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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet

Naming Convention

Rule Class name Filename
All models are singular Note note.rb
All controllers are plural Notes notes_controller.rb
View folder names are plural - notes/index.html.haml

Rails CLI commands

rails new <project-name> # create a new project
rails generate model <model_name_singular> <optional-fields>:<field-type>
rails generate controller <controller_name_plural> <optional-methods>
rails generate migration <migration-name> <optional-fields>
Ex: rails g migration AddNameToUser name:string
rake db:migrate # to migrate db
rake db:rollback # to rollback

Model Field types:

  • :primary_key
  • :string, :text
  • :integer, :float, :decimal
  • :datetime, :time, :date
  • :binary, :boolean.


config file - config/routes.rb

root to: "controller#action"
resources :<controller_name_plural>
eg: resources :notes
resource :<controller_name_singular>
eg: resource :session, only: [:create, :destroy]


Path: lib/tasks
lib/tasks  // Path to rake tasks
$ rake -T  // To list all rake tasks
$ rake db:seed // To seed data to db, lives in db/seeds.rb


Path: spec/models, spec/conntroller
spec file should end with _spec.rb 
Eg: notes_controller_spec.rb
$ rails generate rspec:install
$ rails g rspec:model <model_name>
$ rails g rspec:controller <controller_name>
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