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Created February 27, 2012 09:01
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Find leading and trailing space
*@author: Ritesh Agrawal
*@description: Identifies php files that contain leading or trailing spaces before or after PHP opening or closings tags
*@version: 1.0
*@date: Nov 06, 2007
@todo – check only *.PHP or *.CTP files rather than checking all of the files
– html based output
//Set Source Path
$sourcepath = "/path/to/files";
//Regex Express to test leading and trailing spaces
define("PRE", "#^[\n\r|\n\r|\n|\r|\s]+<\?php#");
define("POST", "#\?>[\n\r|\n\r|\n|\r|\s]+$#");
//Clear the file Status Cache
//============ Code borrowed from ===============
// Replace \ by / and remove the final / if any
$root = ereg_replace( "/$", "", ereg_replace( "[\\]", "/", $sourcepath ));
// Touch all the files from the $root directory
if( false === m_walk_dir( $root, "check", true )) {
echo "‘{$root}’ is not a valid directory\n";
// Walk a directory recursively, and apply a callback on each file
function m_walk_dir( $root, $callback, $recursive = true ) {
$dh = @opendir( $root );
if( false === $dh ) {
return false;
while( $file = readdir( $dh )) {
if( "." == $file || ".." == $file ){
call_user_func( $callback, "{$root}/{$file}" );
if( false !== $recursive && is_dir( "{$root}/{$file}" )) {
m_walk_dir( "{$root}/{$file}", $callback, $recursive );
closedir( $dh );
return true;
//============== end ======================
//If file, checks whether there is any leading spaces before opening PHP tag or
// trailing spaces after closing PHP tag
function check( $path ) {
if( !is_dir( $path )) {
$fh = file_get_contents($path);
if(preg_match(PRE, $fh))
echo $path. " — contains leading spaces \n";
if(preg_match(POST, $fh))
echo $path . " — contains trailing spaces \n";
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Super helpful piece of code for finding leading spaces across all php files on a large Wordpress site. Excellent work.

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