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Created March 29, 2020 05:47
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few_words = ['great', 'excellent', 'best', 'perfect', 'wonderful', 'well',
'fun', 'love', 'amazing', 'also', 'enjoyed', 'favorite', 'it',
'and', 'loved', 'highly', 'bit', 'job', 'today', 'beautiful',
'you', 'definitely', 'superb', 'brilliant', 'world', 'liked',
'still', 'enjoy', 'life', 'very', 'especially', 'see', 'fantastic',
'both', 'shows', 'good', 'may', 'terrific', 'heart', 'classic',
'will', 'enjoyable', 'beautifully', 'always', 'true', 'perfectly',
'surprised', 'think', 'outstanding', 'most',
'bad', 'worst', 'awful', 'waste', 'boring', 'poor', 'terrible',
'no', 'nothing', 'poorly', 'dull', 'horrible', 'script', 'stupid',
'worse', 'even', 'minutes', 'instead', 'fails', 'unfortunately',
'just', 'annoying', 'ridiculous', 'plot', 'money', 'supposed',
'avoid', 'mess', 'disappointing', 'disappointment', 'lame', 'crap',
'predictable', 'any', 'pointless', 'weak', 'badly', 'not', 'only',
'unless', 'looks', 'why', 'wasted', 'save', 'oh', 'attempt',
'problem', 'acting', 'lacks', 'seems']
tok_embed = net1.embed.weight.list_data()[0].asnumpy() # extract weights of embedding matrix from network
# use token to index map from transformer to get token for each index in embedding matrix
tok_trans = transformer.named_steps['token2index']
tok_embed_sub = tok_embed[[tok_trans.tok2idx[i] for i in few_words]]
# t-SNE (tune perplexity and n_iter for your purpose)
tsne = TSNE(perplexity=40, n_iter=1000,)
Y_char = tsne.fit_transform(tok_embed_sub)
# Matplotlib plot of 2D embeddings
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
ax.scatter(x=Y_char[:,0], y=Y_char[:,1], s=4)
for i in range(Y_char.shape[0]):
txt = few_words[i]
ax.annotate(txt, (Y_char[i,0], Y_char[i,1]), fontsize=10)
_ = ax.set_title('t-SNE of Word Tokens')
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