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Created January 1, 2021 02:52
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#agile #scrum


  • Agile framework
  • challenges traditional sequential development (waterfall model)
  • divided in time-boxed iterations called sprints
  • advantages: faster release of usable product and flexibility (quickly adapt to feedback and changes)
  • disadvantages: scalability (scrum is suited for small teams) and incompatibility with team whose members are geographically dispersed or part-time

Scrum team

  • small team, usually between 5 to 9 members

Product owner

  • represents the interests of the business and customers
  • prioritizes by directing the team towards the most valuable work and away from less valuable work
  • controls the order of the items in the product backlog
  • make sure that the team fully understands the requirements

Scrum master

  • isn't the boss, being a scrum master is about knowledge and responsibilities not rank
  • scrum expert, coach and advisor
  • facilitator, plan meetings and constantly available to remove any impediments


  • highly collaborative, self-organizing and independent
  • decide which tools and techniques will be used and who will do which job
  • create estimates
  • should possess all of the skills required to create the product

Scrum artifacts

Product backlog

  • is the list of desired deliverables (features, bug fixes, documentation...) and its requirements
  • is ordered by importance

Backlog items

  • who (user) is the feature for
  • description
  • reason that this is valuable
  • estimate as to how much work will be needed to implementation
  • requirements
User stories
  • backlog items usually are in the user stories format
    • e.g.: "As a <role>, I want <this feature >, so that I can <accomplish this>."

Sprint backlog

  • to do list for a specific sprint
  • includes all the stories that the scrum team has committed to deliver in this sprint
  • specify
  • each story is divided in tasks and each task is delegated to a specific developer


  • sum of all the product backlog items completed during sprint plus the work done in all the previous sprints
  • potentially releasable product

Scrum events/ceremonies

Sprint planning

  • entire scrum team
  • schedule: start of the first day of a new sprint
  • select which product backlog items (stories) will be done in this sprint
  • chose which developer will do each story
  • identify tasks for each story
  • new sprint backlog is created

Planning poker

  • technique for estimating relative size of development goals
  • estimating sequential numbers is confusing (because they're too close) and simply double the previous number in the sequence is too limiting
  • use instead the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...)

Daily scrum

  • stand-up meeting to make it brief (max 15 minutes)
  • usually at the start of the work day
  • each member shares:
    • tasks completed since the last daily scrum
    • what is expected to be completed by the next daily scrum
    • what obstacles is slowing down the work
  • any problem is identified and a member(s) is chosen to address it

Sprint review

  • public with all stakeholders (scrum team, business people...)
  • schedule from half hour to one hour for every week of development
  • demonstrate the completed stories
  • if a planned story was not completed, share the information with the stakeholders
  • gather feedback


  • reserved only for the scrum team
  • schedule is one or two hours for every week of development
  • mark the end of the sprint
  • focus on what was learned and how this can be applied to improve
  • identify one or two strategic changes to make in the next sprint
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