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def test_get_bucket_contents_and_get_table_details_from_clients__when_real_bucket_exists_and_table_exists__should_return_correctly():
# Arrange
s3_util = S3Util(boto3.client('s3'))
dynamo_util = DynamoUtil(boto3.client('dynamodb'))
# Act
r = main.get_bucket_contents_and_get_table_details_from_clients(s3_util, dynamo_util)
# Assert - S3
valid_objects = ['object1.txt', 'object2.txt', 'object3.txt']
actual_objects = [i['Key'] for i in r[0]]
assert valid_objects == actual_objects
# Assert - Dymamo
assert "garretts-sample-table" == r[1]['TableName']
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