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function Invoke-Touch {
PowerShell inplementation of the Unix/Linux utility called touch.
Touch let's you update the access date and / or modification date of a file. If the file don't exist, an empty file will be created
unless you use the DoNotCreateNewFile parameter. This implementation have the original parameter names added as
aliases, so if you are familiar with the original touch utility it should be easy to use this one.
Invoke-Touch newfile
Will create a new empty file called 'newfile' in the current folder.
Invoke-Touch newfile3 -DateTime '10.10.2014'
Will create a new empty file called 'newfile3' with the provided date.
Invoke-Touch newfile -r newfile3
Will update the timestamp of 'newfile' using 'newfile3' as a reference.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 13.11.2014
Version: 1.0
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'UserDateTime')]
param (
# Filename and/or path.
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName)]
[string[]] $Path,
# File to use as a timestamp reference.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ReferenceDateTime')]
[string] $Reference,
# Timestamp offset in seconds.
[int] $OffsetSeconds = 0,
# Used to override the timestamp. If omitted the current date and time will be used.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UserDateTime')]
[string] $DateTime,
# Update Last Access Time.
[switch] $AccessTime,
# Update Last Write Time.
[switch] $WriteTime,
# Switch to override the basic functionality of creating a new file if it don't exist already.
[switch] $DoNotCreateNewFile,
[switch] $PassThru
try {
# use timestamp from a reference file
if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Reference))) {
if (Test-Path $Reference) {
$referenceFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $Reference
$newLastAccessTime = ($referenceFile.LastAccessTime).AddSeconds($OffsetSeconds)
$newLastWriteTime = ($referenceFile.LastWriteTime).AddSeconds($OffsetSeconds)
Write-Verbose "Using timestamp from $Reference"
else {
Write-Warning "$Reference not found!"
# use timestamp from user input
elseif (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DateTime))) {
$userDateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($DateTime,[CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::NoCurrentDateDefault)
Write-Verbose "Using timestamp from user input: $DateTime (Parsed: $($userDateTime))"
# use timestamp from current date/time
else {
$currentDateTime = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($OffsetSeconds)
$newLastAccessTime = $currentDateTime
$newLastWriteTime = $currentDateTime
Write-Verbose "Using timestamp from current date/time: $currentDateTime"
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
foreach ($thisPath in $Path) {
try {
$thisPathResolved = Resolve-PathEx -Path $thisPath
foreach ($p in $thisPathResolved.Path) {
Write-Verbose "Resolved path: $p"
# if file is not found, and it's ok to create a new file, create it!
if (-not(Test-Path $p)) {
if ($DoNotCreateNewFile) {
Write-Verbose "$p not created"
else {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($p, 'Create File')) {
$null = New-Item -path $p -ItemType 'File' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
# get fileinfo object
$fileObject = Get-ChildItem $p -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fileObject))) {
# handle date & time if datetime parameter is used
if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DateTime))) {
# if parsed datetime object contains time
if ([bool]$userDateTime.TimeOfDay.Ticks) {
Write-Verbose 'Found time in datetime'
$userTime = $userDateTime.ToLongTimeString()
# else, get time from file
else {
Write-Verbose 'Did not find time in datetime - using time from file'
$userTime = $fileObject.LastAccessTime.ToLongTimeString()
# if parsed datetime object contains date
if ([bool]$userDateTime.Date.Ticks) {
Write-Verbose 'Found date in datetime'
$userDate = $userDateTime.ToShortDateString()
# else, get date from file
else {
Write-Verbose 'Did not find date in datetime - using date from file'
$userDate = $fileObject.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString()
# parse the new datetime
$parsedNewDateTime = [datetime]::Parse("$userDate $userTime")
# add offset and save to the appropriate variables
$newLastAccessTime = $parsedNewDateTime.AddSeconds($OffsetSeconds)
$newLastWriteTime = $parsedNewDateTime.AddSeconds($OffsetSeconds)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($p, 'Update Timestamp')) {
# if neither -AccessTime nor -WriteTime is used, update both Last Access Time and Last Write Time
if ((-not($AccessTime)) -and (-not($WriteTime))) {
$fileObject.LastAccessTime = $newLastAccessTime
$fileObject.LastWriteTime = $newLastWriteTime
else {
if ($AccessTime) { $fileObject.LastAccessTime = $newLastAccessTime }
if ($WriteTime) { $fileObject.LastWriteTime = $newLastWriteTime }
if ($PassThru) {
Write-Output (Get-ChildItem $p)
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
New-Alias -Name 'Touch' -Value 'Invoke-Touch' -Force
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