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Last active September 4, 2016 13:51
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def-type : 멤버 변수 접근자 함수를 간단하게...
(defmacro ? [o prop]
(let [get-prop# (symbol (str "get-" prop))]
`(~get-prop# ~o)))
(defmacro ! [o prop val]
(let [set-prop# (symbol (str "set-" prop))]
`(~set-prop# ~o ~val)))
(defmacro def-access-method [field]
(let [get-method# (symbol (str "get-" field))
set-method# (symbol (str "set-" field))]
`((~get-method# [~'this])
(~set-method# [~'this ~'val]))))
(defmacro def-access-methods [fields]
(let [methods# (for [field# fields]
(macroexpand `(def-access-method ~field#)))
methods'# (apply concat methods#)
(defmacro def-access-method-impl [field]
(let [get-method# (symbol (str "get-" field))
set-method# (symbol (str "set-" field))]
`((~get-method# [~'this] (. ~'this ~field))
(~set-method# [~'this ~'val] (set! ~field ~'val)))))
(defmacro def-access-method-impls [fields]
(let [method-impl# (for [field# fields]
(macroexpand `(def-access-method-impl ~field#)))
method-impls'# (apply concat method-impl#)
(defmacro def-type [name fields]
(let [protocol# (symbol (str name "Accessable"))
methods# (macroexpand `(def-access-methods ~fields))
method-impls# (macroexpand `(def-access-method-impls ~fields))
mutable-fields# (mapv #(with-meta % {:volatile-mutable true}) fields)
`(do (defprotocol ~protocol# ~@methods#)
(deftype ~name ~mutable-fields# ~protocol# ~@method-impls#))))
(def-type Person [name age])
(def person (Person. "John" 27)) ;=> #'ns/person
(? person age) ;=> 27
(! person age 29) ;=> 29
(? person age) ;=> 29
(? person name) ;=> "John"
(! person name "Tom") ;=> "Tom"
(? person name) ;=> "Tom"
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