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Forked from mklabs/bash
Created September 13, 2012 22:22
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  • Save graemearthur/3718148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save graemearthur/3718148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
docs simple as cake
# this script install itself (npm package), create a tasks/docs.js, install the docs' task dependencies,
# and run the gh-pages task.
# Install:
# curl | sh
# It'll generate documentation based on the likely location of
# directories in your package.json (lib/doc), create a gh-pages (empty branch),
# add the docs/ folder generated and perform a new commit.
# Directories -
# * directories.lib: Walk the dir for any .js/.coffee file and execute docco to generate docs page.
# * directories.doc: Walk the dir for any markdown file, parse them and generate documentation pages using the index.html mustache template.
# The push is left to you.
npm install --loglevel info
echo Ok.. Now install tasks/docs.js deps
npm install mkdirp markdown findit mustache
echo Install Done, Use it:
./node_modules/cakes-docs/node_modules/.bin/cheesecake init
./node_modules/cakes-docs/node_modules/.bin/cheesecake gh-pages
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
markdown = require('markdown'),
findit = require('findit'),
mustache = require('mustache'),
template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'support', 'index.html'), 'utf8');
task('docs', 'Generates documention, based on the likely location of directories in your package.json', function(options, em) {
em.emit('log', 'Doc start');
var package = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(gimme(module, 'package.json', em), 'utf8'));
var dirs = package.directories = package.directories || {};
dirs.lib = dirs.lib || './lib';
dirs.bin = dirs.bin || './bin'; = || './man';
dirs.doc = dirs.doc || './';
dirs.example = dirs.example || './examples';
// default repository, fail safe fallback
package.repository = package.repository || {};
package.repository.url = package.repository.url || '';
// default config.doc location, the link to docco entry point
package.config = package.config || {};
package.config.doc = package.config.doc || '';
.on('doc:lib', next.bind(em, 'lib'))
.on('doc:doc', next.bind(em, 'doc'))
mkdirp(path.resolve('docs/docco'), 0755, function(err) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
docco(dirs, em);
em.on('doc:lib', function(files) {
markdowns(dirs, package, files, em);
var remaining = 2;
function next() {
if(--remaining) return;
task('gh-pages', 'Set up a gh-pages branch.', function(options, em) {
em.emit('log', 'Setting up a gh-pages branch');
gem.on('end:docs', function() {
var commands = [
'git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages',
'rm .git/index',
'git add docs/',
'git clean -fdx',
'git mv docs/index.html index.html',
'git commit -m "Docs commit"'
exec(commands, function(err, stdout) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
em.emit('silly', stdout);
// ### Helpers
function gimme(pmodule, name, em, dir) {
var dir = path.dirname(dir || pmodule.filename);
var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
if (~files.indexOf(name)) {
return path.join(dir, name);
if (dir === '/') {
return em.emit('error', new Error('Could not find ' + name + ' up from: ' + dir));
return gimme(pmodule, name, em, dir);
function docco(dirs, em) {
em.emit('log', 'Trying to generate documentation at the likely location of lib folder: ' + path.resolve(dirs.lib));
if(!dirs.lib) {
em.emit('warn', 'no dirs lib');
return em.emit('doc:lib');
var files = findit.findSync(dirs.lib).filter(function(it) {
var ext = path.extname(it);
return !!~['.js', '.coffee'].indexOf(ext);
exec('./node_modules/cakes-docs/node_modules/.bin/docco ' + files.join(' '), function(err, stdout) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
em.emit('log', stdout);
em.emit('doc:lib', files);
function markdowns(dirs, pkg, doccos, em) {
em.emit('log', 'Trying to generate documentation at the likely location of doc folder: ' + path.resolve(dirs.doc));
em.emit('data', doccos);
if(!dirs.doc) {
em.emit('doc', 'no dirs doc');
return em.emit('doc:doc');
var parts = pkg.repository.url.match(/git:\/\/\/([a-z0-9_\-+=.]+)\/([a-z0-9_\-+=.]+).git/),
username = parts && parts[1],
repo = parts && parts[2];
var source = path.resolve(dirs.doc),
files = findit.findSync(source)
.filter(function(it) {
// you must be a file
if(!fs.statSync(it).isFile()) return false;
// you must be a markdown one
if(!~['.mkd', '.md', '.markdown'].indexOf(path.extname(it))) return false;
// also, are you in node_modules folder?
if(/node_modules/.test(it)) return false;
return true;
.map(function(it) {
return {
file: path.basename(it),
path: it,
content: fs.readFileSync(it, 'utf8')
var remaining = files.length;
files.forEach(function(mds) {
em.emit('log', 'Generating from ' + mds.file);
var html = markdown.parse(postparse(preparse(mds.content), username, repo, [username, repo].join('/')));
pkg.content = html;
pkg.docpath = pkg.config.doc || 'docs/' + path.basename(doccos.slice(-1)[0]).replace(/\..+$/, '') + '.html';
html = mustache.to_html(template, pkg, {});
em.emit('log', 'Writing html page for ' + mds.path);
em.emit('log', 'Creating folder structure for ' + path.dirname(output));
// If that's a readme, and is at the root of the repo, write as index.html
var output = new RegExp('readme', 'i').test(mds.file) && path.dirname(mds.path) === path.resolve() ? 'index.html' : mds.file,
output = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'docs', path.dirname(mds.path.replace(source, '')), output);
mkdirp(path.dirname(output), 0755, function(err) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
em.emit('log', path.dirname(output) + ' created. Writing ' + mds.file);
fs.writeFile(output.replace(/\..+/, '.html'), html, function(err) {
if(err) return em.emit('errpr', err);
em.emit('log', 'Ok for ' + mds.path);
if(--remaining) return;
// handle ```js kind of marker, remove them and indent code block with 4 spaces.
function preparse(file) {
var lines = file.split('\n'),
code = false,
sections = [];
lines = {
if(/^```\w+$/.test(line)) {
code = true;
return '';
if(/^```$/.test(line)) {
code = false;
return '';
var prefix = code ? new Array(8).join(' ') : '';
return prefix + line;
return lines.join('\n');
// ok.. lame function name
function postparse(text, username, repoName, nameWithOwner) {
// ** GFM ** Auto-link URLs
text = text.replace(/https?\:\/\/[^"\s\<\>]*[^.,;'">\:\s\<\>\)\]\!]/g, function(wholeMatch,matchIndex){
var left = text.slice(0, matchIndex), right = text.slice(matchIndex)
if (left.match(/<[^>]+$/) && right.match(/^[^>]*>/)) {return wholeMatch}
href = wholeMatch.replace(/^http:\/\/\//, "")
return "[" + wholeMatch + "](" + wholeMatch + ")";
// ** GFM ** Auto-link sha1 if both name and repo are defined
text = text.replace(/[a-f0-9]{40}/ig, function(wholeMatch,matchIndex) {
if(!nameWithOwner) return wholeMatch;
var left = text.slice(0, matchIndex), right = text.slice(matchIndex);
if (left.match(/@$/) || (left.match(/<[^>]+$/) && right.match(/^[^>]*>/))) {return wholeMatch;}
return "[" + wholeMatch.substring(0, 7) + "](" + nameWithOwner + "/commit/" + wholeMatch + ")";
// ** GFM ** Auto-link user/repo@sha1
text = text.replace(/([a-z0-9_\-+=.]+\/[a-z0-9_\-+=.]+)@([a-f0-9]{40})/ig, function(wholeMatch,repo,sha) {
return "["+ repo + "@" + sha.substring(0,7) + "](" + repo + "/commit/" + sha + ")";
// ** GFM ** Auto-link #issue if nameWithOwner is defined
text = text.replace(/#([0-9]+)/ig, function(wholeMatch,issue,matchIndex){
if (!nameWithOwner) {return wholeMatch;}
var left = text.slice(0, matchIndex), right = text.slice(matchIndex)
if (left == "" || left.match(/[a-z0-9_\-+=.]$/) || (left.match(/<[^>]+$/) && right.match(/^[^>]*>/))) {return wholeMatch;}
return "[" + wholeMatch + "](" + nameWithOwner + "/issues/#issue/" + issue + ")";
// ** GFM ** Auto-link user/repo#issue
text = text.replace(/([a-z0-9_\-+=.]+\/[a-z0-9_\-+=.]+)#([0-9]+)/ig, function(wholeMatch,repo,issue){
return "[" + wholeMatch + "](" + repo + "/issues/#issue/" + issue + ")";
return text;
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/** wikistyle,credits to github guys. **/
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<h1>{{ name }}<h1>
<h2>{{ description }}</h2>
<div role="main">
<p class="docs"><a href="{{docpath}}">Moar docs</a></p>
{{{ content }}}
"name": "cakes-docs",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"mustache": "0.3.1-dev",
"mkdirp": "0.0.7",
"markdown": "~0.3.1",
"findit": "~0.1.1",
"docco": "~0.3.0",
"cheesecake": ""
"scripts": { "postinstall": "sh" }
echo Copying tasks/docs.js and tasks/support/index.html
mkdir -p $base/tasks/support
cp docs.js $base/tasks/ && cp index.html $base/tasks/support
echo Install done
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