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Created April 4, 2015 12:05
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Save grapefroot/36977ebdeba77a04422b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
calculate character relevance based on some metric.
open System
open System.IO
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
let ReadLines fn =
seq { use inp = File.OpenText fn in
while not(inp.EndOfStream) do
let FreqDict S =
Seq.fold (
fun(ht:Map<_, int>) v ->
if Map.containsKey v ht then Map.add v ((Map.find v ht)+1) ht
else Map.add v 1 ht)
(Map.empty) S
let lst = ReadLines @"FIXME PATH VARIABLE" |>
Seq.collect(fun x -> x.Split([|'.'|])) |>
//make pairs from list
let rec pairs l =
match l with
| [] | [_] -> []
| h :: t ->
[for x in t do
yield h,x
yield! pairs t]
//filter empty sentences
let filtered = lst |> List.filter (fun x -> x.Length > 0)
let splittedList = [for str in lst -> str.Split([|' '|])]
//convert nested elements to list
let mapped = [for element in splittedList -> Array.toList element]
//filter lowercase letters
let capitalLetters = [for nested_list in mapped -> nested_list |> List.filter (fun x -> match x.Length with 0 -> false |_ -> Char.IsUpper x.[0])]
//filter out one-named lists
let suitableList = capitalLetters |> List.filter (fun x -> x.Length > 1)
//make pairs from each nested list
let zipped = [for nested_list in suitableList -> pairs nested_list]
//flush pairs to one list
let flattened = [for x in zipped do for y in x -> y]
//calculate frequences
flattened |>
FreqDict |>
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