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Created December 19, 2018 12:30
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binary clock for a rp3 sense-hat-led driven LED-matrix (playing in the ramda REPL)
const COLORED = [220, 0, 0]; // RGB values for sense-hat-led package "setPixel" func
const UNCOLORED = [0, 0, 0];
const VERTICAL_OFFSET = 4; // clock will appear at bottom half of the 8x8 matrix
const coloredOrNot = bit => [UNCOLORED, COLORED][bit];
const zeroPad = num => str => str.padStart(num, "0");
const toBinary = num => num.toString(2);
const explode = str => str.split("");
const eachToNumber =;
const explodeAsBinary = R.pipe(toBinary, zeroPad(4), explode, eachToNumber); // 9 => [1, 0, 0, 1]
const explodeTimePiece = R.pipe(String, zeroPad(2), explode, eachToNumber); // "8" => [0, 8]
const takeRightNow = () => Reflect.construct(Date, []);
const mapIndexed = R.addIndex(;
// for "setPixel" we need triplets of position x, y and colour [rgb], e.g. : [3, 4, [220,0,0]] -
// given the column this fn returns a mapper func of a 4 bit binary digit into such a triplet:
const calcPixelsOfColumn = column => (bit, idx) => [column, VERTICAL_OFFSET + idx, coloredOrNot(bit)];
// mapper of binary time pieces to [posX, posY, [rgb]] triplets:
const calcBinaryClock = (num, col) => num === null ? null : explodeAsBinary(num).map(calcPixelsOfColumn(col));
const arrOfTimePiece = method => R.pipe(takeRightNow, R.invoker(0, method), explodeTimePiece);
// a loop should start here:
const binaryClockSchema = R.concat(arrOfTimePiece("getHours")(), R.concat(
[null], R.concat(arrOfTimePiece("getMinutes")(), R.concat(
[null], arrOfTimePiece("getSeconds")())))); // => [1,3,null,0,9,null,2,2] at 13:09:22
// Using the 8 columns of the matrix, we leave empty cols in between hrs - mins - secs:
const binaryClock = mapIndexed(calcBinaryClock, binaryClockSchema).filter(el => el !== null);
console.log(binaryClock); // now we can use setPixel(x, y, [rgb]) for each element.
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