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Never trust an atom. They make up everything.

Greg Vaughn gvaughn

Never trust an atom. They make up everything.
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toranb / fizzbuzz.ex
Last active January 30, 2024 07:40
fizzbuzz with Axon (collaboration with Ian Warshak)
defmodule Mlearning do
@moduledoc false
def mods(x) do
[rem(x, 3), rem(x, 5)]
def fizzbuzz(n) do
cond do
rem(n, 15) == 0 -> [0, 0, 1, 0]
christhekeele / default_behaviour.ex
Last active August 23, 2024 00:11
Behaviours with Defaults for Elixir
defmodule Default.Behaviour do
@moduledoc """
Creates a behaviour that carries its own default implementation.
When used into a behaviour module, when that module in turn is used, all functions
defined on it are given to the using module.
This allows you to have concrete implementations of the behaviour's default functionality
for testing, unlike cramming them all into a __using__ macro.
josevalim /
Last active May 22, 2024 10:06
A 1LOC bash script for re-running tests whenever a lib/ or test/ file changes keeping the same VM instance
# You will need fswatch installed (available in homebrew and friends)
# The command below will run tests and wait until fswatch writes something.
# The --stale flag will only run stale entries, it requires Elixir v1.3.
fswatch lib/ test/ | mix test --stale --listen-on-stdin
jadeallenx /
Last active April 21, 2023 17:13
When does terminate/2 get called in a gen_server?

When does terminate/2 get called in a gen_server?

This is what the [official documentation][1] says about the terminate/2 callback for a gen_server:

This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason. The return value is ignored.

Reason is a term denoting the stop reason and State is the internal state of the gen_server.

Reason depends on why the gen_server is terminating. If it is because another callback function has returned a stop tuple {stop,..}, Reason will have the value specified in that tuple. If it is due to a failure, Reason is the error reason.

config :my_app, :twitter_api,
client: Twitter.SandboxClient
kerrizor / gist:3a125b656cc74bc447c0
Last active September 9, 2018 22:54 — forked from jimbojsb/gist:1630790
copying colorized code

Step 0:

Get Homebrew installed on your mac if you don't already have it

Step 1:

Install highlight. "brew install highlight". (This brings down Lua and Boost as well)

Step 2:

mattak /
Last active September 3, 2021 08:05
post message to slack
#!bash -e
TOKEN= # slack token is generate from:
CHANNEL= # name of channels or group
MESSAGE= # message
NICK= # bot name
IS_PRIVATE= # 1 or 0
if [ $IS_PRIVATE -eq 1 ]; then
glv /
Last active March 16, 2018 14:50
This is a thing I wrote over a year ago for the internal LivingSocial wiki. There's nothing LS-specific about it, and it seems generally useful, so …

Trouble-Free Bundler

Every couple of weeks, I hear someone complaining about some difficulties with Bundler. Yesterday, it happened twice. But somehow I just never have those difficulties. I'm not saying Bundler is perfect; certainly in its early days it wasn't even close. But for the past two years it's been incredibly solid and trouble-free for me, and I think a large part of the reason is the way I use it. Bundler arguably does too much, and just as with Git, a big part of it is knowing what not to do, and configuring things to avoid the trouble spots.

andkerosine / raskell.rb
Created August 15, 2012 05:56
Haskell-like list comprehensions in Ruby
$stack, $draws = [], {}
def method_missing *args
return if args[0][/^to_/]
$stack << { |a| a or $stack.pop }
$draws[$stack.pop(2)[0][0]] = args[1] if args[0] == :<
class Array
def +@
henrik / README.markdown
Created June 26, 2012 07:30
This is how we test that all translation keys match up between locales, in Rails.

This is how we test that all translation keys match up between locales.

Stuff that only goes in one locale (such as an admin section) or that can't be translated yet (if you use external translators) can simply go in files that don't match the path "config/locales/??.yml", like "config/locales/".