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Created December 31, 2022 16:50
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Iso 8601 duration parsing at type level
ghci> duration @"P1Y1W"
Duration {years = 1, months = 0, days = 0, weeks = 1, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0}
ghci> duration @"P1Y1WT10H5M"
Duration {years = 1, months = 0, days = 0, weeks = 1, hours = 10, minutes = 5, seconds = 0}
ghci> duration @"P1Y1WT10H5M120S"
Duration {years = 1, months = 0, days = 0, weeks = 1, hours = 10, minutes = 5, seconds = 120}
ghci> duration @"P10H5M120S"
<interactive>:119:1: error:
• Cannot parse duration. Expecting 'T', got: 10H5M120S
• In the expression: duration @"P10H5M120S"
In an equation for ‘it’: it = duration @"P10H5M120S"
ghci> duration @"PT10H5M120S"
Duration {years = 0, months = 0, days = 0, weeks = 0, hours = 10, minutes = 5, seconds = 120}
ghci> duration @"PT10H5M120STrailing?"
<interactive>:121:1: error:
• Cannot parse duration at: Trailing?
• In the expression: duration @"PT10H5M120STrailing?"
In an equation for ‘it’: it = duration @"PT10H5M120STrailing?"
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{- |
This modules parses ISO 8601 duration at type level.
It proposes the 'Duration' type as well as 'duration' function, which returns
a 'Duration' from a type level string.
It behaves exactly as you would implement a partial `IsString` instance, but
instead of simple implementation leading to a runtime crash with explicit
error, it fails at compile time with an awful error and the implementation is
module Iso8601Duration (Duration(..), duration) where
import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel(..))
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Bool (If)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Data (Proxy(..))
-- * Number parsing
type family ParseNumber s where
ParseNumber s = ParseNumberInner (UnconsSymbol s) Nothing
type family ParseNumberInner t n where
ParseNumberInner Nothing s = '(s, "")
ParseNumberInner (Just '(c, cs)) n = If (IsDigit c) (ParseNumberInner (UnconsSymbol cs) (Just (FromMaybe 0 n * 10 + FromJust (ToDigit c)))) '(n, ConsSymbol c cs)
-- * Number followed by letter
type family ParseNumberFollowedByLetter s l where
ParseNumberFollowedByLetter s l = ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal (ParseNumber s) l
type family ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal s l where
ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal '(Nothing, s) _ = Nothing
ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal '(Just number, s) l = ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal2 number (UnconsSymbol s) l
type family ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal2 n s l where
ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal2 n Nothing l = Nothing
ParseNumberFollowedByLetterInternal2 n (Just '( c, cs)) l = If (CmpChar c l == EQ) (Just '(n, cs)) Nothing
-- * Digits
type family IsDigit c where
IsDigit c = IsJust (ToDigit c)
type family ToDigit c where
ToDigit '0' = Just 0
ToDigit '1' = Just 1
ToDigit '2' = Just 2
ToDigit '3' = Just 3
ToDigit '4' = Just 4
ToDigit '5' = Just 5
ToDigit '6' = Just 6
ToDigit '7' = Just 7
ToDigit '8' = Just 9
ToDigit '9' = Just 9
ToDigit _ = Nothing
-- * Maybe utils
type family FromMaybe v m where
FromMaybe v Nothing = v
FromMaybe _ (Just v) = v
type family IsJust m where
IsJust Nothing = 'False
IsJust (Just _) = 'True
type family FromJust m where
FromJust (Just v) = v
-- * Parsing
type family ParseTimeField s where
ParseTimeField s = ParseFieldsInternal '[ 'H', 'M', 'S' ] s
type family ParseDateField s where
ParseDateField s = ParseFieldsInternal '[ 'Y', 'M', 'D', 'W' ] s
type family ParseFieldsInternal fields s where
ParseFieldsInternal '[] s = '( '[], s)
ParseFieldsInternal (l ': ls) s = ParseFieldsInternal2 l (ParseNumberFollowedByLetter s l) ls s
type family ParseFieldsInternal2 l currentL ls s where
ParseFieldsInternal2 currentL Nothing ls s = ConcatListFirstField '(0, currentL) (ParseFieldsInternal ls s)
ParseFieldsInternal2 currentL (Just '(n, s')) ls s = ConcatListFirstField '(n, currentL) (ParseFieldsInternal ls s')
type family ParseAllFields s where
ParseAllFields s = ParseAllFields' (UnconsSymbol s)
type family ParseAllFields' s where
ParseAllFields' (Just '( 'P', xs ) ) = ParseAllFields'' (ParseDateField xs)
ParseAllFields' _ = TypeError (Text "Duration must start by P.")
type family ParseAllFields'' s where
ParseAllFields'' '( dateFields, s) = ConcatList dateFields (ParseAllFields''' (UnconsSymbol s))
type family ParseAllFields''' s where
ParseAllFields''' Nothing = '[ '(0, 'H'), '(0, 'M'), '(0, 'S')]
ParseAllFields''' (Just '( 'T', xs ) ) = ParseAllFields'''' (ParseTimeField xs)
ParseAllFields''' (Just '( x, xs ) ) = TypeError (Text "Cannot parse duration. Expecting 'T', got: " :<>: Text (ConsSymbol x xs))
type family ParseAllFields'''' s where
ParseAllFields'''' '( timeFields, "") = timeFields
ParseAllFields'''' '( timeFields, s) = TypeError (Text "Cannot parse duration at: " :<>: Text s)
-- * List utils
type family ConcatListFirstField x y where
ConcatListFirstField x '(xs, v) = '(x ': xs, v)
type family ConcatList a b where
ConcatList '[] b = b
ConcatList (a ': as) b = a ': ConcatList as b
-- * Durations
data Duration = Duration {
years :: Int,
months :: Int,
days :: Int,
weeks :: Int,
hours :: Int,
minutes :: Int,
seconds :: Int
deriving (Show)
nat :: forall (n :: Nat). KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
nat _ = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
duration :: forall durationText years months days weeks hours minutes seconds. ('[ '(years, 'Y'), '(months, 'M'), '(days, 'D'), '(weeks, 'W'), '(hours, 'H'),
'(minutes, 'M'), '(seconds, 'S')] ~ ParseAllFields durationText,
KnownNat years,
KnownNat months,
KnownNat days,
KnownNat weeks,
KnownNat hours,
KnownNat minutes,
KnownNat seconds
) => Duration
duration = Duration {
years = nat (Proxy @years),
months = nat (Proxy @months),
days = nat (Proxy @days),
weeks = nat (Proxy @weeks),
hours = nat (Proxy @hours),
minutes = nat (Proxy @minutes),
seconds = nat (Proxy @seconds)
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