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Last active September 18, 2024 16:15
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Cross-platform VBA Function to get the OneDrive/SharePoint Url path/link from a local path of a locally synced folder
' Cross-platform VBA Function to get the OneDrive/SharePoint Url path (link)
' from a local path of a locally synced folder (Works on Windows and on macOS)
' Author: Guido Witt-Dörring
' Created: 2022/07/01
' Updated: 2024/04/15
' License: MIT
' ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
' ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
' Copyright (c) 2024 Guido Witt-Dörring
' MIT License:
' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
' of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
' deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
' rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
' sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
' furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
' all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
' This function works analogous to the 'GetLocalPath' function presented here:
' For more information about this function, please refer to that gist.
' Note:
' This function does not create a OneDrive 'share' link, to create such a link
' you need to use the Microsoft Graph API! The links created by this function
' will only work for the account that owns the remote folder that is being
' synchronized.
' This function offers an optional parameter to the user 'rebuildCache', however
' it is only meant to be used for recursive calls through the function itself.
' Using it is never necessary and will only lead to worse performance.
Option Explicit
Private Sub TestGetWebPath()
Debug.Print "Local path: " & Environ("OneDrive")
Debug.Print "Url path: " & GetWebPath(Environ("OneDrive"))
Debug.Print "Local path: " & Environ("OneDriveConsumer")
Debug.Print "Url path: " & GetWebPath(Environ("OneDriveConsumer"))
Debug.Print "Local path: " & Environ("OneDriveCommercial")
Debug.Print "Url path: " & GetWebPath(Environ("OneDriveCommercial"))
End Sub
'Function for converting OneDrive/SharePoint Local Paths synchronized to
'OneDrive in any way to an OneDrive/SharePoint URL, containing for example
',, or
'depending on the type of OneDrive account and synchronization.
'If no url path can be found, the input value will be returned unmodified.
'Author: Guido Witt-Dörring
Public Function GetWebPath(ByVal path As String, _
Optional ByVal rebuildCache As Boolean = False) _
As String
#If Mac Then
Const vbErrPermissionDenied As Long = 70
Const noErrJustDecodeUTF8 As Long = 20
Const syncIDFileName As String = ".849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B"
Const isMac As Boolean = True
Const ps As String = "/" 'Application.PathSeparator doesn't work
#Else 'Windows 'in all host applications (e.g. Outlook), hence
Const ps As String = "\" 'conditional compilation is preferred here.
Const isMac As Boolean = False
#End If
Const methodName As String = "GetWebPath"
Const vbErrFileNotFound As Long = 53
Const vbErrOutOfMemory As Long = 7
Const vbErrKeyAlreadyExists As Long = 457
Const vbErrInvalidFormatInResourceFile As Long = 325
Static locToWebColl As Collection, lastCacheUpdate As Date
If path Like "http*" Then GetWebPath = path: Exit Function
Dim webRoot As String, locRoot As String, vItem As Variant
Dim s As String, keyExists As Boolean
If Not locToWebColl Is Nothing And Not rebuildCache Then
'If the locToWebDict is initialized, this logic will find the Url
locRoot = path: GetWebPath = ""
If locRoot Like "*" & ps Then locRoot = Left(locRoot, Len(locRoot) - 1)
On Error Resume Next: locToWebColl locRoot: keyExists = _
(Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo 0
If keyExists Or InStr(locRoot, ps) = 0 Then Exit Do
locRoot = Left(locRoot, InStrRev(locRoot, ps) - 1)
If InStr(locRoot, ps) > 0 Then _
GetWebPath = Replace(Replace(path, locRoot, _
locToWebColl(locRoot)(1), , 1), ps, "/"): Exit Function
'Web path was not found with cached mountpoints
GetWebPath = path 'No Exit Function here! Check if cache needs rebuild
End If 'From here on, this function is identical with GetLocalPath, except
'GetLocalPath -> GetWebPath
Dim settPaths As Collection: Set settPaths = New Collection
Dim settPath As Variant, clpPath As String
#If Mac Then 'The settings directories can be in different locations
Dim cloudStoragePath As String, cloudStoragePathExists As Boolean
s = Environ("HOME")
clpPath = s & "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/CLP/"
s = Left$(s, InStrRev(s, "/Library/Containers/", , vbBinaryCompare))
settPaths.Add s & _
"Library/Containers/" & _
"Library/Application Support/OneDrive/settings/"
settPaths.Add s & "Library/Application Support/OneDrive/settings/"
cloudStoragePath = s & "Library/CloudStorage/"
'Excels CLP folder:
'clpPath = Left$(s, InStrRev(s, "/Library/Containers", , 0)) & _
"Library/Containers/" & _
"Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/CLP/"
#Else 'On Windows, the settings directories are always in this location:
settPaths.Add Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings\"
clpPath = Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Microsoft\Office\CLP\"
#End If
Dim i As Long
#If Mac Then 'Request access to all possible directories at once
Dim arrDirs() As Variant: ReDim arrDirs(1 To settPaths.count * 11 + 1)
For Each settPath In settPaths
For i = i + 1 To i + 9
arrDirs(i) = settPath & "Business" & i Mod 11
Next i
arrDirs(i) = settPath: i = i + 1
arrDirs(i) = settPath & "Personal"
Next settPath
arrDirs(i + 1) = cloudStoragePath
Dim accessRequestInfoMsgShown As Boolean
accessRequestInfoMsgShown = getsetting("GetLocalPath", _
"AccessRequestInfoMsg", "Displayed", "False") = "True"
If Not accessRequestInfoMsgShown Then MsgBox "The current " _
& "VBA Project requires access to the OneDrive settings files to " _
& "translate a OneDrive URL to the local path of the locally " & _
"synchronized file/folder on your Mac. Because these files are " & _
"located outside of Excels sandbox, file-access must be granted " _
& "explicitly. Please approve the access requests following this " _
& "message.", vbInformation
If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(arrDirs) Then _
Err.Raise vbErrPermissionDenied, methodName
#End If
'Find all subdirectories in OneDrive settings folder:
Dim oneDriveSettDirs As Collection: Set oneDriveSettDirs = New Collection
For Each settPath In settPaths
Dim dirName As String: dirName = Dir(settPath, vbDirectory)
Do Until dirName = vbNullString
If dirName = "Personal" Or dirName Like "Business#" Then _
oneDriveSettDirs.Add Item:=settPath & dirName & ps
dirName = Dir(, vbDirectory)
Next settPath
If Not locToWebColl Is Nothing Or isMac Then
Dim requiredFiles As Collection: Set requiredFiles = New Collection
'Get collection of all required files
Dim vDir As Variant
For Each vDir In oneDriveSettDirs
Dim cid As String: cid = IIf(vDir Like "*" & ps & "Personal" & ps, _
"????????????*", _
Dim fileName As String: fileName = Dir(vDir, vbNormal)
Do Until fileName = vbNullString
If fileName Like cid & ".ini" _
Or fileName Like cid & ".dat" _
Or fileName Like "ClientPolicy*.ini" _
Or StrComp(fileName, "GroupFolders.ini", vbTextCompare) = 0 _
Or StrComp(fileName, "global.ini", vbTextCompare) = 0 _
Or StrComp(fileName, "SyncEngineDatabase.db", _
vbTextCompare) = 0 Then _
requiredFiles.Add Item:=vDir & fileName
fileName = Dir
Next vDir
End If
'This part should ensure perfect accuracy despite the mount point cache
'while sacrificing almost no performance at all by querying FileDateTimes.
If Not locToWebColl Is Nothing And Not rebuildCache Then
'Check if a settings file was modified since the last cache rebuild
Dim vFile As Variant
For Each vFile In requiredFiles
If FileDateTime(vFile) > lastCacheUpdate Then _
rebuildCache = True: Exit For 'full cache refresh is required!
Next vFile
If Not rebuildCache Then Exit Function
End If
'If execution reaches this point, the cache will be fully rebuilt...
Dim fileNum As Long, syncID As String, b() As Byte, j As Long, k As Long
'Variables for manual decoding of UTF-8, UTF-32 and ANSI
Dim m As Long, ansi() As Byte, sAnsi As String
Dim utf16() As Byte, sUtf16 As String, utf32() As Byte
Dim utf8() As Byte, sUtf8 As String, numBytesOfCodePoint As Long
Dim codepoint As Long, lowSurrogate As Long, highSurrogate As Long
lastCacheUpdate = Now()
#If Mac Then 'Prepare building syncIDtoSyncDir dictionary. This involves
'reading the ".849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B" files inside the
'subdirs of "~/Library/CloudStorage/", list of files and access required
Dim coll As Collection: Set coll = New Collection
dirName = Dir(cloudStoragePath, vbDirectory)
Do Until dirName = vbNullString
If dirName Like "OneDrive*" Then
cloudStoragePathExists = True
vDir = cloudStoragePath & dirName & ps
vFile = cloudStoragePath & dirName & ps & syncIDFileName
coll.Add Item:=vDir
requiredFiles.Add Item:=vDir 'For pooling file access requests
requiredFiles.Add Item:=vFile
End If
dirName = Dir(, vbDirectory)
'Pool access request for these files and the OneDrive/settings files
If locToWebColl Is Nothing Then
Dim vFiles As Variant
If requiredFiles.count > 0 Then
ReDim vFiles(1 To requiredFiles.count)
For i = 1 To UBound(vFiles): vFiles(i) = requiredFiles(i): Next i
If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(vFiles) Then _
Err.Raise vbErrPermissionDenied, methodName
End If
End If
'More access might be required if some folders inside cloudStoragePath
'don't contain the hidden file ".849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B".
'In that case, access to their first level subfolders is also required.
If cloudStoragePathExists Then
For i = coll.count To 1 Step -1
Dim fAttr As Long: fAttr = 0
On Error Resume Next
fAttr = GetAttr(coll(i) & syncIDFileName)
Dim IsFile As Boolean: IsFile = False
If Err.Number = 0 Then IsFile = Not CBool(fAttr And vbDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not IsFile Then 'hidden file does not exist
'Dir(path, vbHidden) is unreliable and doesn't work on some Macs
'If Dir(coll(i) & syncIDFileName, vbHidden) = vbNullString Then
dirName = Dir(coll(i), vbDirectory)
Do Until dirName = vbNullString
If Not dirName Like ".Trash*" And dirName <> "Icon" Then
coll.Add coll(i) & dirName & ps
coll.Add coll(i) & dirName & ps & syncIDFileName, _
coll(i) & dirName & ps '<- key for removal
End If
dirName = Dir(, vbDirectory)
Loop 'Remove the
coll.Remove i 'folder if it doesn't contain the hidden file.
End If
Next i
If coll.count > 0 Then
ReDim arrDirs(1 To coll.count)
For i = 1 To coll.count: arrDirs(i) = coll(i): Next i
If Not GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(arrDirs) Then _
Err.Raise vbErrPermissionDenied, methodName
End If
'Remove all files from coll (not the folders!): Reminder:
On Error Resume Next 'coll(coll(i)) = coll(i) & syncIDFileName
For i = coll.count To 1 Step -1
coll.Remove coll(i)
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
'Write syncIDtoSyncDir collection
Dim syncIDtoSyncDir As Collection
Set syncIDtoSyncDir = New Collection
For Each vDir In coll
fAttr = 0
On Error Resume Next
fAttr = GetAttr(vDir & syncIDFileName)
IsFile = False
If Err.Number = 0 Then IsFile = Not CBool(fAttr And vbDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsFile Then 'hidden file exists
'Dir(path, vbHidden) is unreliable and doesn't work on some Macs
'If Dir(vDir & syncIDFileName, vbHidden) <> vbNullString Then
fileNum = FreeFile(): s = "": vFile = vDir & syncIDFileName
'Somehow reading these files with "Open" doesn't always work
Dim readSucceeded As Boolean: readSucceeded = False
On Error GoTo ReadFailed
Open vFile For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b: s = b
readSucceeded = True
ReadFailed: On Error GoTo -1
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
On Error GoTo 0
If readSucceeded Then
'Debug.Print "Used open statement to read file: " & _
vDir & syncIDFileName
ansi = s 'If Open was used: Decode ANSI string manually:
If LenB(s) > 0 Then
ReDim utf16(0 To LenB(s) * 2 - 1): k = 0
For j = LBound(ansi) To UBound(ansi)
utf16(k) = ansi(j): k = k + 2
Next j
s = utf16
Else: s = vbNullString
End If
Else 'Reading the file with "Open" failed with an error. Try
'using AppleScript. Also avoids the manual transcoding.
'Somehow ApplScript fails too, sometimes. Seems whenever
'"Open" works, AppleScript fails and vice versa (?!?!)
vFile = MacScript("return path to startup disk as " & _
"string") & Replace(Mid$(vFile, 2), ps, ":")
s = MacScript("return read file """ & _
vFile & """ as string")
'Debug.Print "Used Apple Script to read file: " & vFile
End If
If InStr(1, s, """guid"" : """, vbBinaryCompare) Then
s = Split(s, """guid"" : """)(1)
syncID = Left$(s, InStr(1, s, """", 0) - 1)
syncIDtoSyncDir.Add Key:=syncID, _
Item:=VBA.Array(syncID, Left$(vDir, Len(vDir) - 1))
Debug.Print "Warning, empty syncIDFile encountered!"
End If
End If
Next vDir
End If
'Now all access requests have succeeded
If Not accessRequestInfoMsgShown Then savesetting _
"GetLocalPath", "AccessRequestInfoMsg", "Displayed", "True"
#End If
'Declare some variables that will be used in the loop over OneDrive settings
Dim line As Variant, parts() As String, n As Long, libNr As String
Dim tag As String, mainMount As String, relPath As String, email As String
Dim parentID As String, folderID As String, folderName As String
Dim idPattern As String, folderType As String
Dim siteID As String, libID As String, webID As String, lnkID As String
Dim mainSyncID As String, syncFind As String, mainSyncFind As String
'The following are "constants" and needed for reading the .dat files:
Dim sig1 As String: sig1 = ChrB$(2)
Dim sig2 As String * 4: MidB$(sig2, 1) = ChrB$(1)
Dim vbNullByte As String: vbNullByte = ChrB$(0)
#If Mac Then
Const sig3 As String = vbNullChar & vbNullChar
#Else 'Windows
Const sig3 As String = vbNullChar
#End If
'Writing locToWebColl using .ini and .dat files in the OneDrive settings:
'Here, a Scripting.Dictionary would be nice but it is not available on Mac!
Dim lastAccountUpdates As Collection, lastAccountUpdate As Date
Set lastAccountUpdates = New Collection
Set locToWebColl = New Collection
For Each vDir In oneDriveSettDirs 'One folder per logged in OD account
dirName = Mid$(vDir, InStrRev(vDir, ps, Len(vDir) - 1, 0) + 1)
dirName = Left$(dirName, Len(dirName) - 1)
'Read global.ini to get cid
If Dir(vDir & "global.ini", vbNormal) = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
fileNum = FreeFile()
Open vDir & "global.ini" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
#If Mac Then 'On Mac, the OneDrive settings files use UTF-8 encoding
sUtf8 = b: GoSub DecodeUTF8
b = sUtf16
#End If
For Each line In Split(b, vbNewLine)
If line Like "cid = *" Then cid = Mid$(line, 7): Exit For
Next line
If cid = vbNullString Then GoTo NextFolder
If (Dir(vDir & cid & ".ini") = vbNullString Or _
(Dir(vDir & "SyncEngineDatabase.db") = vbNullString And _
Dir(vDir & cid & ".dat") = vbNullString)) Then GoTo NextFolder
If dirName Like "Business#" Then
idPattern = Replace(Space$(32), " ", "[a-f0-9]") & "*"
ElseIf dirName = "Personal" Then
idPattern = Replace(Space$(12), " ", "[A-F0-9]") & "*!###*"
End If
'Alternatively maybe a general pattern like this performs better:
'idPattern = Replace(Space$(12), " ", "[a-fA-F0-9]") & "*"
'Get email for business accounts
'(only necessary to let user choose preferredMountPointOwner)
fileName = Dir(clpPath, vbNormal)
Do Until fileName = vbNullString
i = InStrRev(fileName, cid, , vbTextCompare)
If i > 1 And cid <> vbNullString Then _
email = LCase$(Left$(fileName, i - 2)): Exit Do
fileName = Dir
#If Mac Then
On Error Resume Next
lastAccountUpdate = lastAccountUpdates(dirName)
keyExists = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
If keyExists Then
If FileDateTime(vDir & cid & ".ini") < lastAccountUpdate Then
GoTo NextFolder
For i = locToWebColl.count To 1 Step -1
If locToWebColl(i)(5) = dirName Then
locToWebColl.Remove i
End If
Next i
lastAccountUpdates.Remove dirName
lastAccountUpdates.Add Key:=dirName, _
Item:=FileDateTime(vDir & cid & ".ini")
End If
lastAccountUpdates.Add Key:=dirName, _
Item:=FileDateTime(vDir & cid & ".ini")
End If
#End If
'Read all the ClientPloicy*.ini files:
Dim cliPolColl As Collection: Set cliPolColl = New Collection
fileName = Dir(vDir, vbNormal)
Do Until fileName = vbNullString
If fileName Like "ClientPolicy*.ini" Then
fileNum = FreeFile()
Open vDir & fileName For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
#If Mac Then 'On Mac, OneDrive settings files use UTF-8 encoding
sUtf8 = b: GoSub DecodeUTF8
b = sUtf16
#End If
cliPolColl.Add Key:=fileName, Item:=New Collection
For Each line In Split(b, vbNewLine)
If InStr(1, line, " = ", vbBinaryCompare) Then
tag = Left$(line, InStr(1, line, " = ", 0) - 1)
s = Mid$(line, InStr(1, line, " = ", 0) + 3)
Select Case tag
Case "DavUrlNamespace"
cliPolColl(fileName).Add Key:=tag, Item:=s
Case "SiteID", "IrmLibraryId", "WebID" 'Only used for
s = Replace(LCase$(s), "-", "") 'backup method later
If Len(s) > 3 Then s = Mid$(s, 2, Len(s) - 2)
cliPolColl(fileName).Add Key:=tag, Item:=s
End Select
End If
Next line
End If
fileName = Dir
'If cid.dat file doesn't exist, skip this part:
Dim odFolders As Collection: Set odFolders = Nothing
If Dir(vDir & cid & ".dat") = vbNullString Then GoTo Continue
'Read cid.dat file if it exists:
Const chunkOverlap As Long = 1000
Const maxDirName As Long = 255
Dim buffSize As Long: buffSize = -1 'Buffer uninitialized
Try: On Error GoTo Catch
Set odFolders = New Collection
Dim lastChunkEndPos As Long: lastChunkEndPos = 1
Dim lastFileUpdate As Date: lastFileUpdate = FileDateTime(vDir & _
cid & ".dat")
i = 0 'i = current reading pos.
'Ensure file is not changed while reading it
If FileDateTime(vDir & cid & ".dat") > lastFileUpdate Then GoTo Try
fileNum = FreeFile
Open vDir & cid & ".dat" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
Dim lenDatFile As Long: lenDatFile = LOF(fileNum)
If buffSize = -1 Then buffSize = lenDatFile 'Initialize buffer
'Overallocate a bit so read chunks overlap to recognize all dirs
ReDim b(0 To buffSize + chunkOverlap)
Get fileNum, lastChunkEndPos, b: s = b
Dim size As Long: size = LenB(s)
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
lastChunkEndPos = lastChunkEndPos + buffSize
For vItem = 16 To 8 Step -8
i = InStrB(vItem + 1, s, sig2, 0) 'Sarch pattern in cid.dat
Do While i > vItem And i < size - 168 'and confirm with another
If StrComp(MidB$(s, i - vItem, 1), sig1, 0) = 0 Then 'one
i = i + 8: n = InStrB(i, s, vbNullByte, 0) - i
If n < 0 Then n = 0 'i:Start pos, n: Length
If n > 39 Then n = 39
#If Mac Then 'StrConv doesn't work reliably on Mac ->
sAnsi = MidB$(s, i, n) 'Decode ANSI string manually:
GoSub DecodeANSI: folderID = sUtf16
#Else 'Windows
folderID = StrConv(MidB$(s, i, n), vbUnicode)
#End If
i = i + 39: n = InStrB(i, s, vbNullByte, 0) - i
If n < 0 Then n = 0
If n > 39 Then n = 39
#If Mac Then 'StrConv doesn't work reliably on Mac ->
sAnsi = MidB$(s, i, n) 'Decode ANSI string manually:
GoSub DecodeANSI: parentID = sUtf16
#Else 'Windows
parentID = StrConv(MidB$(s, i, n), vbUnicode)
#End If
i = i + 121
n = InStr(-Int(-(i - 1) / 2) + 1, s, sig3, 0) * 2 - i - 1
If n > maxDirName * 2 Then n = maxDirName * 2
If n < 0 Then n = 0
If folderID Like idPattern _
And parentID Like idPattern Then
#If Mac Then 'Encoding of folder names is UTF-32-LE
Do While n Mod 4 > 0
If n > maxDirName * 4 Then Exit Do
n = InStr(-Int(-(i + n) / 2) + 1, s, sig3, _
0) * 2 - i - 1
If n > maxDirName * 4 Then n = maxDirName * 4
utf32 = MidB$(s, i, n)
'UTF-32 can only be converted manually to UTF-16
ReDim utf16(LBound(utf32) To UBound(utf32))
j = LBound(utf32): k = LBound(utf32)
Do While j < UBound(utf32)
If utf32(j + 2) + utf32(j + 3) = 0 Then
utf16(k) = utf32(j)
utf16(k + 1) = utf32(j + 1)
k = k + 2
If utf32(j + 3) <> 0 Then Err.Raise _
vbErrInvalidFormatInResourceFile, _
codepoint = utf32(j + 2) * &H10000 + _
utf32(j + 1) * &H100& + _
m = codepoint - &H10000
highSurrogate = &HD800& Or (m \ &H400&)
lowSurrogate = &HDC00& Or (m And &H3FF)
utf16(k) = highSurrogate And &HFF&
utf16(k + 1) = highSurrogate \ &H100&
utf16(k + 2) = lowSurrogate And &HFF&
utf16(k + 3) = lowSurrogate \ &H100&
k = k + 4
End If
j = j + 4
If k > LBound(utf16) Then
ReDim Preserve utf16(LBound(utf16) To k - 1)
folderName = utf16
Else: folderName = vbNullString
End If
#Else 'On Windows encoding is UTF-16-LE
folderName = MidB$(s, i, n)
#End If
'VBA.Array() instead of just Array() is used in this
'function because it ignores Option Base 1
odFolders.Add VBA.Array(parentID, folderName), _
End If
End If
i = InStrB(i + 1, s, sig2, 0) 'Find next sig2 in cid.dat
If odFolders.count > 0 Then Exit For
Next vItem
Loop Until lastChunkEndPos >= lenDatFile _
Or buffSize >= lenDatFile
GoTo Continue
Select Case Err.Number
Case vbErrKeyAlreadyExists
'This can happen at chunk boundries, folder might get added twice:
odFolders.Remove folderID 'Make sure the folder gets added new again
Resume 'to avoid folderNames truncated by chunk ends
Case Is <> vbErrOutOfMemory: Err.Raise Err, methodName
End Select
If buffSize > &HFFFFF Then buffSize = buffSize / 2: Resume Try
Err.Raise Err, methodName 'Raise error if less than 1 MB RAM available
On Error GoTo 0
'If .dat file didn't exist, read db file, otherwise skip this part
If Not odFolders Is Nothing Then GoTo SkipDbFile
'The following code for reading the .db file is an adaptation of the
'original code by Cristian Buse, see procedure 'GetODDirsFromDB' in the
fileNum = FreeFile()
Open vDir & "SyncEngineDatabase.db" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
size = LOF(fileNum)
If size = 0 Then GoTo CloseFile
' __ ____
'Signature bytes: 0b0b0b0b0b0b080b0b08080b0b0b0b where b>=0, b <= 9
Dim sig88 As String: sig88 = ChrW$(&H808)
Const sig8 As Long = 8
Const sig8Offset As Long = -3
Const maxSigByte As Byte = 9
Const sig88ToDataOffset As Long = 6 'Data comes after the signature
Const headBytes6 As Long = &H16
Const headBytes5 As Long = &H15
Const headBytes6Offset As Long = -16 'Header comes before the signature
Const headBytes5Offset As Long = -15
Const chunkSize As Long = &H100000 '1MB
Dim lastRecord As Long, bytes As Long, nameSize As Long
Dim idSize(1 To 4) As Byte
Dim lastFolderID As String, lastParentID As String
Dim lastNameStart As Long
Dim lastNameSize As Long
Dim currDataEnd As Long, lastDataEnd As Long
Dim headByte As Byte, lastHeadByte As Byte
Dim has5HeadBytes As Boolean
Dim extraOffset As Long
lastFileUpdate = 0
ReDim b(1 To chunkSize)
i = 0
If FileDateTime(vDir & "SyncEngineDatabase.db") > lastFileUpdate Then
Set odFolders = New Collection
Dim heads As Collection: Set heads = New Collection
lastFileUpdate = FileDateTime(vDir & "SyncEngineDatabase.db")
lastRecord = 1
lastFolderID = vbNullString
End If
If LenB(lastFolderID) > 0 Then
folderName = MidB$(s, lastNameStart, lastNameSize)
End If
Get fileNum, lastRecord, b
s = b
i = InStrB(1 - headBytes6Offset, s, sig88, vbBinaryCompare)
lastDataEnd = 0
Do While i > 0
If i + headBytes6Offset - 2 > lastDataEnd _
And LenB(lastFolderID) > 0 Then
If lastDataEnd > 0 Then
folderName = MidB$(s, lastNameStart, lastNameSize)
End If
sUtf8 = folderName: GoSub DecodeUTF8
folderName = sUtf16
On Error Resume Next
odFolders.Add VBA.Array(lastParentID, folderName), _
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If heads(lastFolderID) < lastHeadByte Then
If odFolders(lastFolderID)(1) <> folderName _
Or odFolders(lastFolderID)(0) <> lastParentID Then
odFolders.Remove lastFolderID
heads.Remove lastFolderID
odFolders.Add VBA.Array(lastParentID, _
folderName), _
End If
End If
End If
heads.Add lastHeadByte, lastFolderID
On Error GoTo 0
lastFolderID = vbNullString
End If
If b(i + sig8Offset) <> sig8 Then GoTo NextSig
has5HeadBytes = True
extraOffset = 0
If b(i + headBytes5Offset) = headBytes5 Then
j = i + headBytes5Offset
ElseIf b(i + headBytes6Offset) = headBytes6 Then
j = i + headBytes6Offset
has5HeadBytes = False 'Has 6 bytes header
ElseIf b(i + headBytes5Offset) <= maxSigByte Then
j = i + headBytes5Offset
ElseIf b(i + headBytes5Offset) = headBytes6 Then
j = i + headBytes5Offset
extraOffset = 1
GoTo NextSig
End If
headByte = b(j)
bytes = sig88ToDataOffset
For k = 1 To 4
If k = 1 And headByte <= maxSigByte Then
idSize(k) = b(j + 2) 'Ignore first header byte
idSize(k) = b(j + k)
End If
If idSize(k) < 37 Or idSize(k) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
idSize(k) = (idSize(k) - 13) / 2
bytes = bytes + idSize(k)
Next k
If has5HeadBytes Then
nameSize = b(j + 5)
If nameSize < 15 Or nameSize Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
nameSize = (nameSize - 13) / 2
nameSize = (b(j + 5) - 128) * 64 + (b(j + 6) - 13) / 2
If nameSize < 1 Or b(j + 6) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo NextSig
End If
bytes = bytes + nameSize
currDataEnd = i + bytes - 1
If currDataEnd > chunkSize Then 'Next chunk
i = i - 1
Exit Do
End If
j = i + sig88ToDataOffset + extraOffset
#If Mac Then 'StrConv doesn't work reliably on Mac ->
sAnsi = MidB$(s, j, idSize(1)) 'Decode ANSI string manually:
GoSub DecodeANSI: folderID = sUtf16
#Else 'Windows
folderID = StrConv(MidB$(s, j, idSize(1)), vbUnicode)
#End If
j = j + idSize(1)
parentID = StrConv(MidB$(s, j, idSize(2)), vbUnicode)
#If Mac Then 'StrConv doesn't work reliably on Mac ->
sAnsi = MidB$(s, j, idSize(2)) 'Decode ANSI string manually:
GoSub DecodeANSI: parentID = sUtf16
#Else 'Windows
parentID = StrConv(MidB$(s, j, idSize(2)), vbUnicode)
#End If
If folderID Like idPattern And parentID Like idPattern Then
lastNameStart = j + idSize(2) + idSize(3) + idSize(4)
lastNameSize = nameSize
lastFolderID = Left$(folderID, 32) 'Ignore the "+#.." in IDs
lastParentID = Left$(parentID, 32) 'of Business OneDrive
lastHeadByte = headByte
lastDataEnd = currDataEnd
End If
i = InStrB(i + 1, s, sig88, vbBinaryCompare)
If i = 0 Then
lastRecord = lastRecord + chunkSize + headBytes6Offset
lastRecord = lastRecord + i + headBytes6Offset
End If
Loop Until lastRecord > size
Close #fileNum
'Read cid.ini file
fileNum = FreeFile()
Open vDir & cid & ".ini" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
#If Mac Then 'On Mac, the OneDrive settings files use UTF-8 encoding
sUtf8 = b: GoSub DecodeUTF8:
b = sUtf16
#End If 'The lines from cid.ini are out of order on some systems:
Dim sortedLines As Collection: Set sortedLines = New Collection
Dim possTags As Variant 'Must be ordered correctly in the Array!
possTags = VBA.Array("libraryScope", "libraryFolder", "AddedScope")
Dim bucketColl As Collection: Set bucketColl = New Collection
For Each vItem In possTags
bucketColl.Add New Collection, CStr(vItem)
Next vItem
For Each line In Split(b, vbNewLine)
If InStr(1, line, " = ", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then Exit For
tag = Left$(line, InStr(1, line, " = ", 0) - 1)
Select Case tag: Case "libraryScope", "libraryFolder", "AddedScope"
bucketColl(tag).Add line, Split(line, " ", 4, 0)(2)
End Select
Next line
For Each vItem In possTags 'Build the sortedLines collection
Dim tagColl As Collection: Set tagColl = bucketColl(vItem)
i = 0
Do Until tagColl.count = 0
On Error Resume Next
line = vbNullString: line = tagColl(CStr(i))
On Error GoTo 0
If line <> vbNullString Then
sortedLines.Add line
tagColl.Remove CStr(i)
End If
i = i + 1
Next vItem
If dirName Like "Business#" Then 'Settings files for business OD account
'Max 9 Business OneDrive accounts can be signed in at a time.
Dim libNrToWebColl As Collection: Set libNrToWebColl = New Collection
mainMount = vbNullString
For Each line In sortedLines '= Split(b, vbNewLine), but sorted
webRoot = "": locRoot = "": parts = Split(line, """")
Select Case Left$(line, InStr(1, line, " = ", 0) - 1) '(tag)
Case "libraryScope" 'One line per synchronized library
locRoot = parts(9)
syncFind = locRoot: syncID = Split(parts(10), " ")(2)
libNr = Split(line, " ")(2)
folderType = parts(3): parts = Split(parts(8), " ")
siteID = parts(1): webID = parts(2): libID = parts(3)
If Split(line, " ", 4, vbBinaryCompare)(2) = "0" Then
mainMount = locRoot: fileName = "ClientPolicy.ini"
mainSyncID = syncID: mainSyncFind = syncFind
Else: fileName = "ClientPolicy_" & libID & siteID & ".ini"
End If
On Error Resume Next 'On error try backup method...
webRoot = cliPolColl(fileName)("DavUrlNamespace")
On Error GoTo 0
If webRoot = "" Then 'Backup method to find webRoot:
For Each vItem In cliPolColl
If vItem("SiteID") = siteID _
And vItem("WebID") = webID _
And vItem("IrmLibraryId") = libID Then
webRoot = vItem("DavUrlNamespace"): Exit For
End If
Next vItem
End If
If webRoot = vbNullString Then Err.Raise vbErrFileNotFound _
, methodName
libNrToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(libNr, webRoot), libNr
If Not locRoot = vbNullString Then _
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, email, _
syncID, syncFind, dirName), Key:=locRoot
Case "libraryFolder" 'One line per synchronized library folder
libNr = Split(line, " ")(3)
locRoot = parts(1): syncFind = locRoot
syncID = Split(parts(4), " ")(1)
s = vbNullString: parentID = Left$(Split(line, " ")(4), 32)
Do 'If not synced at the bottom dir of the library:
' -> add folders below mount point to webRoot
On Error Resume Next: odFolders parentID
keyExists = (Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo 0
If Not keyExists Then Exit Do
s = odFolders(parentID)(1) & "/" & s
parentID = odFolders(parentID)(0)
webRoot = libNrToWebColl(libNr)(1) & s
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, email, _
syncID, syncFind, dirName), locRoot
Case "AddedScope" 'One line per folder added as link to personal
If mainMount = vbNullString Then _
Err.Raise vbErrInvalidFormatInResourceFile, methodName
relPath = parts(5): If relPath = " " Then relPath = "" 'lib
parts = Split(parts(4), " "): siteID = parts(1)
webID = parts(2): libID = parts(3): lnkID = parts(4)
fileName = "ClientPolicy_" & libID & siteID & lnkID & ".ini"
On Error Resume Next 'On error try backup method...
webRoot = cliPolColl(fileName)("DavUrlNamespace") & relPath
On Error GoTo 0
If webRoot = "" Then 'Backup method to find webRoot:
For Each vItem In cliPolColl
If vItem("SiteID") = siteID _
And vItem("WebID") = webID _
And vItem("IrmLibraryId") = libID Then
webRoot = vItem("DavUrlNamespace") & relPath
Exit For
End If
Next vItem
End If
If webRoot = vbNullString Then Err.Raise vbErrFileNotFound _
, methodName
s = vbNullString: parentID = Left$(Split(line, " ")(3), 32)
Do 'If link is not at the bottom of the personal library:
On Error Resume Next: odFolders parentID
keyExists = (Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo 0
If Not keyExists Then Exit Do 'add folders below
s = odFolders(parentID)(1) & ps & s 'mount point to
parentID = odFolders(parentID)(0) 'locRoot
locRoot = mainMount & ps & s
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, email, _
mainSyncID, mainSyncFind, dirName), locRoot
Case Else: Exit For
End Select
Next line
ElseIf dirName = "Personal" Then 'Settings files for personal OD account
'Only one Personal OneDrive account can be signed in at a time.
For Each line In Split(b, vbNewLine) 'Loop should exit at first line
If line Like "library = *" Then
parts = Split(line, """"): locRoot = parts(3)
syncFind = locRoot: syncID = Split(parts(4), " ")(2)
Exit For
End If
Next line
On Error Resume Next 'This file may be missing if the personal OD
webRoot = cliPolColl("ClientPolicy.ini")("DavUrlNamespace") 'account
On Error GoTo 0 'was logged out of the OneDrive app
If locRoot = "" Or webRoot = "" Or cid = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot & "/" & cid, email, _
syncID, syncFind, dirName), Key:=locRoot
If Dir(vDir & "GroupFolders.ini") = "" Then GoTo NextFolder
'Read GroupFolders.ini file
cid = vbNullString: fileNum = FreeFile()
Open vDir & "GroupFolders.ini" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0
#If Mac Then 'On Mac, the OneDrive settings files use UTF-8 encoding
sUtf8 = b: GoSub DecodeUTF8
b = sUtf16
#End If 'Two lines per synced folder from other peoples personal ODs
For Each line In Split(b, vbNewLine)
If line Like "*_BaseUri = *" And cid = vbNullString Then
cid = LCase$(Mid$(line, InStrRev(line, "/", , 0) + 1, _
InStrRev(line, "!", , 0) - InStrRev(line, "/", , 0) - 1))
folderID = Left$(line, InStr(1, line, "_", 0) - 1)
ElseIf cid <> vbNullString Then
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot & ps & odFolders( _
folderID)(1), webRoot & "/" & cid & "/" & _
Mid$(line, Len(folderID) + 9), email, _
syncID, syncFind, dirName), _
Key:=locRoot & ps & odFolders(folderID)(1)
cid = vbNullString: folderID = vbNullString
End If
Next line
End If
cid = vbNullString: s = vbNullString: email = vbNullString
Next vDir
'Clean the finished "dictionary" up, remove trailing "\" and "/"
Dim tmpColl As Collection: Set tmpColl = New Collection
For Each vItem In locToWebColl
locRoot = vItem(0): webRoot = vItem(1): syncFind = vItem(4)
If Right$(webRoot, 1) = "/" Then _
webRoot = Left$(webRoot, Len(webRoot) - 1)
If Right$(locRoot, 1) = ps Then _
locRoot = Left$(locRoot, Len(locRoot) - 1)
If Right$(syncFind, 1) = ps Then _
syncFind = Left$(syncFind, Len(syncFind) - 1)
tmpColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, vItem(2), _
vItem(3), syncFind), locRoot
Next vItem
Set locToWebColl = tmpColl
#If Mac Then 'deal with syncIDs
If cloudStoragePathExists Then
Set tmpColl = New Collection
For Each vItem In locToWebColl
locRoot = vItem(0): syncID = vItem(3): syncFind = vItem(4)
locRoot = Replace(locRoot, syncFind, _
syncIDtoSyncDir(syncID)(1), , 1)
tmpColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, vItem(1), vItem(2)), locRoot
Next vItem
Set locToWebColl = tmpColl
End If
#End If
GetWebPath = GetWebPath(path, False): Exit Function
Exit Function
DecodeUTF8: 'UTF-8 must be transcoded to UTF-16 manually in VBA
Const raiseErrors As Boolean = False 'Raise error if invalid UTF-8 is found?
Dim o As Long, p As Long, q As Long
Static numBytesOfCodePoints(0 To 255) As Byte
Static mask(2 To 4) As Long
Static minCp(2 To 4) As Long
If numBytesOfCodePoints(0) = 0 Then
For o = &H0& To &H7F&: numBytesOfCodePoints(o) = 1: Next o '0xxxxxxx
'110xxxxx - C0 and C1 are invalid (overlong encoding)
For o = &HC2& To &HDF&: numBytesOfCodePoints(o) = 2: Next o
For o = &HE0& To &HEF&: numBytesOfCodePoints(o) = 3: Next o '1110xxxx
'11110xxx - 11110100, 11110101+ (= &HF5+) outside of valid Unicode range
For o = &HF0& To &HF4&: numBytesOfCodePoints(o) = 4: Next o
For o = 2 To 4: mask(o) = (2 ^ (7 - o) - 1): Next o
minCp(2) = &H80&: minCp(3) = &H800&: minCp(4) = &H10000
End If
Dim currByte As Byte
utf8 = sUtf8
ReDim utf16(0 To (UBound(utf8) - LBound(utf8) + 1) * 2)
p = 0
o = LBound(utf8)
Do While o <= UBound(utf8)
codepoint = utf8(o)
numBytesOfCodePoint = numBytesOfCodePoints(codepoint)
If numBytesOfCodePoint = 0 Then
If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5
GoTo insertErrChar
ElseIf numBytesOfCodePoint = 1 Then
utf16(p) = codepoint
p = p + 2
ElseIf o + numBytesOfCodePoint - 1 > UBound(utf8) Then
If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5
GoTo insertErrChar
codepoint = utf8(o) And mask(numBytesOfCodePoint)
For q = 1 To numBytesOfCodePoint - 1
currByte = utf8(o + q)
If (currByte And &HC0&) = &H80& Then
codepoint = (codepoint * &H40&) + (currByte And &H3F)
If raiseErrors Then _
Err.Raise 5
GoTo insertErrChar
End If
Next q
'Convert the Unicode codepoint to UTF-16LE bytes
If codepoint < minCp(numBytesOfCodePoint) Then
If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5
GoTo insertErrChar
ElseIf codepoint < &HD800& Then
utf16(p) = CByte(codepoint And &HFF&)
utf16(p + 1) = CByte(codepoint \ &H100&)
p = p + 2
ElseIf codepoint < &HE000& Then
If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5
GoTo insertErrChar
ElseIf codepoint < &H10000 Then
If codepoint = &HFEFF& Then GoTo nextCp '(BOM - will be ignored)
utf16(p) = codepoint And &HFF&
utf16(p + 1) = codepoint \ &H100&
p = p + 2
ElseIf codepoint < &H110000 Then 'Calculate surrogate pair
m = codepoint - &H10000
Dim loSurrogate As Long: loSurrogate = &HDC00& Or (m And &H3FF)
Dim hiSurrogate As Long: hiSurrogate = &HD800& Or (m \ &H400&)
utf16(p) = hiSurrogate And &HFF&
utf16(p + 1) = hiSurrogate \ &H100&
utf16(p + 2) = loSurrogate And &HFF&
utf16(p + 3) = loSurrogate \ &H100&
p = p + 4
If raiseErrors Then Err.Raise 5
insertErrChar: utf16(p) = &HFD
utf16(p + 1) = &HFF
p = p + 2
If numBytesOfCodePoint = 0 Then numBytesOfCodePoint = 1
End If
End If
nextCp: o = o + numBytesOfCodePoint 'Move to the next UTF-8 codepoint
sUtf16 = MidB$(utf16, 1, p)
DecodeANSI: 'Code for decoding ANSI string manually:
ansi = sAnsi
p = UBound(ansi) - LBound(ansi) + 1
If p > 0 Then
ReDim utf16(0 To p * 2 - 1): q = 0
For p = LBound(ansi) To UBound(ansi)
utf16(q) = ansi(p): q = q + 2
Next p
sUtf16 = utf16
sUtf16 = vbNullString
End If
End Function
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JefUtb commented Jan 30, 2023

Thanks for your work.

Any chance you could rewrite this as "proper" VBA, with End If statements and without colons and underscores everywhere? It might save a couple of lines, but makes the code hard to read and error-prone.

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guwidoe commented Jan 30, 2023

Hi @JefUtb, thanks for the comment!

You are right that the coding style I follow here is dubious and in many places I overdid it with the line continuations etc...

The reason I implemented it like this and why I sometimes adopt such a style in VBA is, that the Microsoft Office VBA IDE makes it very annoying to navigate larger projects.
Therefore, I like to write utility functions without any dependencies. I can put them all into one module and just copy-paste the ones I need into one module again, avoiding too many "library" modules that clutter the IDE.

Now the thing is, to actually rewrite this in a more readable way the most important change would be splitting it up into multiple procedures/functions, which I'm not too excited to do for the reasons I just explained. Many of the procedures I'd split this up into would have no other use than for this function (and maybe for GetLocalPath), so in my projects, I would have to always copy a bunch of interdependent functions or an entire library module, both of which I don't like.

I have spent a lot of time with this code and find it actually quite readable, stretching it out over more lines would make this function harder to navigate for me. Often when using line continuation, I try to shorten a block of code for which I know what it does and use multiple times (usually something to outsource into a different procedure), e.g.:

On Error Resume Next: cliPolColl fileName: keyExists = _
(Err.Number = 0): On Error GoTo -1: On Error GoTo 0

This just checks if a key already exists in a collection. I used to use Scripting.Dictionary instead but had to drop it for Mac compatibility.

fileNum = FreeFile
Open wDir & cid & ".dat" For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
    ReDim b(0 To LOF(fileNum)): Get fileNum, , b: s = b: size = LenB(s)
Close #fileNum: fileNum = 0

This just reads a file into the variable b as a byte array.

I use _ because I strictly adhere to an 80-character line-length limit in this code. This enables multiple editor windows side by side without horizontal scrolling. This enhances readability in my opinion.

I sometimes avoid End If by using

If condition Then _

to save a line. In my opinion, readability doesn't suffer because the block is still clearly indicated through indentation. Of course, it takes some getting used to it.

This is supposed to be a copy-paste and everything-just-works-without-any-dependencies solution.

The friend I collaborated with on this solution implemented it independently in a library module and in a more conventional manner. The solution approach is the same but you may find it easier to read: link

The only difference is that he didn't implement Mac compatibility yet.

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Bowman99 commented Nov 21, 2023

Hi, i use your awesome function and encountered an issue a few days ago that it doesn't give me the converted path anymore. but instead the https url.
What has happened, and how do i solve this :)
i use this one on stack overflow i might add.
In the top post where i explain my issue.

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guwidoe commented Nov 21, 2023

Hi @Bowman99, just to clarify: You have an HTTPS URL and you want to convert it to a local path? Then you are commenting under the wrong gist. 😊
Please try updating your function to the latest version which you can find here:

If you still have the same issue afterwards let me know!

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Hi buddy! Thanks for answering, yes you are right!
I'll try to update to the new code and ill get back to you.

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Bowman99 commented Nov 21, 2023

Oh my god i love you :) It worked to update the code. I should’ve seen that explanation in the code sorry. I’ll look better next time!
Thank you so much for this, and your code over all guwidoe!

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BlakeR94 commented Apr 9, 2024

Hi @guwidoe,

I have run into a similar error that was found on GetLocalOneDrivePath.bas.vb

The debugger is shooting up error 457, “This key is already associated with an element of this collection”, at line 1164:
locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, email, _
mainSyncID, mainSyncFind, dirName), locRoot

This has since been fixed but has the same bug been applied here?

Appreciate the help!

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Bowman99 commented Apr 9, 2024

Hi @guwidoe,

I have run into a similar error that was found on GetLocalOneDrivePath.bas.vb

The debugger is shooting up error 457, “This key is already associated with an element of this collection”, at line 1164: locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot, email, _ mainSyncID, mainSyncFind, dirName), locRoot

This has since been fixed but has the same bug been applied here?

Appreciate the help!

Have you tried the last version?

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BlakeR94 commented Apr 9, 2024

yes, currently running the latest Updated: 2023/10/02

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guwidoe commented Apr 9, 2024

Hi @BlakeR94, thanks for the notice... You are right, not all bugfixes are implemented here. I will update the function today and let you know once its done!

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BlakeR94 commented Apr 9, 2024

Awesome, Thank you!

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guwidoe commented Apr 15, 2024

@BlakeR94, I have now updated the function, sorry for the delay!

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Working perfectly, thank you!

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monitom commented Sep 18, 2024

Hi @guwidoe,

I am encountering the same error as BlakeR94: "Run-Time error '457': The key is already associated with an element of this collection."

It's on line 5530 of my code...

5530 locToWebColl.Add VBA.Array(locRoot, webRoot & "/" & cid, email, _ syncID, syncFind, dirName), Key:=locRoot

Not entirely sure why this would error here?


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