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Last active October 16, 2023 21:30
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ACMS Install
* Install composer.
* Start a MySQL database. You will need to know the connection credentials.
# Create a local Drupal project
composer create-project --no-interaction acquia/drupal-recommended-project
cd drupal-recommended-project
# At this point, you have a composer.json. Print contents:
cat composer.json
# Next, use the acms command to add/remove default modules based on your use case.
./vendor/bin/acms acms:build
# Install to the database. You can choose to install demo content
./vendor/bin/acms site:install
# Alternatively, install Umami:
./vendor/bin/drush site:install demo_umami
# Login. Replace URI with your local host.
./vendor/bin/drush uli --uri=
# Export configuration
./vendor/bin/drush config:export
# Commit
git add -A
git commit -m 'Initial commit.'
# Make some changes in the UI! E.g., visit /admin/structure/types and delete a content type.
# Export again...
./vendor/bin/drush config:export
# See diff
git diff
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