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Created March 1, 2013 18:11
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Save gthomas/5066558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-18 years old
-Learned a lot of tricks via Oleg and Teodor
-Still has a clean code base (should probably suck after 18 years)
12 crazy features you might have missed
wrap up
containment operator
- query other databases from inside your datbase
- create a connection, query away
- not very performant
with (life changing)
- SQL has weird gnarly syntax, but is totally useful
- like Python's with
- gives queries a narrative
- can be applied to subselects to essentially name them
- makes complicated queries easier
- chainable
- recursive
- caveat: optimization boundary (not major practically speaking)
- show the contents of groups
- pick a random value
- find a row that includes some array of tags (operator for this -- can be indexed)
- unnestble into rows
generate_series(start, end, step)
- returns a table of numbers
- time series
- you can ignore the values (random numbers)
- async notification between database connections
- listen on a channel
- notify messages are delivered
-- good for work distribution or cache busting
- useful for fan out message
ranges (9.2)
- get records in a time-range (for example)
- union
- exclusion constraint (works with indexes too)
-lazy data generation regex_split_to_table
-search and replace
- better than like
times and dates
- timestamptz (always use, with timezone info)
- you can do arithmetic with year intervals ::interval
- parse human readable dates
- round times to date (date_trunc('week', g)::date
- generate series
- postgres makes them
- use UUID for PKs (uuid_generate_v4)
- requires an extension
window functions
- makes windowing much simpler (built in, don't write this code)
- determine event duration
- find the 6th decile ntile(10)
- track state changes
- k,v store in column type ( '"key" => "val"'
- basically a dictionary "schema-less sql"
- don't have to change columns for frequently changing data
- search for keys, search for values, calculate stats
- generalized index on hstore
- string values only, no nesting (must create type syntax if you need)
honorable mention
full text search
TOAST -- compression
pgcrypto -- work with encryption in postgres
monitoring functions for reflection --- what's happening (pg_stat_activity et. al. (system stat tables))
postGIS -- geographical functions for postgres map projections etc....
JSON and PL/V8 for "schemaless sql" -- pl/v8 is a v8 interpreter in postgres (WHHHHAT?)
noticed tags? huh?
dataclips, you can save a query/result combo for future inspection, export to spreadsheet
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