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Created April 8, 2023 08:26
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# We read the data as just an array of words. No need for line-by-line, although
# that is fine as well.
def test_data_09():
return open("data/09.1.txt").read().split()
def real_data_09():
return open("data/09.txt").read().split()
D = test_data_09()
print('Test 1')
print(' ', D)
# It will help to have a long sequence of individual instructions.
# That is, "RRRR" is more useful to us than "R 4".
def direction_sequence(instructions):
"['R', '3', 'D', '2'] --> R, R, R, D, D (sequence of string)"
i = 0
while i < len(instructions):
letter, n = instructions[i:i+2]
n = int(n)
for _ in range(n):
yield letter
i = i + 2
print('Test 2')
print(' ', list(direction_sequence(D)))
# Given the positions (x,y) of H' and T, we need to calculate where T' will be.
# Nomenclature: H and T are the original positions of the two objects, and H' and T'
# are the updated positions.
# H -> H' by following an instruction (RLUD).
# T -> T' by calculating a new position.
# To calculate the new position we assume the two are never separated by more than
# two units in any direction. By considering absolute difference and using an "average"
# approach, we only have to consider a few cases.
def new_T_pos(Hdash, T):
"Calculate the position T' based on H' and T."
hx, hy = Hdash
tx, ty = T
diffx = abs(hx - tx)
diffy = abs(hy - ty)
if diffx <= 1 and diffy <= 1:
# T and H' are close enough that T' does not need to move.
return T
elif diffx == 2 and diffy == 2:
# I think this should never happen. Make it abundantly clear if it does.
raise Exception("H and T' further apart than anticipated")
elif diffx == 2:
# T needs to move closer in the X direction _and_ will either be in the same
# Y position already or will move one step up or down.
return ((hx+tx)//2, hy)
elif diffy == 2:
# T needs to move closer in the Y direction _and_ will either be in the same
# X position already or will move one step left or right.
return (hx, (hy+ty)//2)
raise Exception("Unhandled case in calculating T' position")
print('Test 3')
print(' At the moment we are just hoping new_T_pos() works')
# We will use a concept from functional programming called _reduce_. Here is a
# way to calculate the product of a list of numbers -- reducing the list to a
# single number.
# reduce 1, (lambda acc,x: acc * x), [4,2,8,7,9] --> 4032
# In real Python, parentheses would be used around the three arguments, of
# course. They are omitted here for clarity.
# The first argument (1) is the starting value that is fed into the
# calculation.
# The second argument (the lambda) is a function of two parameters: the
# accumulator (which is the current value of the calculation) and a value from
# the list. The result of the function is the new accumulator.
# The third argument is of course the collection of numbers whose product we
# want.
# The _reduce_ code above is short for
# acc = 1
# for x in [4,2,8,7,9]:
# acc = acc * x
# acc
# For our head-tail problem, our starting value is the position of H and T,
# both of which are (0,0). The function is ... well, it hasn't been defined
# yet. So we need a function that takes the current state (the position of H
# and T) and a direction (RLUD) and returns the new state.
# Then we can call (pseudo-Python):
# reduce ((0,0), (0,0)), update, direction_sequence
# and we will have calculated the final state.
# There are only two problems:
# (1) reduce does not exist in Python. We can import it, but here we will just
# make it ourselves.
# (2) reduce will give us only the final state. That's fine if we just need to
# answer "Where does H end up?" or similar, but in our case, we need to
# know everywhere that the tail has been. The solution to this is
# _reductions_, a variant of reduce that gives you all of the intermediate
# states, not just the last one.
def reduce(init, f, coll):
acc = init
for x in coll:
acc = f(acc, x)
return acc
print('Test 4a')
print(' Product of [2,6,5,7,3] is', reduce(1, lambda acc,x: acc*x, [2,6,5,7,3]))
def reductions(init, f, coll):
acc = init
yield acc
for x in coll:
acc = f(acc, x)
yield acc
# No return value - the caller must consume all the states that were yielded
print('Test 4b')
print(' Intermediate products of [2,6,5,7,3] are', list(reductions(1, lambda acc,x: acc*x, [2,6,5,7,3])))
# OK, we are now ready to write our update function.
# Remember that the _state_ is simply the H and T values. We will place them in
# a dictionary for clarity.
DELTAS = { 'U': (0,1), 'D': (0,-1), 'L': (-1,0), 'R': (1,0)}
def update(state, direction):
def new_H_pos():
hx, hy = H
dx, dy = DELTAS[direction]
return (hx+dx, hy+dy)
H = state['H']
T = state['T']
Hdash = new_H_pos()
Tdash = new_T_pos(Hdash, T)
return { 'H': Hdash, 'T': Tdash }
def makestate(hx,hy,tx,ty):
return { 'H': (hx,hy), 'T': (tx,ty) }
print('Test 5a')
print(' H(3,8) T(2,8) dir=L --->', update(makestate(3,8,2,8), 'L'))
print(' H(3,8) T(2,8) dir=R --->', update(makestate(3,8,2,8), 'R'))
print(' H(3,8) T(2,8) dir=U --->', update(makestate(3,8,2,8), 'U'))
print(' H(3,8) T(2,8) dir=D --->', update(makestate(3,8,2,8), 'D'))
print('Test 5b')
print(' H(3,9) T(2,8) dir=L --->', update(makestate(3,9,2,8), 'L'))
print(' H(3,9) T(2,8) dir=L --->', update(makestate(3,9,2,8), 'R'))
print(' H(3,9) T(2,8) dir=L --->', update(makestate(3,9,2,8), 'U'))
print(' H(3,9) T(2,8) dir=L --->', update(makestate(3,9,2,8), 'D'))
# And we will demonstrate the 'reduce' and 'reductions' functions.
print('Test 6')
init = makestate(0,0,0,0)
print(" reduce from the origin after 'UURRRD':", reduce(init, update, 'UURRRD'))
print(" reductions from the origin after 'UURRRD':", list(reductions(init, update, 'UURRRD')))
# And now we can solve the problem in very few lines of code!
def solve09(data):
states = reductions(makestate(0,0,0,0),
answer = len(set(s['T'] for s in states))
return answer
print('Answer for the test data:', solve09(test_data_09()))
print('Answer for the real data:', solve09(real_data_09()))
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