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Last active April 6, 2022 11:09
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Convert attribute columns from VGG Image Annotator CSV to lists, then to pandas DataFrame. Draw the bounding boxes on og images and save the new image.
# folder where the image is already saved (without bounding boxes)
data_dir = 'media/stable_numbers/number_crops/'
# folder where the new image with bounding boxes should be saved
out_dir = 'media/copy_labeled_number_crops/'
# go through the unique file names (because files can have more than 1 bounding box)
for file in new_df.filename.unique():
# load in the image and .loc[] the rows where it's referenced (each row represents 1 bounding box)
image = cv.imread(f'{data_dir}{file}')
box_rows = new_df.loc[new_df.filename == file]
# go through each row (each bounding box)
for index, row in box_rows.iterrows():
# set the coordinates of this row's bounding box (+1 in each direction)
top_left = int(row['x']) - 1, int(row['y']) - 1
bottom_right = int(top_left[0] + row['width'] + 2), int(top_left[1] + row['height'] + 2)
# put the bounding box on the image in green
cv.rectangle(image, top_left, bottom_right, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1)
# save the new image with bounding boxes to the output directory (same file name)
new = f'{out_dir}{file}'
cv.imwrite(new, image)
# diaplay a blown up version of the last image (optional)
img = Image.fromarray(image)
img.resize((img.size[0]*5, img.size[1]*5))
a = pd.DataFrame(file_attributes_list)
b = pd.DataFrame(shape_attributes_list)
c = pd.DataFrame(region_attributes_list)
new_df = pd.concat([a, b, c], axis=1, ignore_index=False)
new_df.columns = [c for c in a.columns] + [c for c in b.columns] + [c for c in c.columns]
new_df['filename'] = df.filename
new_df['file_size'] = df.file_size
new_df['region_count'] = df.region_count
new_df['region_id'] = df.region_id
new_df['file_size'] = df.file_size
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('YOURCSVHERE')
file_attributes_list = []
for attribute in df.file_attributes.values:
attribute = attribute.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(',')
this_row = {}
for a in attribute:
a = a.replace('"', '')
a = a.split(':')
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : int(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : str(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : ''})
shape_attributes_list = []
for attribute in df.region_shape_attributes.values:
attribute = attribute.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(',')
this_row = {}
for a in attribute:
a = a.replace('"', '')
a = a.split(':')
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : int(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : str(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : ''})
region_attributes_list = []
for attribute in df.region_attributes.values:
attribute = attribute.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(',')
this_row = {}
for a in attribute:
a = a.replace('"', '')
a = a.split(':')
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : int(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : str(a[1])})
this_row.update({str(a[0]) : ''})
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