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Last active February 11, 2023 09:50
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Find the first focusable element inside a DOM element
export function findFirstFocusableElement(
element: HTMLElement | null,
tags: string = "",
{ withDefaults } = { withDefaults: false }
) {
if (!element) return;
const defaults =
"a[href], button, input, textarea, select, details, [tabindex]:not([tabindex='-1'])";
const focusableElements = element.querySelectorAll(
? tags.length
? `${defaults}, `.concat(tags)
: defaults
: tags
if (focusableElements.length > 0) {
return focusableElements[0] as HTMLElementTagNameMap[keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap];
const firstInvalidInput = findFirstFocusableElement(
".is-invalid textarea, .is-invalid input",
{ withDefaults: false }
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