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Last active December 21, 2015 09:39
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AutoHotkey: DynaRun()
DynaRun(script, name:="", args*) { ;//
if (name == "")
name := "AHK_" . A_TickCount
;// Create named pipe(s), first one is a dummy
for each, pipe in ["__PIPE_GA_", "__PIPE_"]
%pipe% := DllCall(
(Join Q C
"CreateNamedPipe", ;//
"Str", "\\.\pipe\" . name, ;// lpName
"UInt", 2, ;// dwOpenMode = PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND
"UInt", 0, ;// dwPipeMode = PIPE_TYPE_BYTE
"UInt", 255, ;// nMaxInstances
"UInt", 0, ;// nOutBufferSize
"UInt", 0, ;// nInBufferSize
"Ptr", 0, ;// nDefaultTimeOut
"Ptr", 0 ;// lpSecurityAttributes
if (__PIPE_ == -1 || __PIPE_GA_ == -1)
return false
q := Chr(34) ;// for v1.1 and v2.0-a compatibility
for each, arg in args
args .= " " . q . arg . q
Run "%A_AhkPath%" "\\.\pipe\%name%" %args%,, UseErrorLevel Hide, PID
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 262144, ERROR, Could not open file:`n%A_AhkPath%\\.\pipe\%name%
DllCall("ConnectNamedPipe", "Ptr", __PIPE_GA_, "Ptr", 0) ;//
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", __PIPE_GA_)
DllCall("ConnectNamedPipe", "Ptr", __PIPE_, "Ptr", 0)
script := (A_IsUnicode ? Chr(0xfeff) : (Chr(239) . Chr(187) . Chr(191))) . script
if !DllCall(
(Join Q C
"WriteFile", ;//
"Ptr", __PIPE_, ;// hFile
"Str", script, ;// lpBuffer
"UInt", (StrLen(script)+1)*(A_IsUnicode+1), ;// nNumberOfBytesToWrite
"UInt*", 0, ;// lpNumberOfBytesWritten
"Ptr", 0 ;// lpOverlapped
return A_LastError
/* FileOpen() version
if !(f := FileOpen(__PIPE_, "h", A_IsUnicode ? "UTF-8" : ""))
return A_LastError
f.Write(script), f.Close() ;// .Close() -> Redundant, no effect
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", __PIPE_)
return PID
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