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Last active August 20, 2018 14:51
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* A set of static methods governing string-to-int conversion
* in base26. In base26, only lowercase alpha chars [a-z]
* are valid and map to an integer range (0, 26]
module.exports = {
* returns the base26 integer corresponding with the provided char. Note
* that by design uppercase chars may be supplied, and are
* treated as lowercase. If a string containing more than one char is
* supplied, only the first char (0 index) is considered.
* @param {string} char
* @returns {number} (0, 26]
getBase26Digit: (char) => {
let normalized = char.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 97
if (normalized <= 25 && normalized >= 0) { return normalized }
else { throw new Error('not base 26') }
* returns a lowercase alpha char [a-z] corresponding with the provided integer.
* If the provided integer is outside the range of (0, 26], an error will be thrown.
* @param {number} digit - a number in the range (0, 26]
* @throws will throw an error if the digit param is outside (0, 26]
* @returns {string} [a-z]
getUTF16: (digit) => {
if (digit < 0 || digit > 25) { throw new Error('not base 26') }
return String.fromCharCode(digit + 97)
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