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gopi-ar / cloudflare-dns-analytics.php
Created October 30, 2017 07:43
Count Cloudflare DNS queries For All Domains
* Script to count DNS queries for each domain associated to Cloudflare Account
* Params
* email Cloudflare Email
* token Cloudflare Global API Token
* start Start date in UTC ISO-8601 format Ex: 2017-10-20T00:00:00.000Z
* end End date in UTC ISO-8601 format
* domains (Optional) list of domains to compute DNS totals for; separate with comma. If this is empty, all domains will be checked. Ex:,
# Defaults / Configuration options for homebridge
# The following settings tells homebridge where to find the config.json file and where to persist the data (i.e. pairing and others)
HOMEBRIDGE_OPTS=-U /var/lib/homebridge
# If you uncomment the following line, homebridge will log more
# You can display this via systemd's journalctl: journalctl -f -u homebridge
gtallen1187 /
Created November 2, 2015 00:02
A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of y-intercept

"A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of y-intercept"

01/13/2012. From a lecture by Professor John Ousterhout at Stanford, class CS140

Here's today's thought for the weekend. A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of Y-intercept.


montanaflynn / proxy.go
Last active January 17, 2021 15:37
Golang reverse proxy
package main
import (
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
econandrew /
Last active July 12, 2024 15:45
Instructions for installing an OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoder instance on Amazon Linux / EC2 (Dec 2014)

Installing Nominatim on Amazon Linux / EC2

  1. Introduction

The official instructions for installing Nominatim are complete, but brief in places, and several steps must be changed in the Amazon Linux environment (which is roughly CentOS / Redhat). The steps below are rough record of what I did to get it working, but I didn't keep perfect track so you shouldn't rely on them as a shell script. Just follow each step, make sure it worked, and hopefully you'll need to adapt very little (version numbers, for one thing). (I also skip in and out of root, but you can be more careful if you like.)

  1. Setting up the EC2 instance

rjmackay / Util_Tile.php
Last active May 31, 2019 04:36
Tile utility class Handles converting slippy map tile numbers to lat/lon values Ported from:
* Tile utility class
* Handles converting slippy map tile numbers to lat/lon values
* Ported from:
class Util_Tile {
tmcw /
Last active August 20, 2024 16:47
The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

Lots of tile-based maps use either the XYZ or TMS scheme. These are the maps that have tiles ending in /0/0/0.png or something. Sometimes if it's a script, it'll look like &z=0&y=0&x=0 instead. Anyway, these are usually maps in Spherical Mercator.

Good examples are OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, MapBox, MapQuest, etc. Lots of maps.

Most of those are in XYZ. The best documentation for that is slippy map tilenames on the OSM Wiki, and Klokan's Tiles a la Google.

MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 20, 2024 05:14
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
jmfederico /
Last active July 17, 2024 14:13
Script to create full/incremental backups with xtrabackup.
USEROPTIONS="--user=${MYSQL_USER} --password=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=${MYSQL_HOST}"
FULLBACKUPCYCLE=604800 # Create a new full backup every X seconds
KEEP=1 # Number of additional backups cycles a backup should kept for.
START=`date +%s`