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o( ̄へ ̄)o guzhenhuaGitHub

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onevcat / Default.swift
Created November 10, 2020 03:56
Sample code of using Default to decode a property to the default value
import UIKit
protocol DefaultValue {
associatedtype Value: Decodable
static var defaultValue: Value { get }
struct Default<T: DefaultValue> {
var wrappedValue: T.Value
Tamal /
Last active September 18, 2024 08:26
Solution for 'ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out' error
$ git clone my-awesome-proj
Cloning into 'my-awesome-proj'...
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
$ # This should also timeout
$ ssh -T
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
$ # but this might work
skabber / exportOptions.plist
Last active July 5, 2024 18:22
Export Options Plist Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
JohnSundell / AnyOf.swift
Created August 21, 2017 21:23
A way to easily compare a given value against an array of candidates
import Foundation
struct EquatableValueSequence<T: Equatable> {
static func ==(lhs: EquatableValueSequence<T>, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.values.contains(rhs)
static func ==(lhs: T, rhs: EquatableValueSequence<T>) -> Bool {
return rhs == lhs
khanlou / Array+EachCons.swift
Last active July 7, 2020 17:48
each_cons from Ruby in Swift as a function on Sequence
extension Collection {
func eachConsecutive(_ size: Int) -> Array<SubSequence> {
let droppedIndices = indices.dropFirst(size - 1)
return zip(indices, droppedIndices)
.map { return self[$0...$1] }
rbobbins /
Last active June 11, 2024 22:11
Notes from "Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift"

PS: If you liked this talk or like this concept, let's chat about iOS development at Stitch Fix! #shamelessplug

Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift

Speaker: David Abrahams. (Tech lead for Swift standard library)

  • "Crusty" is an old-school programmer who doesn't trust IDE's, debuggers, programming fads. He's cynical, grumpy.

  • OOP has been around since the 1970's. It's not actually new.

  • Classes are Awesome

    • Encapsulation
    • Access control
soardex / gist:e95cdc230d1ac5b824b3
Created May 9, 2015 01:15
Install rbenv in CentOS 7
# install build dependencies
sudo yum install -y git-core zlib zlib-devel gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison curl sqlite-devel
# clone and install rbenv environment
cd ~
git clone git:// .rbenv
git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
protocol ArrayRepresentable {
typealias ArrayType
func toArray() -> ArrayType[]
extension Range : ArrayRepresentable {
func toArray() -> T[] {
return T[](self)
// ViewController.m
// AVPlayerCaching
// Created by Anurag Mishra on 5/19/14.
// Sample code to demonstrate how to cache a remote audio file while streaming it with AVPlayer
#import "ViewController.h"
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>