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Created September 26, 2021 18:05
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from pwn import *
L, zz, m = 1024, 15, 3
def H(params, msg, u):
K, m = params
r, z = K.characteristic(), K.gens()[0]
h = 0
while msg > 0:
h *= z
h += msg % r
msg //= r
h += z*u
for _ in range(m):
h ^= r
assert len(list(h)) != 0
return int(h[0])
def sign(params, privkey, msg):
p, q = privkey
u = 1
while True:
c = H(params, msg, u) % (p*q)
if legendre_symbol(c, p) == legendre_symbol(c, q) == 1:
u += 1
xp = pow(c, (p+1)//4, p)
xq = pow(c, (q+1)//4, q)
x = crt([int(xp), int(xq)], [p, q])
return x, u
s = remote("", 31912)
_ = s.recvline()
n = int(s.recvline().split()[1])
r = next_prime(n)
F.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(r))
K = F.quo(F.irreducible_element(zz))
R = Zmod(r^zz-1)
j = int(1/R(r)^m)
r, z = K.characteristic(), K.gens()[0]
ra = randint(1, n)
message = r^2*int(ra^2 % n) + 1
msg = message
h = 0
while msg > 0:
h *= z
h += msg % r
msg //= r
hh = (h^j)
hh -= z*1
mm = int(sum(int(x)*int(r^i) for i,x in enumerate(list(hh)[::-1])))
c = H((K, m), mm, 1)
s.send(bytes(hex(mm).strip("0x") + "\n", "ascii"))
x = int(s.recvline().strip().split()[4])
u = int(s.recvline().strip().split()[1])
print("x =", x)
print("u =", u)
# should be 1 by assumption
if u == 1:
c = H((K, m), mm, 1)
print("Potential factors")
p = gcd(x - ra, n)
q = gcd(x + ra, n)
if p < n and p > 1:
q = n / p
elif q < n and q > 1:
p = n / q
print("no cigar")
new_message = int(s.recvline().strip().split()[2][2:], 16)
x, u = sign((K, m), (p,q), new_message)
print(x, u)
s.send(bytes(str(x) + "\n", "ascii"))
s.send(bytes(str(u) + "\n", "ascii"))
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