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Created April 3, 2012 14:00
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CiviCRM Drush refactoring
| CiviCRM version 4.1 |
| Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2011 |
| This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
| |
| CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
| under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
| Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
| |
| CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
| License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
| with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
| at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
| GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at |
* @package CRM
* @copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2011
* $Id$
// $Id:,v 1.5 2009/09/30 13:15:54 weitzman Exp $
* @file
* Example drush command.
* Shows how to make your own drush command.
* You can copy this file to any of the following
* 1. A .drush folder in your HOME folder.
* 2. Anywhere in a folder tree below an active module on your site.
* 3. In an arbitrary folder specified with the --include option.
* Implementation of hook_drush_command().
* In this hook, you specify which commands your
* drush module makes available, what it does and
* description.
* Notice how this structure closely resembles how
* you define menu hooks.
* @See drush_parse_command() for a list of recognized keys.
* @return
* An associative array describing your command(s).
function civicrm_drush_command() {
$items = array();
// the key in the $items array is the name of the command.
$items['civicrm-api'] =
array('description' => 'CLI access to CiviCRM APIs. It can return pretty-printor json formatted data.',
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-api contact.create first_name=John last_name=Doe contact_type=Individual' => 'Create a new contact named John Doe',
'drush civicrm-api contact.create id=1 --out=json' => 'Find/display a contact in JSON format',
'options' => array(
'--in' => 'Input type: "args" (command-line), "json" (STDIN)',
'--out' => 'Output type: "pretty" (STDOUT), "json" (STDOUT)',
$items['civicrm-install'] =
array('description' => "Install a new instance of CiviCRM.",
'options' =>
array('--dbuser' => 'MySQL username for your Drupal/CiviCRM database.',
'--dbpass' => 'MySQL password for your Drupal/CiviCRM database.',
'--dbhost' => 'MySQL host for your Drupal/CiviCRM database. Defaults to localhost.',
'--dbname' => 'MySQL database name of your Drupal/CiviCRM database.',
'--tarfile' => 'Path to your CiviCRM tar.gz file.',
'--destination' => 'Destination modules path to extract CiviCRM (eg : sites/all/modules ).',
'--lang' => 'Default language to use for installation.',
'--langtarfile' => 'Path to your l10n tar.gz file.',
'--site_url' => 'Base Url for your drupal/CiviCRM website without http (e.g.',
'--ssl' => 'Using ssl for your drupal/CiviCRM website if set to on (e.g. --ssl=on)'
$items['civicrm-upgrade-db'] =
array('description' => "Execute the civicrm/upgrade?reset=1 process from the command line.",
$items['civicrm-update-cfg'] =
array('description' => "Update config_backend to correct config settings, especially when the CiviCRM site has been cloned / migrated.",
'examples' =>
array('drush -l civicrm-update-cfg' =>
'Update config_backend to correct config settings for civicrm installation on site.',
$items['civicrm-enable-debug'] =
array('description' => "Enable CiviCRM Debugging.",
$items['civicrm-upgrade'] =
array('description' => "Replace CiviCRM codebase with new specified tarfile and upgrade database by executing the CiviCRM upgrade process - civicrm/upgrade?reset=1.",
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-upgrade --tarfile=~/tarballs/civicrm-3.1.4-drupal.tar.gz' =>
'Replace old CiviCRM codebase with new v3.1.4 and run upgrade process.',
'options' =>
array('--tarfile' =>
'Path of new CiviCRM tarfile, with which current CiviCRM codebase is to be replaced.',
'--backup-dir' =>
'Specify a directory to backup current CiviCRM codebase and database into, defaults to a backup directory above your Drupal root.'
$items['civicrm-restore'] =
array('description' => 'Restore CiviCRM codebase and database back from the specified backup directory.',
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-restore --restore-dir=../backup/modules/20100309200249' =>
'Replace current civicrm codebase with the $restore-dir/civicrm codebase, and reload the database with $restore-dir/civicrm.sql file',
'options' =>
array('--restore-dir' =>
'Path of directory having backed up CiviCRM codebase and database.',
'--backup-dir' =>
'Specify a directory to backup current CiviCRM codebase and database into, defaults to a backup directory above your Drupal root.'
$items['civicrm-rest'] =
array('description' => "Rest interface for accessing CiviCRM APIs. It can return xml or json formatted data.",
'examples' =>
array("drush civicrm-rest --query='civicrm/contact/search&json=1&key=7decb879f28ac4a0c6a92f0f7889a0c9&api_key=7decb879f28ac4a0c6a92f0f7889a0c9'" =>
'Use contact search api to return data in json format.',
'options' =>
array('--query' => 'Query part of url. Refer CiviCRM wiki doc for more details.'),
$items['civicrm-sql-conf'] =
array('description' => 'Print CiviCRM database connection details.',
$items['civicrm-sql-connect'] =
array('description' => 'A string for connecting to the CiviCRM DB.',
$items['civicrm-sql-dump'] =
array('description' => 'Exports the CiviCRM DB as SQL using mysqldump.',
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-sql-dump --result-file=../CiviCRM.sql' =>
'Save SQL dump to the directory above Drupal root.',
'options' =>
array('--result-file' => 'Save to a file.'),
$items['civicrm-sql-query'] =
array('description' => 'Execute a query against the CiviCRM database.',
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-sql-query "SELECT * FROM civicrm_contact WHERE id=1"' =>
'Browse user record',
'arguments' =>
array('query' => 'A SQL query. Mandatory.',
$items['civicrm-sql-cli'] =
array('description' => "Open a SQL command-line interface using CiviCRM's credentials.",
$items['civicrm-process-mail-queue'] =
array('callback' => 'drush_civicrm_process_mail_queue',
'description' => "Process pending CiviMail mailing jobs.",
'examples' =>
array('drush civicrm-process-mail-queue -u admin' =>
'Process CiviMail queue with admin credentials.',
$items['civicrm-member-records'] =
array('description' => "Run the CiviMember UpdateMembershipRecord cron (civicrm-member-records).",
return $items;
function drush_civicrm_install( ) {
if ( !$dbuser = drush_get_option('dbuser', false) ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM database username not specified.'));
if ( !$dbpass = drush_get_option('dbpass', false) ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM database password not specified.'));
if ( !$dbhost = drush_get_option('dbhost', false) ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM database host not specified.'));
if ( !$dbname = drush_get_option('dbname', false) ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM database name not specified.'));
$crmpath = _civicrm_get_crmpath( );
$drupalRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$modPath = "$drupalRoot/$crmpath";
$lang = drush_get_option('lang', '');
if ( !is_dir( "$modPath/civicrm" ) ) {
// extract tarfile at right place
_civicrm_extract_tarfile( $modPath );
// include civicrm installer helper file
$civicrmInstallerHelper = "$modPath/civicrm/install/civicrm.php";
if ( !file_exists($civicrmInstallerHelper) ) {
drush_die(dt("Tarfile could not be unpacked OR CiviCRM installer helper file is missing."));
drush_log(dt("Tarfile unpacked."), 'ok');
if ($lang != '') {
_civicrm_extract_tarfile( $modPath, "langtarfile");
// setup all required files/civicrm/* directories
_civicrm_create_files_dirs( $civicrmInstallerHelper, $modPath );
// install database
_civicrm_install_db( $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost, $dbname, $modPath, $lang );
// generate civicrm.settings.php file
_civicrm_generate_settings_file( $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost, $dbname, $modPath );
drush_log(dt("CiviCRM installed."), 'ok');
} else {
drush_log(dt("Existing CiviCRM found. No action taken."), 'ok');
function _civicrm_extract_tarfile( $destinationPath, $option = 'tarfile' ) {
if ( !$tarfile = drush_get_option($option, false) ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM tarfile not specified.'));
$tarpath = $tarfile;
if ( drush_shell_exec("gzip -d " . $tarfile) ) {
$tarpath = substr($tarfile, 0, strlen($tarfile)-3);
drush_shell_exec("tar -xf $tarpath -C \"$destinationPath\"");
function _civicrm_install_db( $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost, $dbname,
$modPath, $lang) {
$drupalRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$siteRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE);
$sqlPath = "$modPath/civicrm/sql";
$conn = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if( !@mysql_select_db($dbname) &&
!@mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $database") ) {
drush_die(dt('CiviCRM database was not found. Failed to create one.'));
// setup database with civicrm structure and data
$dsn = "mysql://{$dbuser}:{$dbpass}@{$dbhost}/{$dbname}?new_link=true";
drush_print(dt("Loading CiviCRM database structure .."));
civicrm_source($dsn, $sqlPath . '/civicrm.mysql' );
drush_print(dt("Loading CiviCRM database with required data .."));
// testing the translated sql files availability
$data_file = $sqlPath . '/civicrm_data.mysql';
$acl_file = $sqlPath . '/civicrm_acl.mysql';
if ($lang != ''){
if (file_exists($sqlPath . '/civicrm_data.' . $lang . '.mysql')
and file_exists($sqlPath . '/civicrm_acl.' . $lang . '.mysql')
and $lang != ''){
$data_file = $sqlPath . '/civicrm_data.' . $lang . '.mysql';
$acl_file = $sqlPath . '/civicrm_acl.'. $lang . '.mysql';
drush_print(dt("No sql files could be retrieved for \"" . $lang .
"\", using default language."));
civicrm_source($dsn, $data_file);
civicrm_source($dsn, $acl_file);
drush_log(dt("CiviCRM database loaded successfully."), 'ok');
function _civicrm_create_files_dirs( $civicrmInstallerHelper, $modPath ) {
$drupalRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT' );
$siteRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE );
if ( !file_exists($civicrmInstallerHelper) ) {
drush_die(dt("CiviCRM installer helper file is missing."));
require_once "$civicrmInstallerHelper";
// create files/civicrm/* dirs
global $crmPath;
$crmPath ="$modPath/civicrm";
@drush_op('chmod',"$drupalRoot/$siteRoot/files/civicrm", 0777);
// generates civicrm.settings.php file
function _civicrm_generate_settings_file( $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost, $dbname, $modPath) {
$drupalRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$siteRoot = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE);
$crmPath = "$modPath/civicrm";
$settingsTplFile = "$crmPath/templates/CRM/common/civicrm.settings.php.tpl";
if ( !file_exists($settingsTplFile) ) {
drush_die(dt("Could not find CiviCRM settings template and therefore could not create settings file."));
drush_print(dt("Generating civicrm settings file .."));
if ( $baseUrl = drush_get_option('site_url', false )){
$ssl = drush_get_option('ssl', false);
if ($ssl == 'on'){
$protocol = 'https';
$protocol = 'http';
$baseUrl = !$baseUrl ? ($GLOBALS['base_url']) : ($protocol . '://' . $baseUrl);
$db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec();
$params = array(
'crmRoot' => $crmPath,
'templateCompileDir' => "$drupalRoot/$siteRoot/files/civicrm/templates_c",
'frontEnd' => 0,
'cms' => 'Drupal',
'baseURL' => $baseUrl,
'dbUser' => $dbuser,
'dbPass' => $dbpass,
'dbHost' => $dbhost,
'dbName' => $dbname,
'CMSdbUser' => $db_spec['username'],
'CMSdbPass' => $db_spec['password'],
'CMSdbHost' => $db_spec['host'],
'CMSdbName' => $db_spec['database'],
'siteKey' => md5(uniqid( '', true ) . $baseUrl),
$str = file_get_contents( $settingsTplFile );
foreach ( $params as $key => $value ) {
$str = str_replace( '%%' . $key . '%%', $value, $str );
$str = trim( $str );
$configFile = "$drupalRoot/$siteRoot/civicrm.settings.php";
civicrm_write_file( $configFile, $str );
@drush_op('chmod',"$configFile", 0644);
drush_log(dt("Settings file generated."), 'ok');
* Implementation of hook_drush_help().
* This function is called whenever a drush user calls
* 'drush help <name-of-your-command>'
* @param
* A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:')
* @return
* A string with the help text for your command.
function civicrm_drush_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'drush:civicrm-upgrade-db':
return dt("Run civicrm/upgrade?reset=1 just as a web browser would.");
case 'drush:civicrm-update-cfg':
return dt("Update config_backend to correct config settings, especially when the CiviCRM site has been cloned / migrated.");
case 'drush:civicrm-upgrade':
return dt("Take backups, replace CiviCRM codebase with new specified tarfile and upgrade database by executing the CiviCRM upgrade process - civicrm/upgrade?reset=1. Use civicrm-restore to revert to previous state in case anything goes wrong.");
case 'drush:civicrm-restore':
return dt("Restore CiviCRM codebase and database back from the specified backup directory.");
case 'drush:civicrm-rest':
return dt("Rest interface for accessing CiviCRM APIs. It can return xml or json formatted data.");
case 'drush:civicrm-sql-conf':
return dt('Show civicrm database connection details.');
case 'drush:civicrm-sql-connect':
return dt('A string which connects to the civicrm database.');
case 'drush:civicrm-sql-cli':
return dt('Quickly enter the mysql command line.');
case 'drush:civicrm-sql-dump':
return dt('Prints the whole CiviCRM database to STDOUT or save to a file.');
case 'drush:civicrm-sql-query':
return dt("Usage: drush [options] civicrm-sql-query <query>...\n<query> is a SQL statement, which can alternatively be passed via STDIN. Any additional arguments are passed to the mysql command directly.");
function drush_civicrm_upgrade_db_validate() {
if ( !defined('CIVICRM_UPGRADE_ACTIVE') ) {
if (!_civicrm_init()) {
return FALSE;
$_POST['upgrade'] = 1;
$_GET['q'] = 'civicrm/upgrade';
require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php';
require_once 'CRM/Core/Smarty.php';
require_once 'CRM/Utils/System.php';
require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php';
$codeVer = CRM_Utils_System::version();
$dbVer = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::version();
if ( !$dbVer ) {
return drush_set_error('CIVICRM_VERSION_MISSING_DATABASE', dt('Version information missing in civicrm database.'));
} else if ( stripos($dbVer, 'upgrade') ) {
return drush_set_error('CIVICRM_DATABASE_CHECK_FAIL', dt('Database check failed - the database looks to have been partially upgraded. You may want to reload the database with the backup and try the upgrade process again.'));
} else if ( !$codeVer ) {
return drush_set_error('CIVICRM_VERSION_MISSING_CODE', dt('Version information missing in civicrm codebase.'));
} else if ( version_compare($codeVer, $dbVer) > 0 ) {
drush_log(dt("Starting with v!dbVer -> v!codeVer upgrade ..", array('!dbVer' => $dbVer, '!codeVer' => $codeVer)));
} else if ( version_compare($codeVer, $dbVer) < 0 ) {
return drush_set_error('CIVICRM_VERSION_UNEXPECTED', dt("Database is marked with an unexpected version '!dbVer' which is higher than that of codebase version '!codeVer'.", array('!dbVer' => $dbVer, '!codeVer' => $codeVer)));
* Example drush command callback.
* This is where the action takes place.
* In this function, all of Drupals API is (usually) available, including
* any functions you have added in your own modules/themes.
* To print something to the terminal window, use drush_print().
function drush_civicrm_upgrade_db() {
$template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton( );
require_once( 'CRM/Upgrade/Page/Upgrade.php' );
$upgrade = new CRM_Upgrade_Page_Upgrade( );
ob_start(); // to suppress html output /w source code.
$upgrade->run( );
$result = $template->get_template_vars('message'); // capture the required message.
drush_print("Upgrade outputs: " . "\"$result\"");
function drush_civicrm_update_cfg_validate() {
return _civicrm_init();
function drush_civicrm_update_cfg() {
$defaultValues = array( );
$states = array( 'old', 'new' );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
foreach ( $states as $state ) {
$name = "{$state}Val_{$i}";
$value = drush_get_option( $name, null );
if ( $value ) {
$defaultValues[$name] = $value;
require_once 'CRM/Core/I18n.php';
require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/ConfigSetting.php';
$result = CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting::doSiteMove( $defaultValues );
if ( $result )
drush_log(dt('Config successfully updated.'), 'completed');
drush_log(dt('Config update failed.'), 'failed');
* Implements hook_drush_cache_clear.
function civicrm_drush_cache_clear(&$types) {
$types['civicrm'] = 'drush_civicrm_cache_clear';
* Cache clear callback
function drush_civicrm_cache_clear() {
require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php';
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton( );
// clear db caching
$config->clearDBCache( );
// also cleanup the templates_c directory
$config->cleanup( 1 , false );
// also cleanup the session object
$session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton( );
drush_log(dt('Cache cleared.'), 'ok');
function drush_civicrm_enable_debug() {
return _civicrm_init();
function drush_civicrm_enable_debug() {
$params['debug'] = 1;
$params['backtrace'] = 1;
require_once 'CRM/Admin/Form/Setting.php';
CRM_Admin_Form_Setting::commonProcess( $params );
drush_log(dt('Debug setting enabled.'), 'ok');
function drush_civicrm_upgrade_validate() {
$tarfile = drush_get_option('tarfile', false);
if ( !$tarfile ) {
return drush_set_error('CIVICRM_TAR_NOT_SPECIFIED', dt('Tarfile not specified.'));
//FIXME: throw error if tarfile is not in a valid format.
if ( !defined('CIVICRM_UPGRADE_ACTIVE') ) {
return _civicrm_init();
function drush_civicrm_upgrade() {
global $civicrm_root;
$tarfile = drush_get_option('tarfile', false);
$date = date('YmdHis');
$backup_file = "civicrm";
$basepath = explode('/', $civicrm_root);
$project_path = implode('/', $basepath). '/';
$drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$backup_dir = drush_get_option('backup-dir', $drupal_root . '/../backup');
$backup_dir = rtrim($backup_dir, '/');
drush_print(dt("\nThe upgrade process involves - "));
drush_print(dt("1. Backing up current CiviCRM code as => !path",
array('!path' => "$backup_dir/modules/$date/$backup_file")));
drush_print(dt("2. Backing up database as => !path",
array('!path' => "$backup_dir/modules/$date/$backup_file.sql")));
drush_print(dt("3. Unpacking tarfile to => !path",
array('!path' => "$project_path")));
drush_print(dt("4. Executing civicrm/upgrade?reset=1 just as a browser would.\n"));
if( !drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?')) ) {
@drush_op('mkdir', $backup_dir, 0777);
$backup_dir .= '/modules';
@drush_op('mkdir', $backup_dir, 0777);
$backup_dir .= "/$date";
@drush_op('mkdir', $backup_dir, 0777);
$backup_target = $backup_dir . '/'. $backup_file;
if (!drush_op('rename', $civicrm_root, $backup_target)) {
drush_die(dt('Failed to backup CiviCRM project directory !source to !backup_target',
array('!source' => $civicrm_root, '!backup_target' => $backup_target)));
drush_log(dt("\n1. Code backed up."), 'ok');
drush_set_option('result-file', $backup_target . '.sql');
drush_log(dt('2. Database backed up.'), 'ok');
// Decompress
drush_shell_exec("gzip -d " . $tarfile);
$tarpath = substr($tarfile, 0, strlen($tarfile)-3);
// Untar
drush_shell_exec("tar -xf $tarpath -C \"$project_path\"");
// drush: not using tar -xzf because that's not working on windows...
drush_log(dt('3. Tarfile unpacked.'), 'ok');
drush_print(dt("4. "));
drush_log(dt("\nProcess completed."), 'completed');
function drush_civicrm_restore_validate() {
return _civicrm_dsn_init();
$restore_dir = drush_get_option('restore-dir', false);
$restore_dir = rtrim($restore_dir, '/');
if ( !$restore_dir ) {
drush_set_error('CIVICRM_RESTORE_NOT_SPECIFIED', dt('Restore-dir not specified.'));
$sql_file = $restore_dir . '/civicrm.sql';
if ( !file_exists($sql_file) ) {
drush_set_error('CIVICRM_RESTORE_CIVICRM_SQL_NOT_FOUND', dt('Could not locate civicrm.sql file in the restore directory.'));
$code_dir = $restore_dir . '/civicrm';
if ( !is_dir($code_dir) ) {
drush_set_error('CIVICRM_RESTORE_DIR_NOT_FOUND', dt('Could not locate civicrm directory inside restore-dir.'));
} else if ( !file_exists("$code_dir/civicrm-version.txt") ) {
drush_set_error('CIVICRM_RESTORE_DIR_NOT_VALID', dt('civicrm directory inside restore-dir, doesn\'t look to be a valid civicrm codebase.'));
function drush_civicrm_restore() {
$restore_dir = drush_get_option('restore-dir', false);
$restore_dir = rtrim($restore_dir, '/');
$sql_file = $restore_dir . '/civicrm.sql';
$code_dir = $restore_dir . '/civicrm';
$date = date('YmdHis');
global $civicrm_root;
$civicrm_root_base = explode('/', $civicrm_root);
$civicrm_root_base = implode('/', $civicrm_root_base). '/';
$drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$restore_backup_dir = drush_get_option('backup-dir', $drupal_root . '/../backup');
$restore_backup_dir = rtrim($restore_backup_dir, '/');
// get confirmation from user -
$db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec();
drush_print(dt("\nProcess involves :"));
drush_print(dt("1. Restoring '\$restore-dir/civicrm' directory to '!toDir'.", array('!toDir' => $civicrm_root_base)));
drush_print(dt("2. Dropping and creating '!db' database.", array('!db' => $db_spec['database'])));
drush_print(dt("3. Loading '\$restore-dir/civicrm.sql' file into the database."));
drush_print(dt("Note: Before restoring a backup will be taken in '!path' directory.",
array('!path' => "$restore_backup_dir/modules/restore")));
if( !drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?')) ) {
// create restore-backup-dir if not already exists
@drush_op('mkdir', $restore_backup_dir, 0777);
$restore_backup_dir .= '/modules';
@drush_op('mkdir', $restore_backup_dir, 0777);
$restore_backup_dir .= '/restore';
@drush_op('mkdir', $restore_backup_dir, 0777);
$restore_backup_dir .= "/$date";
@drush_op('mkdir', $restore_backup_dir, 0777);
// 1. backup and restore codebase
drush_print(dt('Restoring civicrm codebase ..'));
if (is_dir($civicrm_root) && !drush_op('rename', $civicrm_root, $restore_backup_dir . '/civicrm')) {
drush_die(dt("Failed to take backup for '!destination' directory",
array('!destination' => $civicrm_root)));
if (!drush_op('rename', $code_dir, $civicrm_root)) {
drush_die(dt("Failed to restore civicrm directory '!source' to '!dest'",
array('!source' => $code_dir, '!dest' => $civicrm_root_base)));
drush_log(dt('Codebase restored.'), 'ok');
// 2. backup, drop and create database
drush_set_option('result-file', $restore_backup_dir . '/civicrm.sql');
_civicrm_dsn_init();// reinitialize dsn
drush_log(dt('Database backed up.'), 'ok');
$exec = 'mysql' . _drush_sql_get_credentials() . ' -e ';
drush_print(dt("\nDropping database '!db' ..", array('!db' => $db_spec['database'])));
if (drush_op('system', $exec . '"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . $db_spec['database'] . '"')) {
drush_set_error(dt('Could not drop database: @name', array('@name' => $db_spec['database'])));
drush_log(dt('Database dropped.'), 'ok');
$exec = str_replace($db_spec['database'], '', $exec);
if (drush_op('system', $exec . '"CREATE DATABASE ' . $db_spec['database'] . '"')) {
drush_set_error(dt('Could not create new database: @name', array('@name' => $db_spec['database'])));
drush_log(dt('Database created.'), 'ok');
// 3. restore database
switch (_drush_sql_get_scheme()) {
case 'mysql':
$send = 'mysql' . _drush_sql_get_credentials();
case 'pgsql':
$send .= 'psql -d ' . _drush_sql_get_credentials() . ' --file -';
$exec = "$send < $sql_file";
drush_print(dt('Loading civicrm.sql file from restore-dir ..'));
drush_op('system', $exec);
drush_log(dt('Database restored.'), 'ok');
drush_log(dt('Restore process completed.'), 'completed');
function drush_civicrm_civimail_cron() {
civicrm_api('Mailing','Process',array('version' => 3));
function drush_civicrm_member_records() {
$_REQUEST['name'] = drush_get_option('civicrm_cron_username', NULL);
$_REQUEST['pass'] = drush_get_option('civicrm_cron_password', NULL);
$_REQUEST['key'] = drush_get_option('civicrm_sitekey', NULL);
global $argv;
$argv = array(
0 => "drush",
1 => "-u" . $_REQUEST['name'],
2 => "-p" . $_REQUEST['pass'],
3 => "-s" . drush_get_option('uri', false),
if (! defined('CIVICRM_CONFDIR')) {
define('CIVICRM_CONFDIR', drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT') . '/sites/');
include "bin/UpdateMembershipRecord.php";
function drush_civicrm_rest() {
$query = drush_get_option('query', false);
if ( !$query ) {
drush_die(dt('query not specified.'));
$query = explode( '&', $query );
$_GET['q'] = array_shift($query);
foreach ( $query as $keyVal ) {
list($key, $val) = explode( '=', $keyVal );
$_REQUEST[$key] = $val;
$_GET [$key] = $val;
require_once 'CRM/Utils/REST.php';
$rest = new CRM_Utils_REST();
require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php';
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
global $civicrm_root;
// adding dummy script, since based on this api file path is computed.
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = "$civicrm_root/extern/rest.php";
if ( isset( $_GET['json'] ) &&
$_GET['json'] ) {
header( 'Content-Type: text/javascript' );
} else {
header( 'Content-Type: text/xml' );
echo $rest->run( $config );
function drush_civicrm_sql_dump() {
function drush_civicrm_sql_conf() {
function drush_civicrm_sql_connect() {
function drush_civicrm_sql_query( $query ) {
drush_sql_query( $query );
function drush_civicrm_sql_cli( ) {
function _civicrm_dsn_init( $reset = false ) {
static $globalDbUrl = null;
// check if we're using the old-style $GLOBALS['db_url']
// or the new style ( > drupal 7 )
if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
$database = drush_get_option('database', 'default');
$target = drush_get_option('target', 'default');
if ( !$globalDbUrl && CIVICRM_DSN ) {
if ( isset($GLOBALS['databases'][$database][$target]) ) {
$globalDbUrl = $GLOBALS['database'][$database][$target]; // keep a copy so that we can put it back.
// now modify $GLOBALS so that drush works on CIVICRM_DSN instead of drupal's
$GLOBALS['databases'][$database][$target] = drush_convert_db_from_db_url(CIVICRM_DSN);
} else {
if ( !$globalDbUrl && CIVICRM_DSN ) {
$globalDbUrl = $GLOBALS['db_url']; // keep a copy so that we can put it back.
// now modify $GLOBALS so that drush works on CIVICRM_DSN instead of drupal's
$dbUrl = $globalDbUrl;
$globalDbUrl = $reset ? null : $globalDbUrl;
return $dbUrl;
function _civicrm_dsn_close( ) {
$globalDbUrl = _civicrm_dsn_init( true );
if ( $globalDbUrl ) {
if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
$database = drush_get_option('database', 'default');
$target = drush_get_option('target', 'default');
$GLOBALS['databases'][$database][$target] = $globalDbUrl;
} else {
$GLOBALS['db_url'] = $globalDbUrl;
function _civicrm_init( ) {
static $init = null;
if ( $init ) return $init; // return if already initialized
global $cmsPath;
$cmsPath = $drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
$site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE);
$civicrmSettingsFile = "$drupal_root/$site_root/civicrm.settings.php";
if ( !file_exists( $civicrmSettingsFile ) ) {
$sites_subdir = drush_get_option('sites-subdir', 'default');
$civicrmSettingsFile = "$drupal_root/sites/$sites_subdir/civicrm.settings.php";
if ( !file_exists( $civicrmSettingsFile ) ) {
drush_die(dt("Could not locate civicrm settings file."));
include_once $civicrmSettingsFile; // include settings file
global $civicrm_root;
if ( ! is_dir($civicrm_root) ) {
drush_die(dt('Could not locate CiviCRM codebase. Make sure CiviCRM settings file has correct information.'));
// also initialize config object
require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php';
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton( );
$init = true;
return $init;
function _civicrm_get_crmpath( ) {
if ( !$crmpath = drush_get_option('destination', false) ) {
$crmpath = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE).'/modules/';
if ( !is_dir( $crmpath ) ) {
$crmpath = "sites/all/modules";
return $crmpath;
* (Drush callback)
function drush_civicrm_api() {
$DEFAULTS = array('version' => 3);
$args = func_get_args();
list ($entity,$action) = explode('.', $args[0]);
// Parse $params
switch (drush_get_option('in', 'args')) {
case 'args':
$params = $DEFAULTS;
foreach ($args as $arg) {
preg_match('/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $arg, $matches);
$params[ $matches[1] ] = $matches[2];
case 'json':
$json = stream_get_contents(STDIN);
if (empty($json)) {
$params = $DEFAULTS;
} else {
$params = array_merge($DEFAULTS, json_decode($json, TRUE));
drush_set_error(dt('Unknown format: @format', array('@format' => $format)));
$result = civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params);
switch (drush_get_option('out', 'pretty')) {
case 'pretty':
case 'json':
drush_set_error(dt('Unknown format: @format', array('@format' => $format)));
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