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Created July 25, 2012 22:35
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  • Save guygurari/3179126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save guygurari/3179126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vim color scheme based on the CS04 palette from Kuler
" Color scheme based on the pallette CS04 from Kuler:
" 1. #F6F792
" 2. #333745
" 3. #77C4D3
" 4. #DAEDE2
" 5. #EA2E49
" Extra colors:
" #131519 - darker 2
" #4F576B - lighter 2
" #EBFFF3 - lighter 4
" #941D2E - darker 5
" Put this file in ~/.vim/colors and do :colorscheme CS04
set background=dark
highlight clear
if version > 580
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "CS04"
hi Normal guifg=#DAEDE2 guibg=#131519
hi Cursor guibg=#F6F792 guifg=#333745
hi VertSplit guifg=#DAEDE2 guibg=#333745 gui=none
hi Folded guifg=white guibg=#333745
hi FoldColumn guifg=white guibg=#333745
hi ModeMsg guifg=#F6F792
hi MoreMsg guifg=#F6F792
hi NonText guifg=#77C4D3 guibg=NONE
hi Question guifg=#F6F792
hi SpecialKey guifg=#77C4D3
hi Title guifg=#F6F792 gui=bold
hi Statement guifg=#77C4D3
hi Visual guibg=#333745
hi String guifg=#F6F792
hi Comment guifg=#4F576B
hi Constant guifg=#77C4D3
hi Special guifg=#F6F792
hi Identifier guifg=#77C4D3
hi Include guifg=#F6F792
hi PreProc guifg=#F6F792
hi Operator guifg=#77C4D3
hi Define guifg=#F6F792 gui=bold
hi Type guifg=#77C4D3
hi Function guifg=#DAEDE2
hi Structure guifg=#F6F792
hi MatchParen guifg=#333745 guibg=#F6F792
hi Ignore guifg=#333745
hi Todo guifg=#EA2E49 guibg=NONE
hi Directory guifg=#77C4D3
hi Warning guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
hi WarningMsg guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
hi Error guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
hi SpellErrors guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
" Color the undercurl (wiggly line) in spelling errors
hi SpellBad guisp=#EA2E49 gui=undercurl
hi SpellCap guisp=#F6F792 gui=undercurl
hi SpellRare guisp=#77C4D3 gui=undercurl
hi SpellLocal guisp=#EA2E49 gui=undercurl
hi StatusLine guibg=#DAEDE2 guifg=#131519 gui=none
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#333745 guifg=#EBFFF3 gui=none
hi Pmenu guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
hi PmenuSel guibg=#941D2E guifg=#EBFFF3
" Diff
hi DiffAdd guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#77C4D3
hi DiffChange guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#77C4D3
hi DiffDelete guifg=#F6F792 guibg=#333745
hi DiffText guifg=#EBFFF3 guibg=#941D2E
" Perl
hi perlVarPlain guifg=#DAEDE2
" TeX
hi texMathZoneA guifg=#77C4D3
hi texMathZoneX guifg=#77C4D3
hi texMathMatcher guifg=#77C4D3
hi texMatcher guifg=#F6F792
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