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Created October 7, 2010 04:08
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TaskPaper Submit Timesheet.scpt
(* script version: 2010-10-08
Changes: 2010-10-09
- work in all locales, by coercing date strings to US or EU internal formats as necessary
property ratePerHour : 51
property roundMinutes : 15
property theBoss : "Name of your Boss"
property theBossEmail : ""
property theSender : "My Name"
property theSenderEmail : ""
property theSignature : "Cheers,
Generated by Submit Timesheet.scpt (v.2010-10-08)"
property firstDayOfTheWeek : "Mon" -- FIXME: isoWeek calculations currently hardcode Mon as day 1
(* assuming the following format:
CLOCK: [YYYY-MM-DD ddd hh:mm]--[ZZZZ-NN-EE eee ii:nn] => hh:mm
property clockString : "CLOCK: "
property d1Beg : 9
property d1End : 18
property d2Beg : 33
property d2End : 42
property hBeg : 58
property hEnd : 62
property defaultEndDateString : "" -- set to "yyyy-mm-dd" to override `current date'
on dateToDateObject(theDay, theMonth, theYear)
local maybe, dateString
set maybe to date ("31/12/2000" as string)
set dateString to (theDay as string) & "/" & (theMonth as string)
on error
set dateString to (theMonth as string) & "/" & (theDay as string)
end try
return date (dateString & "/" & (theYear as string))
end dateToDateObject
-- calculate the date of the beginning of ISO week number 1 of the given year
on isoWeek1(year)
set jan4 to dateToDateObject(4, 1, year)
copy weekday of jan4 as integer to dayNumber
set dayNumber to dayNumber - 1
if dayNumber is equal to 0 then
set dayNumber to 7
end if
return jan4 + ((1 - dayNumber) * days)
end isoWeek1
-- calculate the iso week number of theDate
-- returns a string of format "YYYY-Wnn"
on isoWeek(theDate)
set {year:isoYear} to theDate
if theDate dateToDateObject(29, 12, isoYear) then
set week1 to isoWeek1(isoYear + 1)
if theDate < week1 then
set week1 to isoWeek1(isoYear)
set isoYear to isoYear + 1
end if
set week1 to isoWeek1(isoYear)
if theDate < week1 then
set isoYear to isoYear - 1
set week1 to isoWeek1(isoYear)
end if
end if
return (isoYear as string) & "-W" & (1 + ((theDate - week1) div days div 7) as string)
end isoWeek
-- calculate the date of the first day of the first isoWeek of theMonth and theYear
on isoMonthBegin1(theMonth, theYear)
set day4 to dateToDateObject(4, theMonth, theYear)
copy weekday of day4 as integer to dayNumber
set dayNumber to dayNumber - 1
if dayNumber is equal to 0 then
set dayNumber to 7
end if
return day4 + ((1 - dayNumber) * days)
end isoMonthBegin1
-- calculate the date of the first day of the first isoWeek of the month
-- containing |theDate|
on isoMonthBegin(theDate)
set firstDay to isoMonthBegin1(theDate's month, theDate's year)
if theDate < firstDay then
set theYear to theDate's year
set theMonth to (theDate's month as integer) - 1
if theMonth < 1 then
set theYear to theYear - 1
set theMonth to 12
end if
set firstDay to isoMonthBegin1(theMonth, theYear)
end if
set nextDay to isoMonthBegin1((theDate's month as integer) + 1, theDate's year)
if theDate nextDay then
set firstDay to nextDay
end if
return firstDay
end isoMonthBegin
-- return a date object from a timestamp string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" or
-- "YYYY-MM-DD ddd hh:mm"
on timestampToDate(theTimestamp)
set theDate to date ("01/01/1000" as string) -- just a placeholder; no need to call dateToDateObject
tell theTimestamp
set theDate's year to text 1 thru 4
set theDate's month to text 6 thru 7
set theDate's day to text 9 thru 10
if length of theTimestamp > 10 then
set theDate's time to (text 16 thru 17) * hours + (text 19 thru 20) * minutes
end if
end tell
return theDate
end timestampToDate
-- return an integer counting the number of minutes in a string in the format "hh:mm"
on timestringToMinutes(theTimestring)
set numMinutes to 0
tell theTimestring
if item 1 is not equal to " " then
set numMinutes to numMinutes + (600 * (item 1) as integer)
end if
set numMinutes to numMinutes + (60 * (item 2) as integer) + (10 * (item 4) as integer) + (item 5) as integer
end tell
return numMinutes
end timestringToMinutes
-- return a time string from a number of minutes
-- returns a string of format "hh:mm"
on minutesToTimeString(numMinutes)
if numMinutes > 6000 then
set timeString to numMinutes div 6000 as string
set numMinutes to numMinutes mod 6000
set timeString to " "
end if
if numMinutes > 600 then
set timeString to timeString & numMinutes div 600 as string
set numMinutes to numMinutes mod 600
set timeString to timeString & " "
end if
set timeString to timeString & (numMinutes div 60 as string) & "."
set numMinutes to numMinutes mod 60
set timeString to timeString & (numMinutes div 6 as string)
set numMinutes to numMinutes mod 6
set timeString to timeString & (numMinutes * 10 div 6 as string)
return timeString
end minutesToTimeString
-- return a string showing the payment due for |numMinutes| effort according to ratePerHour
-- returns a left-padded string of format "$xxx.xx"
on minutesToRateString(numMinutes)
set totalPay to 100 * numMinutes / 60 * ratePerHour as integer
set rateString to "$" & (totalPay div 100 as string) & "." & (totalPay mod 100 as string)
if totalPay mod 100 is equal to 0 then
set rateString to rateString & "0"
end if
repeat while length of rateString < 9
set rateString to " " & rateString
end repeat
return rateString
end minutesToRateString
-- return a date string from a date object
on dateToDateString(theDate)
set {day:d, year:y} to theDate
-- Calculate the month number.
copy theDate to b
set b's month to January
set m to (b - 2500000 - theDate) div -2500000
-- Date string in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
tell (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string
set dateString to text 1 thru 4 & "-" & text 5 thru 6 & "-" & text 7 thru 8
end tell
return dateString
end dateToDateString
-- calculate the daily row leader of |theDate|
-- returns a string of format "ddd YYYY-Wnn [YYYY-MM-DD]"
on dailyRowLeader(theDate)
return (text 1 thru 3 of (theDate's weekday as string)) & " " & isoWeek(theDate) & " [" & my dateToDateString(theDate) & "]"
end dailyRowLeader
-- calculate the monthly row leader of |theDate|
-- returns a string of format "YYYY-Wnn [w/e YYYY-MM-DD]"
on monthlyRowLeader(theDate)
return isoWeek(theDate) & " [w/e " & my dateToDateString(theDate) & "]"
end monthlyRowLeader
-- return the number of complete days between two date objects
on deltaDays(beginDate, endDate)
return (endDate - beginDate) / days as integer
end deltaDays
-- after the minutes for each day have been totalled, they are rounded
-- according to this function
on dailyRounding(numMinutes)
return (numMinutes + 7) div 15 * 15
end dailyRounding
-- select all the "CLOCK: " notes from TaskPaper, returning a list of records
-- by date with total minutes clocked on that date
on fetchClocksFromTaskPaper(beginDate, endDate)
-- create a list of zeros for the number of minutes in each day,
-- we can increment the minutes for a given day by indexing into
-- this list by the date offset from |begin|
set minutesList to {}
repeat my deltaDays(beginDate, endDate) times
set minutesList to minutesList & {0}
end repeat
tell front document of application "TaskPaper"
set clocks to search with query (clockString & " and type = note")
repeat with each in clocks
set thisClockString to text content of each
if entry type of each is note type and thisClockString begins with clockString and thisClockString contains "]--[" then
-- add the minutes from each clock entry to the appropriate entry in
-- |minutesList| as offset from |beginDate| in days
set thisDate to my timestampToDate(rich text d1Beg thru d1End of thisClockString)
if thisDate beginDate and thisDate < endDate then
set itemNo to 1 + (my deltaDays(beginDate, thisDate))
set item itemNo of minutesList to (item itemNo of minutesList) + (my timestringToMinutes(rich text hBeg thru hEnd of thisClockString))
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- CLOCK: items are usually out of sequence, so we can't perform any
-- rounding until after all the minutes have been totalled (above)
repeat with itemNo from 1 to length of minutesList
set item itemNo of minutesList to my dailyRounding(item itemNo of minutesList)
end repeat
return {begin:beginDate, |minutesList|:minutesList}
end fetchClocksFromTaskPaper
(* For the purposes of the next few functions, we build and render "Tables":
A table is a stylized list as follows:
1. the first entry is a list with pairs of entries {width, "HEADER"}
2. the remaining entries are lists with one element per column in each list
3. the last entry is separated from the body, assumed to contain totals *)
-- returns a table of weekly data for the month beginning at |beginDate| using |minutesList|,
-- each entry in minutesList is assumed to be the number of minutes for 1 entire day starting
-- from |beginDate|
on buildMonthTable(beginDate, minutesList)
set numWeeks to (((length of minutesList) - 1) div 7) + 1
set weeklyTable to {{25, "PERIOD", 6, "TIME", 9, "RATE"}}
set endOfLastWeek to 0
set minutesThisMonth to 0
repeat numWeeks times
set minutesThisWeek to 0
set dayNo to 1
repeat while dayNo 7 and endOfLastWeek + dayNo length of minutesList
set itemNo to endOfLastWeek + dayNo
set minutesThisWeek to minutesThisWeek + (item itemNo of minutesList)
set dayNo to dayNo + 1
end repeat
set minutesThisMonth to minutesThisMonth + minutesThisWeek
set weekEndDate to beginDate + (endOfLastWeek * days) + (6 * days)
set thisWeek to {my monthlyRowLeader(weekEndDate), my minutesToTimeString(minutesThisWeek), my minutesToRateString(minutesThisWeek)}
set weeklyTable to weeklyTable & {thisWeek}
set endOfLastWeek to endOfLastWeek + 7
end repeat
set totalTime to {" *Total time*", my minutesToTimeString(minutesThisMonth), my minutesToRateString(minutesThisMonth)}
set weeklyTable to weeklyTable & {totalTime}
return weeklyTable
end buildMonthTable
-- returns a table of daily data for the week beginning at |beginDate| using |minutesList|,
-- each entry in minutesList is assumed to be the number of minutes for 1 entire day starting
-- from |beginDate|
on buildWeekTable(beginDate, minutesList)
set dailyTotalsList to {{25, "DATE", 6, "TIME"}}
set minutesThisWeek to 0
repeat with itemNo from 1 to length of minutesList
set thisDate to beginDate + (itemNo - 1) * days
set thisDay to {my dailyRowLeader(thisDate), my minutesToTimeString(item itemNo of minutesList)}
if item itemNo of minutesList > 0 then
set dailyTotalsList to dailyTotalsList & {thisDay}
set minutesThisWeek to minutesThisWeek + (item itemNo of minutesList)
end if
end repeat
set totalTime to {" *Total time*", my minutesToTimeString(minutesThisWeek)}
set dailyTotalsList to dailyTotalsList & {totalTime}
return dailyTotalsList
end buildWeekTable
on formatTableDivider(headerList, divideChar)
set tableString to "|" & divideChar
repeat with headerOffset from 0 to (length of headerList) div 2 - 1
set theWidth to item (headerOffset * 2 + 1) of headerList
repeat theWidth times
set tableString to tableString & divideChar
end repeat
if headerOffset * 2 + 3 < length of headerList then
set tableString to tableString & divideChar & "+" & divideChar
set tableString to tableString & divideChar & "|"
end if
end repeat
return tableString
end formatTableDivider
on formatTableRow(rowEntries)
set tableString to "| "
repeat with itemNo from 1 to length of rowEntries
set tableString to tableString & item itemNo of rowEntries & " |"
if itemNo < length of rowEntries then
set tableString to tableString & " "
end if
end repeat
return tableString
end formatTableRow
on formatTable(theTable)
set tableString to "| "
set headerList to item 1 of theTable
repeat with headerOffset from 0 to (length of headerList) div 2 - 1
set theWidth to item (headerOffset * 2 + 1) of headerList
set theHeader to item (headerOffset * 2 + 2) of headerList
repeat while (length of theHeader) + 2 theWidth
set theHeader to " " & theHeader & " "
end repeat
if length of theHeader < theWidth then
set theHeader to " " & theHeader
end if
set tableString to tableString & theHeader & " |"
if headerOffset * 2 + 3 < length of headerList then
set tableString to tableString & " "
end if
end repeat
set tableString to tableString & "
" & formatTableDivider(item 1 of theTable, "-")
repeat with rowNo from 2 to (length of theTable) - 1
set tableString to tableString & "
" & formatTableRow(item rowNo of theTable)
end repeat
set tableString to tableString & "
" & formatTableDivider(item 1 of theTable, "-")
set tableString to tableString & "
" & formatTableRow(last item of theTable)
return tableString
end formatTable
-- Prompt for the final date to be processed
set defaultEndDateString to my dateToDateString(current date)
set endDateString to the text returned of (display dialog "End Date?" default answer defaultEndDateString)
set endDate to my timestampToDate(endDateString)
-- Calculate a nominal beginning of week date, 1 week earlier
set beginWeekDate to endDate - (7 * days)
-- Then, ensure we are starting the week on the correct day
repeat while text 1 thru 3 of (beginWeekDate's weekday as string) is not equal to firstDayOfTheWeek
set beginWeekDate to beginWeekDate + (1 * days)
end repeat
set beginMonthDate to (beginWeekDate)
set beginLastMonthDate to isoMonthBegin(beginMonthDate - days)
set lastMonthClocks to my fetchClocksFromTaskPaper(beginLastMonthDate, beginMonthDate)
set thisWeekClocks to my fetchClocksFromTaskPaper(beginWeekDate, endDate + days)
set thisMonthClocks to my fetchClocksFromTaskPaper(beginMonthDate, endDate + days)
set lastMonthTable to buildMonthTable(begin of lastMonthClocks, |minutesList| of lastMonthClocks)
set thisWeekTable to buildWeekTable(begin of thisWeekClocks, |minutesList| of thisWeekClocks)
set thisMonthTable to buildMonthTable(begin of thisMonthClocks, |minutesList| of thisMonthClocks)
set theContent to (("Hi " & (word 1 of theBoss) & ",
Here are the final hours for last month, pending payment:
* " & month of ((begin of lastMonthClocks) + 7 * days) as string) & " Timesheet Summary
" & formatTable(lastMonthTable) & "
And here are the hours I logged last week:
* Timesheet " & isoWeek(beginWeekDate) & "
" & formatTable(thisWeekTable) & "
And here is the running total of hours for this month:
* " & month of ((begin of thisMonthClocks) + 7 * days) as string) & " Timesheet Summary
" & formatTable(thisMonthTable) & "
" & theSignature
-- submit the timesheet
tell application "Mail"
-- "2010-W22 [w/e 2010-06-06]"
set theSubject to my isoWeek(endDate) & " [w/e " & endDateString & "]"
set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, sender:theSender & " <" & theSenderEmail & ">", subject:theSubject, content:theContent}
tell theMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:theBoss, address:theBossEmail}
end tell
end tell
-- convert to plain text (doesn't seem to work tho')
tell application "Mail" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Mail"
delay 1
keystroke "t" using {shift down, command down}
end tell
Copyright (c) 2010 Gary V. Vaughan <>
This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
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This script prompts for an end-date and then creates an email, with an ascii table of clocked time in the current week (starting on the Monday prior to the date entered through to that date), and a running total of the previous weeks in the current month. It's very specific to the format that I have been using to submit invoices for billable time to one of my clients, which is why I didn't bother to post it to the TaskPaper wiki.

Also, if you need to track separate billable time for multiple projects, you'd need to have a separate taskpaper file for each project, or adjust the code to limit itself to collecting CLOCK lines from just the project that the cursor is in when you call the script... I haven't gotten round to doing that myself since I only charge by the hour to one client at the moment. Go ahead and fork a copy of the script and hack away though!

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Turns out the original assumed EU date formats in your system settings, which causes AppleScript to barf if you try to coerce an EU format date string to a date object. This version first tries to coerce an EU format date, and if that fails tries again with a US format date... so it should work in any locale now.

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