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gpessia gpessia

Working from home
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kamilogorek /
Last active September 18, 2024 03:05
Clutter-free VS Code Setup
gullyn / flappy.html
Last active May 4, 2024 15:35
Flappy bird in 205 bytes (improved!)
<body onload=z=c.getContext`2d`,setInterval(`c.width=W=150,Y<W&&P<Y&Y<P+E|9<p?z.fillText(S++${Y=`,9,9|z.fillRect(p`}*0,Y-=--M${Y+Y},P+E,9,W),P))):p=M=Y=S=6,p=p-6||(P=S%E,W)`,E=49) onclick=M=9><canvas id=c>
a-chen / Pok3r-keybinds.ahk
Last active August 30, 2021 18:41 — forked from JarvisPrestidge/Pok3r.ahk
Pok3r keybinds including media and volume controls
#CommentFlag //
// Original Author: Jarvis Prestidge
// Enhanced by: Andrew Chen
// =========================
// Pok3r Layout Marcos
// =========================
// Includes Media Keys (Previous|Q, Play/Pause|W, Next|E)
liuyanghejerry / index.html
Last active July 3, 2024 14:25
Modern index file in 2017
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html prefix="og:">
<!-- content-type, which overrides http equivalent header. Because of charset, this meta should be set at first. -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<!-- Overrides http equivalent header. This tells IE to use the most updated engine. -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<!-- Tells crawlers how to crawl this page, and the role of this page. -->
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
koenbok /
Last active April 23, 2022 22:37
My Favorite Mac Tweaks

Skip verifying disk images

defaults write skip-verify true

Always hide the Desktop

defaults write CreateDesktop false; killall Finder

Make terminal logins fast

touch ~/.hushlogin

Disable most animations

Arinerron / permissions.txt
Last active September 6, 2024 06:10
A list of all Android permissions...
# Il codice delle statistiche del talk "Data Driven Bullshit" di pane Web e Salame 2016
# Maggiori info qui:
require "fb_graph2"
require "pp"
require "csv"
require "unidecoder"
FbGraph2.api_version = 'v2.7'
FbGraph2.http_config do |config|
jaden /
Last active July 27, 2023 00:33
A script that generates 5000 test posts for Hugo benchmarks
# Create specified number of articles for Hugo benchmarks
# Create the output directory before running
from datetime import datetime
import random
import string
from sys import argv
def generateWord():
length = random.randint(1, 10)
0x1ad2 / Gulpfile.js
Last active January 23, 2020 15:24
My gulpfile example for How to enhance your front-end development workflow using Gulp
* 0x1ad2 base Gulp.js file
* Define plugins
var gulp = require('gulp');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
davidhund /
Last active August 23, 2024 00:55
Pragmatic Touch Icons

NOTE I'm trying to find the most optimal fav/touch icon setup for my use-cases. Nothing new here. Read Mathias Bynens' articles on re-shortcut-icon and touch icons, a FAQ or a Cheat Sheet for all the details.

I'd like to hear how you approach this: @valuedstandards or comment on this gist.

The issue

You have to include a boatload of link elements pointing to many different images to provide (mobile) devices with a 'favicon' or 'touch icon':

![Touch Icon Links](