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Created June 30, 2010 03:50
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Class for dealing with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, specifically supporting storage in a relational database
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice
* you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
* think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encapsulate an IP address
* This class supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
class Ip
* IP address in packed in_addr representation
* @var string
protected $ip;
* Length of the packed in_addr IP address, in bytes
* @var int
protected $numBytes;
* Version of the IP address
* @var int
protected $version;
* Constructor
* Accepts an IPv4 or an IPv6 address in any valid format.
* @param string $raw Raw IP address
public function __construct($raw)
$packed = @inet_pton($raw);
if ($packed === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid IP address: inet_pton failed to understand it.'
$this->ip = $packed;
$this->numBytes = mb_strlen($packed, '8bit');
if ($this->numBytes !== 4 && $this->numBytes !== 16) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid IP address: length in bytes must be 4 or 16.'
$this->version = $this->numBytes === 4 ? 4 : 6;
* Constructs an Ip object from an array of integers
* One likely use for this is to store an IP address in a database in an
* address-agnostic fashion.
* Note: The array of integers must be most-significant-integer first
* @return Ip
public static function fromIntegerArray(array $integers)
if (count($integers) !== 4) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Wrong number of integers; expected 4'
list($i4, $i3, $i2, $i1) = $integers;
if ($i4 == 0 && $i3 == 0 && $i2 == 0x0000ffff) {
$packed = pack('N1', $i1);
} else {
$packed = pack('N4', $i4, $i3, $i2, $i1);
return new self(inet_ntop($packed));
* Formats the IP address using inet_ntop
* @return string
public function format()
return inet_ntop($this->ip);
* Marshals an Ip object to an array of integers
* One likely use for this is to store an IP address in a database in an
* address-agnostic fashion.
* Note: The array of integers will be most-significant-integer first
* @return array
public function toIntegerArray()
$i4 = $i3 = $i2 = $i1 = 0;
if ($this->numBytes === 4) {
$i2 = 0x0000ffff;
list(, $i1) = unpack('N1', $this->ip);
} elseif ($this->numBytes === 16) {
list(, $i4, $i3, $i2, $i1) = unpack('N4', $this->ip);
// The checks and additions below work around the effects described in
// the "Caution" message on 32-bit systems here:
return array(
$i4 < 0 ? $i4 + 4294967296 : $i4,
$i3 < 0 ? $i3 + 4294967296 : $i3,
$i2 < 0 ? $i2 + 4294967296 : $i2,
$i1 < 0 ? $i1 + 4294967296 : $i1
* Tests if an Ip object belongs to a specific network
* Accepts a network base address and a prefix length.
* @param $base Base address for the network to test
* @param int $prefixlen Prefix length to test
* @return bool
public function isInNetwork(Ip $base, $prefixlen)
$baseVersion = $base->getVersion();
$thisVersion = $this->getVersion();
if ($prefixlen < 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Prefix length cannot be negative'
if ($baseVersion !== $thisVersion) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Address version does not match supplied network base version'
if ($thisVersion === 4 && $prefixlen > 32) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Address version (4) was not supplied a correct prefix length'
if ($thisVersion === 6 && $prefixlen > 128) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Address version (6) was not supplied a correct prefix length'
// First create a 128-bit long binary string regardless of IP version.
// IPv4 addresses are left-padded with zeroes so that the algorithm
// can be used generically.
// Next, split the 128-bit string into 32-bit chunks, and convert them
// to unsigned integers. We can then use this to perform the bitwise
// comparisons that we need later.
$prefixIntegerArray = array_map(
str_repeat('1', $prefixlen),
$thisVersion === 4 ? 32 : 128,
$baseIntegerArray = $base->toIntegerArray();
$thisIntegerArray = $this->toIntegerArray();
// If it's version 4, we just want to compare final array position
$start = $thisVersion === 4 ? 3 : 0;
for ($i = $start; $i < 4; $i++) {
$a = $thisIntegerArray[$i];
$b = $baseIntegerArray[$i];
$p = $prefixIntegerArray[$i];
// If the address ANDed with the prefix mask is not equal to the
// base address ANDed with the prefix mask, we can bail.
if (($a & $p) !== ($b & $p)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the IP version of this object
* @return int
public function getVersion()
return $this->version;
* @see format()
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->format();
// Quick tests to show usage
$v4 = new Ip('');
$v6 = new Ip('2001:db8::dead');
var_dump($v4->isInNetwork(new Ip(''), 24));
var_dump($v4->isInNetwork(new Ip(''), 24));
var_dump($v6->isInNetwork(new Ip('2001:db8::'), 32));
var_dump($v6->isInNetwork(new Ip('2001:db9::'), 32));
$v4Roundtrip = Ip::fromIntegerArray($v4->toIntegerArray());
$v6Roundtrip = Ip::fromIntegerArray($v6->toIntegerArray());
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