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An MSBuild Task to automatically load project dependencies for WIX to bundle into an installer.
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace BuildTasks
public class WIXProjectDependencies : Task
public string ProjectFile { get; set; }
public string OutputFile { get; set; }
public string Configuration { get; set; }
public bool GenerateExternalIds { get; set; } = true;
public bool GenerateInternalIds { get; set; }
public bool GenerateGuids { get; set; } = true;
public override bool Execute()
string wixproj = ProjectFile;
string outputFile = OutputFile;
string configuration = "Debug";
if (Configuration != null)
configuration = Configuration;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
catch (Exception)
Log.LogError("Invalid wixproj file.");
return false;
HashSet<string> topLevelProjects = new HashSet<string>();
Queue<string> projects = new Queue<string>();
HashSet<string> enqueued_projects = new HashSet<string>();
HashSet<ProjFile> files = new HashSet<ProjFile>();
Dictionary<string, Project> deps = new Dictionary<string, Project>();
//Get project references in wix project file
var prefs = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProjectReference");
foreach (XmlNode pref in prefs)
string projfile = null;
projfile = pref.Attributes["Include"].Value;
catch (Exception)
//Iterate through projects and store dependencies of each
while (projects.Count > 0)
string projfile = projects.Dequeue();
XmlDocument projdoc = new XmlDocument();
string projdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projfile);
string projname = ProjectFileToName(projfile);
string projtype = Path.GetExtension(projfile).TrimStart('.');
Dictionary<string, string> project_properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//Create project properties based on current configuration
foreach (XmlNode node in projdoc.GetElementsByTagName("PropertyGroup"))
string cond = node.Attributes["Condition"]?.Value;
if (cond == null || cond.ToLower().Contains(configuration.ToLower()))
foreach (XmlNode child in node)
if (project_properties.ContainsKey(child.Name))
project_properties[child.Name] = child.InnerText;
project_properties.Add(child.Name, child.InnerText);
string projExtension = null;
string assemblyName = null;
string outputPath = null;
string outputType = null;
if (projtype == "csproj")
if (!project_properties.ContainsKey("OutputType") || !project_properties.ContainsKey("AssemblyName") ||
Log.LogError("Invalid project file " + projfile);
return false;
outputType = project_properties["OutputType"];
assemblyName = project_properties["AssemblyName"];
outputPath = project_properties["OutputPath"];
else if (projtype == "vcxproj")
if (!project_properties.ContainsKey("RootNamespace") || !project_properties.ContainsKey("OutDir") ||
Log.LogError("Invalid project file " + projfile);
return false;
outputType = project_properties["ConfigurationType"];
assemblyName = project_properties["RootNamespace"];
outputPath = project_properties["OutDir"];
Log.LogError("Unrecognized project type: '{0}' ({1})", projtype, projfile);
return false;
if (exeOutputTypes.Contains(outputType.ToLower()))
projExtension = ".exe";
else if (dllOutputTypes.Contains(outputType.ToLower()))
projExtension = ".dll";
Log.LogError("Unrecognized project output type: '{0}' ({1})", outputType, projfile);
return false;
if (assemblyName == null || outputPath == null || projExtension == null)
Log.LogError("Implementation error: project type {0} does not extract all required information.", projtype);
return false;
ProjectOutputFile resultFile = new ProjectOutputFile(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projdir, outputPath, assemblyName + projExtension)));
deps.Add(projname, new Project(resultFile));
//Save dll references to external dlls (from NuGet)
foreach (XmlNode node in projdoc.GetElementsByTagName("Reference"))
XmlElement hint = node["HintPath"];
if (hint != null)
ProjFile file = new ExternalFile(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projdir, hint.InnerText)));
deps[projname].Dependencies.Add(new FileDependency(file));
//Save project references
foreach (XmlNode node in projdoc.GetElementsByTagName("ProjectReference"))
string include = node.Attributes["Include"]?.Value;
if (include != null)
string newprojfile = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projdir, include));
if (!enqueued_projects.Contains(newprojfile))
deps[projname].Dependencies.Add(new ProjectDependency(ProjectFileToName(newprojfile)));
//Create output XmlDocument
XmlDocument output = new XmlDocument();
output.AppendChild(output.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null));
XmlElement root = output.CreateElement("Wix", "");
XmlElement frag = output.CreateElement("Fragment", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
XmlElement dirref = output.CreateElement("DirectoryRef", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
dirref.SetAttribute("Id", "INSTALLFOLDER");
//Reference files and save the component ids of each
Dictionary<ProjFile, string> componentId = new Dictionary<ProjFile, string>();
foreach (var file in files)
XmlElement cmp = output.CreateElement("Component", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
string id = MakeId(file, "cmp");
cmp.SetAttribute("Id", id);
string guid = "*";
if (GenerateGuids)
guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
cmp.SetAttribute("Guid", guid);
componentId.Add(file, id);
XmlElement f = output.CreateElement("File", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
f.SetAttribute("Id", MakeId(file, "fil"));
f.SetAttribute("Source", file.FileName);
ProjectWalker walker = new ProjectWalker(deps, componentId);
foreach (var project in topLevelProjects)
XmlElement proj_frag = output.CreateElement("Fragment", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
XmlElement cmpGroup = output.CreateElement("ComponentGroup", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
cmpGroup.SetAttribute("Id", project);
foreach (var cmpId in walker.GetComponentIds(project))
XmlElement cmpref = output.CreateElement("ComponentRef", output.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
cmpref.SetAttribute("Id", cmpId);
return true;
private static readonly string[] exeOutputTypes = new string[]
"winexe", "exe"
private static readonly string[] dllOutputTypes = new string[]
"library", "dynamiclibrary"
static string ProjectFileToName(string file)
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
private string MakeId(ProjFile file, string prefix)
if (GenerateExternalIds && file is ExternalFile || GenerateInternalIds && file is ProjectOutputFile)
return string.Format("{0}{1:N}", prefix, Guid.NewGuid());
return Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
class ProjectWalker
public ProjectWalker(Dictionary<string, Project> projects, Dictionary<ProjFile, string> componentIds)
this.projects = projects;
this.componentIds = componentIds;
private string[] _GetComponentIds(string projectName)
if (!cache.ContainsKey(projectName))
var project = projects[projectName];
HashSet<string> els = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var dep in project.Dependencies)
if (dep is FileDependency)
els.Add(componentIds[(dep as FileDependency).File]);
else if (dep is ProjectDependency)
els.UnionWith(_GetComponentIds((dep as ProjectDependency).ProjectName));
cache.Add(projectName, els.ToArray());
return cache[projectName];
public IEnumerable<string> GetComponentIds(string projectName)
return _GetComponentIds(projectName);
private Dictionary<string, string[]> cache = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
private Dictionary<string, Project> projects;
private Dictionary<ProjFile, string> componentIds;
abstract class ProjFile
public string FileName { get; }
protected ProjFile(string filename)
FileName = filename;
public override int GetHashCode()
return FileName.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is ProjFile)
return FileName.Equals((obj as ProjFile).FileName);
return false;
public override string ToString()
return FileName.ToString();
class ProjectOutputFile : ProjFile
public ProjectOutputFile(string file) : base(file) { }
class ExternalFile : ProjFile
public ExternalFile(string file) : base(file) { }
class Project
public ProjectOutputFile Output { get; }
public HashSet<Dependency> Dependencies { get; }
public Project(ProjectOutputFile output)
Output = output;
Dependencies = new HashSet<Dependency>();
abstract class Dependency
class ProjectDependency : Dependency
public string ProjectName { get; }
public ProjectDependency(string name)
ProjectName = name;
class FileDependency : Dependency
public ProjFile File { get; }
public FileDependency(ProjFile file)
File = file;
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