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From self[at] Mon Nov 8 16:59:48 2021
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 16:59:48 -0600
From: Sung Pae <self[at]>
Subject: Permissive forwarding rule leads to unintentional exposure of
containers to external hosts
Message-ID: <YYmr4l1isfH9VQCn@SHANGRILA>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha256;
protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="QR1yLfEBO/zgxYVA"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
TRACE t48211: (frak/pattern ["450000949b3c40004006dfd10a000157d83adbc4e24001bb6c99f46fe29ceecf801805a0e4af00000101080a001779d76ecff667170303005b000000000000001debaf9409cffc8aba1c3c8ac9f24f172947d0b87d549535babe748f4f5c374343e583b3552bd6f9efb572b4cf063a9eb5295cbdc2ee20250d610463eda9b53657d1f0773b154f2793bbf1697258a595266f1c9c" "450000629b3d40004006e0020a000157d83adbc4e24001bb6c99f4cfe29ceecf801805a0402800000101080a001779d76ecff6671703030029000000000000001edf7a82c2ae09a6f2eb4b41d1c91342e907fac5afc261d1106120d204e31cdf6727" "45000062553500003406720bd83adbc40a00015701bbe240e29ceecf6c99f4fd8018023b099900000101080a6ed00a63001779d7170303002900000000000000a47495da1b255c5bf707d3c22424579f368eff46366b0745d39a181c4dd38e322a98" "4500007d55480000340671ddd83adbc40a00015701bbe240e29ceefd6c99f4fd8010023be1b600000101080a6ed00a85001779d7170303004400000000000000a52e5db0ead2180dd1f5cee35466b0f5e84de0e5de3b9f9852ba20489c7b42bc29805a9fa513fdebdd8d8f9da33ba7d63f297140ca223ecfbb6aca5c07"])
guns / gist:bc722e7ffd9ad1ee92ee
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Closing resources
(ns example
(:require [ :as io])
(:import ( FileInputStream)
(javax.mail Session)
(javax.mail.internet MimeMessage)))
;; Good
(defn ^MimeMessage message
(with-open [fis (FileInputStream. (io/file file))]
guns / gist:621b622738baec56c4b9
Created May 1, 2014 17:10
Type scaffolding of Clojure objects
(defn type-scaffold
", originally by cgrand"
[^Class cls]
(let [ms (map (fn [^Method m]
[(.getDeclaringClass m)
(symbol (.getName m))
(map #(symbol (.getCanonicalName ^Class %)) (.getParameterTypes m))])
(.getMethods cls))
idecls (mapv (fn [[^Class cls ms]]
(let [decls (map (fn [[_ s ps]] (str (list s (into ['this] ps))))
;; Any type of error class, as CLJS uses js/Error
(defn e! [fmt & args]
(throw (AssertionError. (apply format fmt args))))
;; Exception message takes precedence over :validation-msg
["-i" "--input-directory DIR"
:validate-fn #(cond (not (ok-path? %))
(e! "Input directory path %s is malformed" (pr-str %))
(let [f (File. %)]
guns / bar.clj
Created January 14, 2014 21:40
fireplace#source() issue
(ns bar
(:refer-clojure :exclude [defn]))
(defmacro defn [& _])
guns / minimum_edit_distance.clj
Last active December 29, 2015 09:59
A naive implementation of minimum edit distance (Levenshtein distance) in Clojure.
(ns minimum-edit-distance
"A naive implementation of minimum edit distance in Clojure.
D(i,0) = i
D(0,j) = j
guns / readline.patch
Last active December 29, 2015 09:49
gherkin readline() patch
diff --git a/gherkin b/gherkin
index 2567adf..aeb97e6 100755
--- a/gherkin
+++ b/gherkin
@@ -37,15 +37,12 @@ pb_get="^$"
readline() {
- IFS=$'\n\b'
+ local IFS=$'\n\b'
guns / muttrc
Created November 23, 2013 20:50
Encrypt mail only to recipients with public keys
# Encrypt mail only to recipients with public keys
set my_cryptlist=`gpg --list-keys | ruby -e '\
puts $<(.*?)>/)\
.map { |(e)| "\\\\\\\\<%s\\\\\\\\>" % Regexp.escape(Regexp.escape(Regexp.escape(e))) }\
send-hook ~A "set crypt_autoencrypt=no"
send-hook "~t ($my_cryptlist)" "set crypt_autoencrypt=yes"
guns / tools.cli.proposal.mail
Last active December 28, 2015 22:48
tools.cli proposal
On Sun 25 Aug 2013 at 09:05:15PM -0500, gaz jones wrote:
> Hey, i am the current maintainer of tools.cli - i have very little
> time to make any changes to it at the moment (kids :) ). I'm not sure
> what the process is for adding you as a developer or transferring
> ownership etc but if I'm happy to do so as I have no further plans for
> working on it.
Hello Gareth,