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Created February 17, 2017 04:29
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type var = string
module Term = struct
type t =
| Int of int
| Lam of var * t
| Var of var
| App of t * t
module WellScoped = struct
type _ index =
| S : 'a index -> (unit * 'a) index
| Z : (unit * _) index
type ('a, _) env =
| Nil : (_, unit) env
| Cons : 'a * ('a, 'e) env -> ('a, unit * 'e) env
let rec partial_lookup env var =
let rec loop : type t . (_, t) env -> t index = function
| Nil -> failwith ("unbound: " ^ var)
| Cons (name, xs) -> if var = name then Z else S (loop xs) in
loop env
let rec total_lookup env index =
let rec loop : type t . ('a, t) env -> t index -> 'a =
fun e i ->
match e, i with
| Cons (_, e'), S i' -> loop e' i'
| Cons (x, _), Z -> x
| Nil, _ -> . in
loop env index
type 'env t =
| Int : int -> _ t
| Lam : (unit * 'env) t -> 'env t
| Var : 'env index -> 'env t
| App : 'env t * 'env t -> 'env t
let rec well_scoped : type a . (var, a) env -> Term.t -> a t =
fun env term ->
match term with
| Term.Int n -> Int n
| Term.Lam (arg, body) -> Lam (well_scoped (Cons (arg, env)) body)
| Term.Var name -> Var (partial_lookup env name)
| Term.App (f, x) -> App (well_scoped env f, well_scoped env x)
module W = WellScoped
module Phoas = struct
type 'a t =
| Int of int
| Lam of ('a -> 'a t)
| Var of 'a
| App of 'a t * 'a t
let rec from_scoped : type a . (_, a) W.env -> a W.t -> _ t =
fun env -> function
| W.Int n -> Int n
| W.Lam body -> Lam (fun x -> from_scoped (W.Cons (x, env)) body)
| W.Var idx -> Var (W.total_lookup env idx)
| W.App (f, x) -> App (from_scoped env f, from_scoped env x)
let to_phoas term =
Phoas.from_scoped W.Nil (W.well_scoped W.Nil term)
let to_phoas_open term env1 env2 =
Phoas.from_scoped env1 (W.well_scoped env2 term)
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