6650) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2130a8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16340) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.6917
0xc2115fa000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2091fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609eb10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84247d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2116fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x842eb00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x843eaf0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98731b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211b16000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211804000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f37d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98737f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3e10) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x836bca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211a12000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58674c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70194d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208cc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efe20) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eb10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441c80) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a881b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211c16000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1b00) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98adaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02650) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208dc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211e30000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6e20) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208ec0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d7f0) format=((VipsBandForma127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:13] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.7469
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a48850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21203e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208fc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x587bb10) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8660) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84714d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212242000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21244e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84417d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a794d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99144d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212658000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99194c0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c21a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x908de30) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213600000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84247d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212862000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x843eaf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d7e0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60321e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4e20) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212a74000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412330) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f37d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212c80000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58911a0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b07d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891e20) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc212e90000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ac80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98adaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2130a8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e4d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60322d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2091fc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919b00) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x609eca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914b10) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.8691
data = 0xc2116fc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc7d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x586db00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aac90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880980) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f47e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211b16000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x707dca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84714d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83837d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70191b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5b10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84417d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208cc0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99144d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208dc0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c21a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953960) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208ec0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a622d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fe10) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208fc0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x842ec90) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d7e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x607127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 2.9966
7000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x587bca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83501a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58911a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b07d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8e20) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58917e0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c17e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83437f0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5831190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044e10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213600000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894e20) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98acb00) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f47e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x591cca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7820c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609dca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83837d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c87e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d57f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8c80) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c27e0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214600000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70371b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fe10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424960) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901bb10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aae20) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x843ec80) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88e30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933af0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.2445
x89f2650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x781bad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869af0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af97f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99157d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c77f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1010) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58917e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c17e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84017d0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98964b0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bc90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70adb10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84894b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc213f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f960) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98acb00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa1a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc960) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d01b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0e30) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60857d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips ca127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.3616
che : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ae20) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c4d0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x89e8190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a5d450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d020) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215188000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214100000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60927f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343e30) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c87e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad4b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d57f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441960) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215392000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x907cc80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2155a0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60117d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70371b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2157a2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595de30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2159b2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16b10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x901bb10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYP127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.4532
E_BLOB, data = 0xc215bbc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5834990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e81b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x591ce30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215dd2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916b00) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3aaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af97f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c37d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c77f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215fdc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84017d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2161de000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1e20) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70adb10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c7f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2163f6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214600000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb4c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5857850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x593ab10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e64d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60aec80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84894b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919c90) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216810000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c1b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa1a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60857d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451ca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f4b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c4d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c7f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216c32000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60927f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x984aaf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8e30) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5ca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5858ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216e34000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a804d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21703c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60117d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:14] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.7231
: copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91007d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60114b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x595de30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58340a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217250000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fc80) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21745a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84511b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21766a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217874000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc214f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3aaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af91b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472020) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217a76000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c37d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215188000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x597faf0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217c88000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70377f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215392000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891970) -
vips cach127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.7909
e : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350c90) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b394c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044320) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d17e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2155a0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb4c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2157a2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x593ab10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e64d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9085190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2159b2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2092fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98acc90) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215bbc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b11b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215dd2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2096f0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215fdc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x984aaf0) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 3.9360
xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037b10) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209afe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2161de000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c7d0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5873c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98104d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215cc8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a804d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cc90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215ed4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2163f6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216d34000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39b00) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60114b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58434b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60aee10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e7e0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216810000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84511b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217148000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78947e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907caf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2010) space=((Vip127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 4.1870
sInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933c80) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f91a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217e08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b67f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850af0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216c32000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x597faf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217f08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e1b0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58746d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218008000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218108000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218208000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216e34000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21703c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70adca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218308000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d17e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837de20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218408000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60134d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218508000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217250000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6c90) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21745a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59184d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218608000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21766a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b11b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b7e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217874000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218708000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5874990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217a76000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218808000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217c88000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218908000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bb10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218a08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983ee30) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218b08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20818e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : c127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 4.4000
opy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218c08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aece20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d1b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84244b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218d08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208358000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2640) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aac90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x601b2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218e08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c61a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e7d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218f08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2092fc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b660) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219008000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219108000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6be20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2096f0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f91a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916c90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98081b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219208000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dcb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84984c0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3960) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219308000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_B127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 4.4701
LOB, data = 0xc219408000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aadca0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a817d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209afe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219508000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215cc8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f960) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83510f0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219608000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99141b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x837de20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215ed4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d64c0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219708000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216d34000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d020) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae7d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219808000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3dca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219908000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59184d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2e10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217148000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc4b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : cop127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:15] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 4.6323
y in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb340) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219a08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbb10) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219b08000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a4b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219cc8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217e08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f9010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83ba990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6e30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217f08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e14c0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x984ac80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218008000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218108000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d4d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218208000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84414b0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x601a9e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c7e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218308000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aece20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84244b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218408000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c1a0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60131b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218508000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c61a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x610ce20) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218608000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a600000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de4b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218708000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x601aad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e67d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6be20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983bc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLO127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:16] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 4.9400
B, data = 0xc218808000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84984c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873020) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x597fc80) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218908000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a817d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218a08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33320) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x606a050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21aa00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99984c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218b08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d7d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21abc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8970) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d64c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a337d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218c08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ada8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845020) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218d08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21afb2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3dca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf320) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218e08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc218f08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99764b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b1c6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98a7590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bfaf0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219008000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b3d4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc4c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219108000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70deaf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f44c0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b5e0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c7d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219208000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835be10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971c90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9e20) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dcc90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b7ea000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x78af050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84727f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219308000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219408000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b9fe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ac90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98887d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d4d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_bu127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:16] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 5.1326
ffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219508000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21bbfe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84414b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ec80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219608000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800af0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21be0c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f57e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c01a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c1a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60707d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c228000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219708000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39c90) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c438000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219808000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x711be10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219908000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x908dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c644000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x610ce20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x784eed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f71b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836be30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c84e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ca5e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219a08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e67d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegloa127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:16] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 5.2135
d_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21cc70000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219b08000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ce7e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bc90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219cc8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de7f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d086000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f91a0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d292000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d4a6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x987b8a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59dee30) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a100000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91334c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d6b2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a337d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x917bc90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58291a0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer= - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:16] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 5.4496
VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d8bc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c970) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21daca000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070e10) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21dcd2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae960) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07e30) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21deec000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99764b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918660) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e0f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f4c0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a000) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a600000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x987b990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e50e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f77f0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70deaf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f44c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c84c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x836bca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e92e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21eb2e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21a900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935020) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae04d0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98887d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x594bca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b964c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a334b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e1a0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21aa00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998650) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a5ba000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x852eaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21abc0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78944c0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58454d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ada8000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998c90) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x582ee30) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x590ee20) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21bafe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a071b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x711be10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a1c0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21afb2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85014d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6330) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b1c6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bfc80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998eb00) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e7e0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b3d4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99337d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602aaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fb00) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83821b0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b5e0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x907e590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1fb10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704faf0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ec46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b7ea000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c01b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ed46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b9fe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ee46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTI127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:17] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 5.8346
AL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58671a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c74d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81960) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ef46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21bbfe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59dee30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x912be10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x91334c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998010) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21be0c000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5970) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f046000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57ca0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b000) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x917bc90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad020) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f146000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c01a000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f246000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c228000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c438000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f346000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7bb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x595db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037340) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c644000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a25850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f446000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc010) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c84e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x606de30) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f546000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071af0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ca5e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0340) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f646000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc650) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f77f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21cc70000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aab00) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ce7e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c84c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f746000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6ca0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x836bca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f846000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d086000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x992ce30) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f9330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f946000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d292000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fa46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad980) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae04d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57020) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x987ac80) interpolate=((VipsInterpo127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:17] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 6.1390
lateBicubic*) 0x8a56590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a654d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fb46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b964c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c320) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fc46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d4a6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e1a0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fd46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e7e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d6b2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78944c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x908c450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fe46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ff46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x590ee20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba27d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d8bc000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21daca000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a071b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220046000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8650) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21dcd2000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220146000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c970) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x85014d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220246000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21deec000, - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:17] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 6.3323
length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220346000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e1a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220446000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e7e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e0f4000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220546000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99337d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f47f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847000) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220646000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220746000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e50e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220846000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847640) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fb00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220946000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70874b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e92e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220a46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60767d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bcc80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c01b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c34b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c7d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x605ce20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600faf0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220b46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21eb2e000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869960) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c74d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220c46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8400590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35960) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220d46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b21a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b1b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99987e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854000) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a5ba000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220e46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b7e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220f46000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21bafe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba960) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1320) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221046000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8010) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a1c0000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90ce050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221146000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb970) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221246000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4640) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x784cc80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90ccad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2213c6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cc90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2214f6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae37e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f14b0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x903eaf0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2215fe000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc209f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70dec80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aab00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6ca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aebe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ec46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, dat127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:18] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 6.5868
a = 0xc221800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1dc90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x992ce30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a7d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ed46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e010) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ee46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ef46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c14c0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5b00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ec90) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f046000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5330) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087c80) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f146000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f246000, length = - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:18] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 6.8265
877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83e78a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78854d0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f346000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7bca0) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91004b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f446000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f640) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f546000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x708f590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a674b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222400000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451b10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f646000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67960) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222500000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d97f0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f746000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:18] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.0454
0x83f4010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de980) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222600000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f660) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f846000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222700000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70874b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca14c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9029c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c34b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21f946000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977970) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222800000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3c90) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fa46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a970) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2010) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222900000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fb46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f71a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fc46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441c80) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fd46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133010) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133650) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b020) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90d42d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e020) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21fe46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98007d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21ff46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220046000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5020) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3ca0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220146000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b660) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220246000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220346000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x701cb70) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d330) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220446000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x710db00) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220546000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f41b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99717e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8650) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220646000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220746000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x903eaf0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7980) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220846000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8c90) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8391990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:18] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.2972
= 0xc220946000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220a46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84edb10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8ca0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220b46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a651b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40960) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78917d0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220c46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7897050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ffc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33000) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e330) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220d46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c14c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860e10) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ec90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b391a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909ce20) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220e46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382b10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc220f46000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70baaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba37f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbe10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221046000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d81a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8020) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221146000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83477f0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221246000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2213c6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456c90) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2214f6000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3970) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b07d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2215fe000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c4c0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fc90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83e7b20) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x855bc80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60311b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132000) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x781ce20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy i127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.5668 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.5763
n=((VipsImage*) 0x908d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221a00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0b10) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441c80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221b00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864b00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221c00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af27f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98737f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b650) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fe10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e07e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x592bc90) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8400450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221d00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221e00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc221f00000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58641a0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7be30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222000000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817320) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222100000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8660) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e1a0) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222200000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d330) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222300000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fe30) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222400000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6ca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99717e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f04d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909de10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222500000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fb00) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7897ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8e20) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222600000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb340) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222700000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b64d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222800000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83824d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3bb00) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b190) -
vips cache : copy in=((Vips127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.7699
Image*) 0x8c8f320) -
vips cache+: jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222900000, length = 877585 shrink=4 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ffc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a657f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99357f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74640) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b391a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65ca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f54c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c020) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60927f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2be30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86551b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d87e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7846050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a7f0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90277f0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f84b0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6b00) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83477f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602dc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) -
vips cach127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 7.9474
e : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b4c0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b84c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x710dc90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120960) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58477d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60311b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x855bc80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x789e6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b354b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78507d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9fe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb320) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182970) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f640) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945ca0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f77e127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 8.1810 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:19] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 8.2221
0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a577f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83474d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x592bc90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x989ef20) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7e20) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf000) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x599cc80) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bc90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28640) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8ca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebb00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab47d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4c80) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3b00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8413850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84127e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e7d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126ca0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x586dc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1e10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed4d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x908dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa17e0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b64d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41010) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83824d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b021b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ce10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58801b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f320) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a417e0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e7e0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41c90) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58fc190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99357f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609ee30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e7d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74c80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8020) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b1a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83837d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092ca0) int127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:20] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 8.5117
erpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5881850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b980) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x71367f0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a627f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf640) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a340) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98d8990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e7d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4640) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a7d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120960) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eeb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67af0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02b00) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e11a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83b6ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a794d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688c80) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca17e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9010) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182330) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b000) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90d4990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812330) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1e20) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945ca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99197e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a577f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x852ee10) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b1b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a681a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d660) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x982d4a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d51b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d51b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x599cc80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28000127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:20] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 8.6676
) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d1b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bc90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28c80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894b00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91261b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b81a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3aca0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84361e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9b10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84127e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84017d0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126ca0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d94d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1fe30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e7f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa17e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa14c0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9b00) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((Vips127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:20] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 8.9181
Image*) 0x8aad340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061640) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x58801b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84362d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98731b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d84b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb4b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9c90) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x609ee30) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860c80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2010) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8020) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acaca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x843f850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba24b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba31b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x711baf0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8403ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6ca0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98adc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84561a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80980) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040e20) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b4d0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f340) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f34b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d4c0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e11a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908c90) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x855be10) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688c80) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf4b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f17d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585ae30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b000) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x842b190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e61b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c1b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78914b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage* - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:20] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.0598
) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70191b0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x99197e0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905010) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x594bb10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076000) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58b5050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x592be20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d51b0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953e10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad1b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a010) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60717d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845ca0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98174b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac87f0) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e4c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c7f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b7f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsIma127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.2449
ge*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076af0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b330) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908650) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f7e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869fe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eec90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x982d720) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86237e0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129330) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb4d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa14c0) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f87f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aebb10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c7e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x835baf0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b91a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061640) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b320) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f4b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f94c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: shrink in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9c90) xshrink=4.000000 yshrink=4.000000 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98d8850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae01b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78541b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef7d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98004b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsIm127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.5353
age*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca4d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c1b0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x605ce20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60777d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c7f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x711baf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07b10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61974b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58b2ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a1b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e07f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b21a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb960) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e67f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ae30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be57e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f1a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x842ec90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x991a190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x587be30) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afb660) tile-heigh127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.7558
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb97f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca11a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61824c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98604b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e1a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60704b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e1b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99457f0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5822d40) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15b10) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf31b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf37f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x846ab10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b082d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acae30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894c90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b494d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83504c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b54b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a= - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.7937
1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x599ce10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60717d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1c80) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ac80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a287d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a839e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84154c0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28e10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1b10) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e960) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91267f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101320) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f87f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb320) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x609dca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a83ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a411a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412010) x=0 y=0 width= - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 9.9548
300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afbb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e4b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41e20) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae01b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x908dca0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70194d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x704faf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x917bb00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837dc90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a1a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf7d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98d8d90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3baf0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a7e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a4d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:21] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.1003 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.2421
cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6051050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e47d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb000) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f44d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b87e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ee970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eee20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afb660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x843ec80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x609f2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834dca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e91a0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e7f0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x981f990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02b10) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ae20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f91a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fe10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7340) space= - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.2626
((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2340) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5834280) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x79051a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99141b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e34b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a884d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x79057e0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x843d990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60774b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98734d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x71477d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d54b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad7f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c010) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84414b0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7018850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e11a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfbaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed020) -
vips cache+: affine - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.4136
in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70bead0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x706fc90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98af190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b4c0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99087e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x584ce10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6c80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61294c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9980) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x591ce30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e94b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9b00) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x992cca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d87d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7811ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x615de20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174af0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e640) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExt127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.5251
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3340) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a05050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b970) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f4d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49660) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x89ed400) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc71b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616ae10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70454b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b64b0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d37d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ee010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be54c0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: li127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.6603
near in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f4c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7811850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb94d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856000) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x835bc80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afbca0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a414c0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a936d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fe10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42af0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90f1990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x991bca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704fc80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x869eb10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEN127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.8482
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2af0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98107f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9340) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c640) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebc90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a634b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707de30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856e10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x706fc90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x78ae050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f57d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91017d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8399590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:22] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 10.9648
height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10970) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40640) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c74d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x902c230) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a801b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ae4b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8b00) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58437d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59efe10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc71b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86557f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e64d0) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5640) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac81b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af650) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61977d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1330) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x600fc80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ab8a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d67e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3b00) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5b00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938000) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x584caf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bb10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b327e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x591cca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b960) -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84064d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b= - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.2337
0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x605ce20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9c80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a414c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ab990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache-: black width=1 height=1 bands=3 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e7d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf34d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b17f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f9c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e7d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x89e18f0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x611ec80) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x608d6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b497f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045640) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.3569 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.3743
=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5941d90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817c80) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a017f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90757e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84897d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f57d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d54d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6ec90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98acc90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83dd850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834de30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78574b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afbe30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f97e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.6664
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd84b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed4d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fc80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a4c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x608cde0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98104d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5823590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5891c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909cb00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a7e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a684c0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3baf0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x616aaf0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x834db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x852eaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58434b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a49a80) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9dca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae17d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 heig127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.7783 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:23] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.7574
ht=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d67e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa11a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a291a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606db10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78947e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x608ced0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120640) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b321a0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98087f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb4d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83434d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e7e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83efe10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1fe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84a96d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bbc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0e30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78124c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b1a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cddaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b17f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91104b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad960) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a5b190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e37d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a4b0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x70adca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7086850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb010) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f7d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077960) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d57d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f340) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5e20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x606f190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad4d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867dca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 11.9515
*) 0x8b2b1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a7d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1660) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8441320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70a8050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91abca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d54d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166c80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99717e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70c8ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70404c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x584cc80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489af0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9eaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98adc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c31b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60458a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347b10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9006190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70197f0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8407960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b1b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((V127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.0044 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.0878
ipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ec80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x701a970) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x983ee30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6045990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78547f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acab10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90427e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d7f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78094b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a154d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e64b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d1b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9876590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70457d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9dca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage* - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.1251 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.1787
) 0x9916010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58df2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x792aca0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac4c0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01980) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d34b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3af0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bfe10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x869fb00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7dc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8361190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de4b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c7d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83434d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3fe10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58dbc50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78124c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58519e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.2434 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.2853
in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79ca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ee10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b427d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e21a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013340) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b87e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3bc80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b4c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d14c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x587d2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60311b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dce20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fb10) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9018190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bae10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b010) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83594b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae14d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aadca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x992ce30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6b00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x595faf0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98004b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58df0a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1c90) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78e30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587be30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129c90) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880e30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78851b0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602dc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70197f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58df190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a34d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d321a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857af0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99771a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90421a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9970) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad4b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x984ac80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7085050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE i127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.4517
nterlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90adaf0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cb00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acab10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b27e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c7e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a41e30) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987ae10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84724d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992320) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86371b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eee20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d5190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f4d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1c90) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c2c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x836be30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373960) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70d2ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x792aca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x867de30) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae4b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c640) format=((VipsBandForm127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:24] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.6270
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91abe30) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60b8590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbe30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcfc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aa010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70401a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9038340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32b00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99387d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5db10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84067f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f9650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692330) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e97e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8407af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d51a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be51a0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x597fc80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60b8850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff960) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:25] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 12.7386
format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5960) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5c90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61894b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f87d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e17e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909cc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f14b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78544d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b0190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77c80) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a6d190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1330) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60311b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a157f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58647e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e34b0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x835f770) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af1a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed7f0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x595dca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3be10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c781b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8aefad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfc80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((Vi127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:25] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.0669
psImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bfc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be51a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7de10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84564c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aeaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b14c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb91b0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e6660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8407000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9916970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd4b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a6c8a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x701ac90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8aef1e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x594bca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd87d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d77e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692970) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e6b10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f44d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59efc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsIma127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:25] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.1766 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:25] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.2893
ge*) 0x605cb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99357f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fe20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dcb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84724d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b14d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873b10) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c7340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b640) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8aef2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98177d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afc90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61874b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187af0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a6c990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ee7e0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bac80) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbb10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:25] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.4433
*) 0x5856000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf000) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0980) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a657f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfe10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044af0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623b00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e97e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b95850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x591c660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3660) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52340) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8c90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b524d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x71324b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f57e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e01b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef640) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f7d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x591ce30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a014d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79b10) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f14b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a334b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vip127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.5592
s cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b24c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e01a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x992cca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59924b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58291a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58ddb20) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9af0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8cb10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70dc850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af970) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b79ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x62564d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070af0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b1b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be51a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256980) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f71b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a50340) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90ff050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aeaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.6509 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.6830
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcfe20) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5e20) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f7f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a50980) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb91b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185e20) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65980) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8407c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90442d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x998eb00) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5330) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d980) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e14c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x588ed90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7e20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011af0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182e20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb4b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f1af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x980fb70) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784ce10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b21a0) x=0 y=0 width=1127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.7525 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.7594 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.8213
height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ffe10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa14c0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58457f0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x593a020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ad0b20) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e1a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8350e20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9038b10) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bf020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e91a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7095850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60131b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78340) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d7f0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39c90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b67d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae11b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ee7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98107f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6075230) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1650) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebc90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=( - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 13.9431
(VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1c90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fc90) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8407190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bfca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5820050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x714de10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3ca0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84b5590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83597d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc44b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e960) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894010) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3190) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99a1c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x710dc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4320) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ae7d0) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58674c0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsI127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.0381
mage*) 0x5af2b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a7d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99a26d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c21a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174af0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84530a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63e10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7872e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a801b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a7f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x590d990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187640) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704fe10) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ef850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a50340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61854c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a47d0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909ce20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x792ae30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.1252 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:26] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.1446
affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84932d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a50980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fb00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbe10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca17e0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86884b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84bcd90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aad980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8453320) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84074b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98081b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a37f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x998eb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c7d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15b10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8359000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x784c320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84b5450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60927f0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aac90) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a797f0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d1b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3c80) -
vips cache+: - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.4224 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.4850
embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b391a0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905b00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58457f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d6e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b11b0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83e4800) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07980) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bf020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85046d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84edca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afb00) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1e20) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98947e0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256660) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86adb10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d7d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ae2190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf970) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5010) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9038020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x854be20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: col127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.5716
ourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d7d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087af0) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61297e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98096d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x906ce10) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bfca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15020) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x600faf0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ea1e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9971650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8190) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174960) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3e30) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a571b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b94c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f020) x=0 y=0 width=1 height=1 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x609eca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58674c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b14d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) - - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.7090
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031b10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d660) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aecc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5dca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ea2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6074280) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983bc90) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa17e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9809990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e320) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99b3850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x611ec80) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80650) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80c90) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a4d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.7889 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 14.8902
9802d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d1a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afb340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f1b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x70dec80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x846e990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854ca0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b17f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbe10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860af0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x587bca0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78127e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a420f0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6bc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a021a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42320) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aebe30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9809ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aedca0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b601a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x71524b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2970) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.0594 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:27] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.0405
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a3a5e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d6e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a681a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d5020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb4c0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83efe10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b57d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aade30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7be30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a3a6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8970) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0aaf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e84d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bf4d0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d4c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a3c990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dc330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb4b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ccc80) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.2473
*) 0x85d5000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c17e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84feed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869640) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac7e0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e330) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608190) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58671a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x835be10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99774c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f64c0) -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x911fe30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec320) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x981d190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linear in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800190) a=1 b=0 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98941a0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16980) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d7f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86924c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa4c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a10050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110c80) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a4eed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UC127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.4385
HAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5dca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84ec9e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbbc90) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a621b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983bc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ab6190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e04d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x614ab00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c1b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1c90) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471e30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x610cc90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aeb010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a5c050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aec330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efb00) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ee4c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afb340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84feca0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b17f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x991bca0) -
vips127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.5942 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.5824 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.7303 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.7236
cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84107d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9320) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84fed90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a404b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c1a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bfe10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a492d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b970) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x615dc90) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0f330) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x993ce20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52b10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d7f0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f010) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aedca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9950590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b96650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x981d850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9950ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a3b590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58807f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b650) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f47f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d6000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864650) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9933000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70b3850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70c24c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXT127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.8088 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:28] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 15.8507
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d04d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fe30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a687e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8498c90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1ca0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a56590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6020230) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f020) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84151a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcbc90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8410e10) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e84d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b5b050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84567e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7960) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x869fb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfbe10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ccc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fc90) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x59e98a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5ca0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8330) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e330) f127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.0541 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.0356 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.0180
ormat=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3fc80) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a504d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e67f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78917d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880ca0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a50b10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d101a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x992c020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dce20) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x59e9990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b7d0) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0b10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b94ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98737f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x850f590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad1b0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9894970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x593ab10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189960) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e020) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8c80) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fe10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x580a2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbbc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.1513 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.1377 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.1646
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808980) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x984c050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86377f0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90421a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d650) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810ca0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a42850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e1a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99126d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e7e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6037b70) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x711bc80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637e30) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29b00) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9038660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a397e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78ba7f0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f04d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a81050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78bae30) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfaf0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99154b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=( - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.3399
(VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3340) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8e20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8aa0ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x78e82d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98adaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x615dc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6e30) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3bb00) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b2e000) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a7d590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad000) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a7f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e1010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83501a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x609d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be9330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935660) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59deca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8faf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58807f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854c80) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x609a050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ae320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f54c0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6174ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4e10) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343e30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e04127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.4269 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.4613
c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e1b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9133970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692010) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873660) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d87e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70f8190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070c80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a16e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f640) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af650) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d980) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcbc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83734b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3e10) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x595fe10) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f84b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9030850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90dbad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e61b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f17d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6071960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166320) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166960) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8e20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x701ecf0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41970) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.6057 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:29] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.6360
0x59f7660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d2190) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02e20) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406340) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbaf0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3fc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58477d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x609bd90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e67f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78917d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7087190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a206d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b354b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9aea590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba37f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78507d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7112850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfc80) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3be10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84247d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x917be20) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x586d330) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5970) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9e20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70faad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x867cb10) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f77e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98189e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b1340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3960) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8c80) format=((Vip127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 16.8904
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91734c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90a3c80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1000) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x590ec90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90751a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7e20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9818ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8574990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86377f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99357f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84074b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84121a0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b91a0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a627f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae14d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58dcb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab47d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x701f370) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebb00) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99dd6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.0801
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78504b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78ba7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x99987e0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78bae30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5991590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8000) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed4d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a441e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61857e0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9e30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833640) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d660) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5843af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6029850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e7e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a442d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c07f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ae30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91744b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ae320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips c127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.3299 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.3107
ache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x71477d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c020) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3e30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x582a230) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b1a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x857dc50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83837d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x857e6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fc80) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b607e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0bca0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869e10) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d1b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d7f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60767d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91abb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x792ab10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401e10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60362d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a014d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1e10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e4c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x838f4d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c801a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c807e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEN127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.4058 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.5576
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x783eed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eee20) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58337d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90cb190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f01b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80e20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b54b0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x59537d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3ae10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x787f5e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f71b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86887d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x704f4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x90757e0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x787f6d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84247d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x917be20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b7e0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d020) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3be20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x843e190) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x857be20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a44850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : c127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:30] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.6756
opy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256b10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc74d0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fc90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x912b4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a4e2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x84014b0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b1b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9960990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d67d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f51a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x702a450) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed7f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e24c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d84c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x78ba1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb330) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d51b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60360f0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b2cad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84074b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9fca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x70194d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077640) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a637d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2b00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ffe10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ade30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b84c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x982ee30) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f87d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x981a990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((V127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.8852 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.8657 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 17.9691 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.0163
ipsImage*) 0x587b660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58911a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99081a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b81a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a4f9e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9b10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a4fad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b427d0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab4d0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8e10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415330) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae31a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc7d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84017d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b76850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d94d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b94ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2bca0) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b41c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58474b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x706d980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9038b10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b35190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cce10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424000) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7970) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x987eb00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdde10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5856190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fe10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.2088 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.2440 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.3155
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x714de10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ad4ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860c80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b95320) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x593ae30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189e10) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05ae20) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5becaf0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65e30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b7ec50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9330) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91107d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001b10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba24b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85f0990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba31b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ce4050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x715fe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x908c230) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9db10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812b00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ffc80) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84561a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8d1c2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80980) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8bb5590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e17e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interla127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:31] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.3679 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.5539
ce=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a34c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab44b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb7e0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456e20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85d9050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4af0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83edad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61977d0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca14c0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x855be10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83edd90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085000) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed1b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70014d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfbaf0) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9ee10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909ce20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0b10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d1a0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78e61b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x59382d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78914b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9a2cd90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e4c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833190) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x71527d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9860320) -
vips cache : copy - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.5521 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.5422 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.5703
in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d340) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aae20) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98081b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0bb10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b4b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b7e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58be1e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x592be20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58be2d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x996eb00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x991be30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be020) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9660) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x905e850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9fca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x784cc80) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99984c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa61b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac87f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x603c370) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af94d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c7d0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9914ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98174b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x90c2ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8481990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb7e0) x=1 y=1 width=123127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.7474 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.7677 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.8432 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.8274
height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eeb00) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3e10) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f4c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58911a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a677d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a74b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b51b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85bd850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x86237e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8556ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83821b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x602d960) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b57f0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b497f0) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb4d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x70b3190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aebb10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x78e7050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb190) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085640) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6133990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f4b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98192d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a051b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f4d0) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ee10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be1b0) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857c80) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((Vips127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.8908 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 18.9642
Image*) 0x835b4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5847e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977e20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x59dc990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e6000) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a320) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74e10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x996b9e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c1b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x996bad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x61750a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x869ee30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6175190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x908dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d14c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d1a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6660) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29650) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips ca127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.2356 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:32] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.2210
che+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a4c050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e67f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a4aad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x710de20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9980) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a44b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78ba340) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120af0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x78b8850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f24c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8e20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d91b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02970) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x783fad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca11a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6086190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84edb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78ba980) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x851fe30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32c90) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501e30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x61824c0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x59dcf20) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e1a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5935c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98884b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141af0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a407d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEN127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.3454 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.3508 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.3767 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.4117
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d020) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e1b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8c98850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be51a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99457f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8ad6ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945e30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x843cd90) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af21b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ade10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a4d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x846ab10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x700ae30) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8c71050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a4d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x71361b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aca4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2e10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x599ce10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8c71ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x70407e0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b020) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28190) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5844990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ac80) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x837e990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afe20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a287127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.4606
d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a462d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28e10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x7052f70) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d4d0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864010) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7bb10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb94d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ae10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61664b0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a501b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f4e30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1b10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8c94190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412650) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a105e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x91267f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5a106d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126e30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85b4050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x855baf0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a507f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f94c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86084b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aac90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b527f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061e10) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908b00) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5de30) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0aaf0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb320) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8368ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a411a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x846e190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsIm127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.5447 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.6524
age*) 0x98a3b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ee10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d54c0) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41e20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83c36d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8572050) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c320) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9640) x=1 y=1 width=123 height=70 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a674b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99774c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d0020) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5ae0590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9006850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b4c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x592bb00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x911fe30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0e30) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x83d3990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf7d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9af4850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86921a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac84d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d14c0) tile-hei127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.6783 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.8081 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 19.8969
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d54d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a4d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8396c50) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e47d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98bc4a0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9010) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8396d40) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ed020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f27e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e11a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b87e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x98bc590) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f24c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86234c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a884d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84edb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f4d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99dc990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ee10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x60321e0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb7f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688e10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9868850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83827f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x983e7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x9abbad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af91b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02b10) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8abe190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3be10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:33] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.0202 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.0671
1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5aab850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x79051a0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x58d2ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x79057e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x5aa9190) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c744b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a404b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x98734d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x99c1940) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136340) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8cfa850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0e20) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x834db10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad7f0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8b402d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf34d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a791b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a291a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b91a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070000) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85c06d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x84414b0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x988d990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae17f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb94d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b4c0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x584a990) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x99087e0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x84bb850) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e64d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.1821 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.3640
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b324c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x71207d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02c90) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x61294c0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85e9de0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854960) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8a622d0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1330) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x85e9ed0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78851b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7019020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120e10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x867dca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84567e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61821a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90adc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9e20) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x8554ad0) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: affine in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d87d0) interpolate=((VipsInterpolateBicubic*) 0x6032280) matrix=2.5 0 0 2.5 -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99454d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((V127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.4795
ipsImage*) 0x9945b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x71474b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a7f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99384b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a684c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86921a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x595d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x599caf0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655e30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f7d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a284b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f27e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86bf980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae17f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412970) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x91264d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INT127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.7360 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.7479 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.7328 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:34] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 20.8353
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb640) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bbe10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x91747d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be9650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a190) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80ca0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a154d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x834db10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90aec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e8e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf4b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5db10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8faf0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab4d0) tile-h127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.1143 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.0988 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.0863 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.1195 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.2451
eight=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b91a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae17f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b67f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e44b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c1a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x71f6b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7854b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8451e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e04c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e61b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78851b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x867dca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f1b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688af0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x781cb00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8347ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3bc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b027f0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTE127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.3613 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.3506 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.4290 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:35] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.4804
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af2e30) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x79054c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d57e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e27e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ac970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d64b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89efc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a340) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136660) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba37f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad4d0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a394c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61877d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d1b0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad960) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b87e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b1a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x99084c0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) - - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.7203 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.7510 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.7719 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.7134 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.7324
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ccaf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x61291a0) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b8010) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6077c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7098000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9b00) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042330) x=0 y=0 width=300 height=168 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_BLACK) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85beca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f57e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae14d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f3320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.9629 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 21.9538 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.0546
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x79ee650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3f7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acaca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c804c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9075970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eeb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d6640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90754c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cdd190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x901bb10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c8330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be97e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa64d0) space=((VipsInterpretat127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.2076 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.1921 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.3120
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x792ab10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be54c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d57e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99e0650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0a960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61877d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86887d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adb4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x908de30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b87e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f7e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1fca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d020) space=((VipsInterpre127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:36] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.4831 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.4860 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.9702 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.9545 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 22.9470 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.0055
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fc90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59927d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b24c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x615de20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f57e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ade30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c61a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99081a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b3a7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bbc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bd8000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) tile-hei127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.1735 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.2587 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:37] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.2547 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.3631
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f81b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfaf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8fe10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x704fc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b07d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d7010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a797f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60ae7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83834b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c787f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98697d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsI127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.5436 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.5915 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.7874 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.9210
mage*) 0x87a4c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a054d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3a7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x62564d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0f1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61667d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d74c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa14c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspa127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.9696 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:38] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 23.9597 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.2311 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.2363 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.2450 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.2843 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.2615 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.3974
ce in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b7e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84061b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x71527d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70de190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4c90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x715f1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86231a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99984c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa61b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c61a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f7340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e2330) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.3962 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.4857 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.4938 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.4821 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.4617 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.6556 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.6999 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.6779 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:39] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 24.8494
format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x846ae30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d24b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a051b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d32e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b07d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58677e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b27e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98697d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x908dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x867c4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afb4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc44b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a44b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCES127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.0208 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.1609 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.1490 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.1321 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.1182 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.1491 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.2234 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.2080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.2042
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x836b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a337d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869eca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x993c4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e6e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7894c90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d74c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61894b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99764b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3b010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d71a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e34b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3ee30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9810660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7bb10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=F127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3065 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3868 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3435 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3637 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3381 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3952 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.3800 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:40] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.4240
ALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a501b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a507f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f94c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86084b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84aac90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84727f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x911fb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x611eaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f41b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70404c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be51a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90381b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a674b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x584cc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UN127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.7167 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.7000 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.6856 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.6955 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.6737 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.6469 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.6654 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.9477 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 25.9976
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x854bb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b97e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x998ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x614a7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b17f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c784d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e11a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a884d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x582ce30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78547f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x903e000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a337d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3be10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9935e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x869e4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9976190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e07f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99764b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUF127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.0742 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.0703 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.0706 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:41] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.2839 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.4748 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.5033 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.8021 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.7899 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.7727
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f9e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a291a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b324c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9101190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f74d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x901b1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x869f330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x71474b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f41b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99384b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70404c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be51a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e11a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x590ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFE127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.7748 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.7871 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.8589 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.8396 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.9454 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:42] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 26.9627 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.1551 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.1556 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.1400 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.1227 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.1064
RED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae04d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x584cc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b97e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x998ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c784d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6eb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x911f660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3aca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x582ce30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ab4000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78547f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a074d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x91747d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61b1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERE127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6373 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6270 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6150 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6024
D) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be9650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5db10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e07f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ad190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59f74d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x784cc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5918e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x590e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips ca127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6414 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6299 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6132 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.7507 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.7343 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.7451 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.7236 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6903 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.7098 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:43] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 27.6705 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.0912 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.0676 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.0307
che+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99194c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e11a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x590ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae04d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1d330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e27e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x614ac90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bbb7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ccaf0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6eb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70baaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.1135 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2093 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2158 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2538 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2493 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2653 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2345 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2534 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2126 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2310 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.1699 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.1909 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:44] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.2259 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.4750
x5b42c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3aca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a074d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83f4e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x784cc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9acaca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c804c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eeb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85d6640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x901bb10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90754c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa6660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99c0980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x982eb10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa64d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBU127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8178 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8134 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.7949 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.7961 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.7584 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.7768 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:45] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1235 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2075 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1899 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1825 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1681 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1307 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1876 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1111 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0880 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1488 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1549 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1764 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1359 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0974 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1345 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1147 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0863 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1184 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1433 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1004 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0601 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0403 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0798 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.9241 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.9009 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8811 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0222 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.9609 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.9413 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.0014 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8616 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.9838 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8423 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 28.8217
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99194c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x614ac90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdb320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be54c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x983b010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x908de30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70baaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL_UNBUFFERED) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f7e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aebe20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b24c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x615de20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d10c90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfaf0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f81b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=(( - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3502 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.4119 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.4315 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3919 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3747 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:46] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.4023 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.4030 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3819 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3625 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.4252 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3498 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3334 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.3151 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2952 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2761 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2439 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2272 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2700 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.1873 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /resize?width=300 HTTP/1.1" 200 7522 29.2093
VipsImage*) 0x60d7010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ad4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x62564d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61667d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84061b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b7e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc7b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c32a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a39970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222a00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60c6c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222c00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b14d0) space=((VipsInt127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1628 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1830 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1828 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1793 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1683 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1665
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ede30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84ede30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222d00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70374d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ec90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ec90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222e00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83501a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x991be30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x991be30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc222f00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83431b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9808980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b14d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223000000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x917b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223100000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f91a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223200000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+ - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1677 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1635 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1727 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1573 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1749 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1661
: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83431b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223444000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223688000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9100af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223940000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0f4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6013660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223b20000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8472660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b397e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b397e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223d84000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc223fe8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f2330) format=((VipsBand127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1598 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1699 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:47] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1594 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1719 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1726 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1455
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0f4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98aa7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22424e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2244b2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a31a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60764b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60764b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc224714000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9977e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc224978000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x605cb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc224c3e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc224e42000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b84c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1761 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1752 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1693 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1668 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1679 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1651
in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2250a8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22530c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91ab4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc225572000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x91734c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcf010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2257d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b84c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78504b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc225a3e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc225ca4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a57020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfaf0) tile-height=8 access=((V127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1678 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1642 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1644 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1614 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1657 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1652
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bfaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x91734c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc225f0a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d94d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b84c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc226170000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x707d340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2263d2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc226638000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d51b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7918980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22689c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b5000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba31b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba31b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc226b00000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: se127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1781 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1676 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1692 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1696 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:48] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1659 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1763
quential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc226d64000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c3b000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc226fca000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22722e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7147190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc227492000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ac80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x855b190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2276f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99767d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b39650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22795c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888190) tile-height=8 a127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1691 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1666 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1799 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1692 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1672 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1645
ccess=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc227bc0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc227e28000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5db10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc22808e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x592bb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9817190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2282f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x714daf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6044af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf3e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc228556000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ae190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac84d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac84d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5db10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2287bc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae34c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae34c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips c127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1818 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1745 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1739 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1695 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1705 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1665
ache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc228a20000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8623970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x89ef330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc228c88000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x857be20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78914b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b3fc80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215aba000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x91334c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x91334c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x857be20) Q127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1667 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1644 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1744 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1678 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1720 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1683
=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78544d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78544d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91107d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cbb970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x584c4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:49] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1860 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1779 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1685 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1673 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1779 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1668 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1617
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a791b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05a970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eeb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eeb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8471e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x987e970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a791b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x582cca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x837f1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1663 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1629 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1654 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1757 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1679 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1632
, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d1a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x787b970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0bb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c787f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x599ce10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79184d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((Vips127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1785 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1787 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1684 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1642 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1667 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1768
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c787f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x609ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x609ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78127e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78127e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae17f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x615de20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x615de20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colou127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1690 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:50] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1689 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1768 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1704 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1611 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1706
rspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58544b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae31a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a297e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf4b0) space=((VipsInter127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1624 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1635 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1666 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1665 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1760 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1752
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae31a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d51b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d51b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a74b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b497f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a297e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7850e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ae10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ae10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d27d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a74b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x79057e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1652 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1612 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1734 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1647 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1626 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1636
cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba3660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b494d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b494d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84414b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61294c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9888c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x71361b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61664b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99087e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092b10) format=((VipsBandFo127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1628 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1683 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1615 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:51] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1630 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1614 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1730
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5de30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70e3af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e97d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e97d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61664b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x611eaf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3ca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8406020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61667d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1731 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1698 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1740 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1649 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1613 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1735
=((VipsImage*) 0x982e020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x982e020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x611eaf0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90381b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90381b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afbe30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x911fb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c84c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc47d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc47d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b777d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afe20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d5d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f960) tile-height=8 access=((Vip127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1671 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1571 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1652 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1611 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1549 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1518 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1530
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9afbe30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a05020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7d000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ae10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be5010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c781b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c784d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d1b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99f8000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: line127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1500 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1493 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1500 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1668 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:52] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1539
cache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eec90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x584cc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be54c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be54c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c781b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fe20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba27d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79051a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79051a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a657f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x906c320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70011b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587bb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x842e010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x584cc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x907cc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a391a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fe20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a88020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae0660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e11a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e11a0) tile-height=8 acc127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1698 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1516 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1652 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1716 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1674 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1666 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1560
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70011b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6eb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6eb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x907cc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x837d4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e3000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7daf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cach127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1635 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1622 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1691 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1660 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1650
e+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84727f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a624d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a07b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x62567f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x857b330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x837fe20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eee20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb010) Q=8127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1636 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1658 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1706 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1679 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1714 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1691 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1562
0 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af7e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5953e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8501b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eee20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af7e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70984b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x78bab10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x78bab10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bf4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b11b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b11b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) - - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:53] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1572 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1572 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1675 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1646 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1633 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1672
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fbb10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99197e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99197e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6011000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x601d660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b52ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d320) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8373640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c7e0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7136340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a67c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x909dc80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x996ee20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x909d320) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1712 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1642 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1687 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1719 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1613 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1659
data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x996e970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9869af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c7e0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f91a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x909c4c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b14d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59924b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x907caf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x907caf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x606dca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5af21b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca17e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca17e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b14d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAc127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1575 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1662 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1710 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1673 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1548 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1798
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ebb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a057f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59924b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7809190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33e10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x610c7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601f190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0f4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99384b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8637ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x91734c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a3b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colours127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1670 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1596 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:54] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1620 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1737 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1679 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1991
pace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8424c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d9660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84bf7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa1e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x91734c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869fb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59ef000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b84c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bc77f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b980) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7132c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185010) space=((VipsInterpr127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1811 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1671 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1784 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1678 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1676 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1708
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812b00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f7e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8b00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7037b10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b84c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x792a020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x710d4c0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x834d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70bc4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6185010) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x907c190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afe20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b4b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb9340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: ca127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1667 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1531 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1592 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1734 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1941 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1787
st in=((VipsImage*) 0x907ce10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41c90) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5867330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8456330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f8190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d54d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x609db10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a41010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b491b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b4c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83ef7d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c80e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0ac80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3eca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x585aca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6f970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3de30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d54d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59eb650) format=((VipsBandForm127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1732 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1645 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1705 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1633 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:55] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1656 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1767
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x91b5340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x592b970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b1f340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85afb00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9126660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98887d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b394c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8412650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8383000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a68c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb7f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x852e000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x714daf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=( - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1667 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1649 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1636 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1628 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1635 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1670
(VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99167e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98887d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x987eb00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba2e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x857be20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x857be20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de4d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x99767d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x903ec80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84127e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84127e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8af9660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8655e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x987eb00) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5992c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8489e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de4d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsA127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1677 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1647 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1709 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1698 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1606 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1612
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x781c010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9042970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x84711b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbe10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adbe10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ac8e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d340) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8ca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28320) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2be30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6085640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c747d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x835b7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a791b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x84c3c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequen127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1636 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1696 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1565 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1561 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1583 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1670
tial in=((VipsImage*) 0x8608c80) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9ae1980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa64d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aa64d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x99457f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x99457f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2be30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x982ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x982ee30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a791b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5aed7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bcb970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a02970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9908330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b60650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9945ca0) tile-height=8 acces127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:56] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1632 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1640 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1704 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1569 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1612 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /extract?top=50&left=50&areawidth=200&areaheight=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 405954 0.1565
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173e20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a6b970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a81320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b607e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b607e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x83b2330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x615d330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x98bb190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5ae1b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x582cca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b7f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x98d6330) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x787bb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x988f010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8c340) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c787f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61827e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61827e0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c74e10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGvips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2181
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2034 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2122
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2380
B) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98f5af0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7885e30) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x602ac80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0bb10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8401af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x599c7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f4c0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fe20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58457f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x987a190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98694b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b4b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x59c3980) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba34d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8d3ab10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a7b1b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d51b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0b4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7001b10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857c80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78504b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83e81b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b0bb10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE st127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2897
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2156
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2115
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2196
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2343
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2093
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
rip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688190) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x71364d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6182970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6fe20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae31a0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b6960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a74b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a74b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b3650) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a28e10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d51b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905650) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x852ec80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae3650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857c80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141c80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adf4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d27d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) space=((VipsInterpretation) - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:57] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2150
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.1985
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.1968
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.1966
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.2041 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.1815
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d5b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e0980) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9938af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x852ec80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b7e0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b494d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x854bb00) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5864010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9027980) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a65980) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63320) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b77e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a80b10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x606d020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x846ae30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d54c0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5854960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x89e4640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5833c80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x87a4c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x79054c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAvips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.3189
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.4163 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.3693
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x79054c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812010) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8970) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x83d51b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x611eaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x611eaf0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x594b4d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b494d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8bcfe20) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x587b660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6187000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1660) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98b8970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be94c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a4b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x846ae30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bec7d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad190) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b9e20) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7812650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2111ee000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070af0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7120af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x86d5650) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b9e320) format=((VipsBandForm127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.4228 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:58] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.3928
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d5a8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb7d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e97d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8970) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8688af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e4d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70404c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70404c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62660) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc4190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6092b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5829650) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x854b1a0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c1a0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae1190) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b11b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x600f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e4040vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7269
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7282 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.8199 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7778
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7762 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7561
00, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9173330) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208354000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d340) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x85af650) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e8e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b55a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d660) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ce0a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x59de1b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x597f190) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dfee000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29e20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ad190) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d17e0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215cc4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6070af0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208188000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fe30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382660) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfb7d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8aa1650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cfbc80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x86e9640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8b10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ef54000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9174af0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e7f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x867d1b0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((Vi127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.7419
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.9043
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 0.9675
psImage*) 0x60b6660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x83737d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x91107d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692010) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x99087e0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x78baca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d87d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x83737d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d87d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a657f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x61afc90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bb91b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x58f8e30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02e30) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x61664b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a657f0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e1970) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905970) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6129330) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21223c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98ff7d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x86a7640) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21579a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x5be51a0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c3b8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCvips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.0448
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:20:59] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.0532
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.1556
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.1900 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.2100
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x605c1a0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x846a1b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20deda000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc216a1a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x838fca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a62340) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7905010) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x60e6660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x908d4d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8650) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2111ee000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x6256b10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d5a8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x602a4b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x58e07f0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9aeb1b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9919650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e300000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc47d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x984a000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a621b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857320) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84e14c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2113ec000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a29e20) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f15a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x906cc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x58c84c0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x614ac90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f360000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78b97e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b3b000) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20evips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.2537 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3064
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3074
71c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b2b020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a634b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x86ad660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21284e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c78b10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fc90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a40000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x609e7f0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc219cc6000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a3d660) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2098f4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7857000) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x70baaf0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79340) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x60b6660) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9915960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01020) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a9fc000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ba27d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60317f0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x987ae10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a9f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x78baca0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c5d8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05ae20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6141000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5b00) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20e932000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c784d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x60f0020) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x58d8010) angl127.0.0.1 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.2946 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3468
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3019 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3087
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x8: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:00] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.3566
e=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b02e30) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e404000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x98a3c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9800e10) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0xb05ae20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f190) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x587be30) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a071b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x60767d0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8cf34d0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d6b2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x61664b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b0c4b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8e0fe20) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20c7e8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ca1650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5adfe10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x70984b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a071b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x714d960) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x70011b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x79eee20) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2130a8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c8f640) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x70ba960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5bdbc80) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8692c90) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x85c9c80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc211804000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x6076af0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21244e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90ade10) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x6197vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 404536 1.7313 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.7929
640) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b32e20) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x7040b00) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x8b6e650) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9873340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc217250000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a63000) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5880ca0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x85be020) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x711b000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208354000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x585a340) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x60d71a0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20a3b0000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x61af650) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x582c020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x78bae30) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8415c90) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20f580000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x59924b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20b55a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x85b8650) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90b1340) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x912bc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x6189640) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x998e330) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ce0a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x851f4d0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x7891960) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b5d020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20dfee000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a3e1b0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x85f5010) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.8610
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.8956 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.9914 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.9454
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 2.2023
((VipsImage*) 0x59924b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a9d1b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a621b0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x6031020) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215cc4000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x602e000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x9998330) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc208188000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x90f7b00) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x90fb980) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc20ef54000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x611e960) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8382980) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x869eca0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc215392000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x601fc80) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x614ac90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x7152000) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49ca0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x9896c80) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f24c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b7ea000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8be5010) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x9bc47d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21c438000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x8ae14b0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d086000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x706f970) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x9b7daf0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21afb2000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x8343e30) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x78d3000) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21579a000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x6166640) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cacvips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 2.0124 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 2.0631
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 1.9800 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:01] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 2.0327
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080
vips warning: linecache: error reading tile 0x0: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1080 - - [13/Apr/2015 12:21:02] "POST /rotate?rotate=180 HTTP/1.1" 200 403958 2.1121
he : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x988fc90) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x89f24c0) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x999c7e0) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x991b4d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2165f8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x7045e10) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b42960) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21e71e000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x9110c80) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x84cc960) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x987ae10) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x616a7d0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a01020) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x6061000) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc2084b8000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x595f4b0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5b49980) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x8a79660) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21b146000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x5a15660) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d426000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x5845340) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache+: colourspace in=((VipsImage*) 0x79187f0) space=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB) -
vips cache+: linecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x9a33e10) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: rot in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d07f0) angle=((VipsAngle) VIPS_ANGLE_D180) -
vips cache : jpegsave_buffer in=((VipsImage*) 0x8c784d0) Q=80 optimize-coding=TRUE interlace=FALSE strip=TRUE -
vips cache : jpegload_buffer buffer=VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = 0xc21d83c000, length = 877585 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: sequential in=((VipsImage*) 0x90e9e20) tile-height=8 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL) -
vips cache+: cast in=((VipsImage*) 0x90d8000) format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) -
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