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Created April 15, 2012 08:29
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root@android:/ # logcat
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/init ( 94): == init.rc: on post-fs -----------------------
I/init ( 98): == init.rc: on post-fs-data -----------------------
I/init ( 99): == init.rc: on boot -----------------------
I/cm ( 106): Welcome to Android 4.0.4 / CyanogenMod-9.0.0-RC0-otter-UNOFFICIAL
I/cm ( 107): _
I/cm ( 108): __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __))
I/cm ( 109): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(
I/cm ( 110): )) _))
I/cm ( 111):
I/DEBUG ( 117): debuggerd: Apr 9 2012 15:26:56
I/init ( 125): == init.omap4430.rc: on boot ------------------------
I/init ( 126): == init.rc: on nonencrypted -----------------------
I/init ( 127): == init.rc: on property:persist.sys.usb.config=* -----------------------
I/init ( 128): mass_storage,adb
I/Netd ( 116): Netd 1.0 starting
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 114): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
D/Vold ( 114): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
D/Vold ( 114): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
D/Vold ( 114): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
D/DirectVolume( 114): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 114): Duplicate state (1)
E/Netd ( 116): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported
E/Netd ( 116): Unable to open quota2 logging socket
I/ ( 120): ServiceManager: 0xad4910
D/AndroidRuntime( 119):
D/AndroidRuntime( 119): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 119): CheckJNI is OFF
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
D/libEGL ( 118): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 118): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 118): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
I/ ( 121): ServiceManager: 0xaf1958
I/AudioFlinger( 121): Loaded primary audio interface from Blaze audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger( 121): Using 'Blaze audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/CameraService( 121): CameraService started (pid=121)
E/CameraService( 121): Could not load camera HAL module
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): EGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): # of configs : 25
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): vendor : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): Client API: OpenGL ES
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): OpenGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): vendor : Imagination Technologies
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): renderer : PowerVR SGX 540
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): version : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): extensions: GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_egl_sync GL_IMG_vertex_array_object
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 2048 x 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 118): flags = 00010000
I/AudioFlinger( 121): AudioFlinger's thread 0xafc6e8 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 121): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
I/AudioPolicyService( 121): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
D/libEGL ( 162): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 162): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 162): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 119): Profiling disabled.
I/Zygote ( 119): Preloading classes...
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 36K, 85% free 409K/2560K, paused 0ms+1ms
D/TextLayoutCache( 119): Using debug level: 0 - Debug Enabled: 0
I/dalvikvm( 119): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
D/MtpDeviceJNI( 119): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
I/dalvikvm( 119): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
I/dalvikvm( 119): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_init
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): After native_init lock
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): Guru : native_init profiles
E/MediaProfiles( 119): getInstance
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru :Else 1
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3
E/MediaProfiles( 119): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2
E/MediaProfiles( 119): getInstance fb7a18
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): retun sProfiles
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_init
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): After native_init lock
E/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): retun sProfiles
W/Zygote ( 119): Class not found for preloading:
W/Zygote ( 119): Class not found for preloading:$Stub
V/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_get_num_audio_decoders
V/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_get_audio_decoder_type: 0
V/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_get_num_video_decoders
V/MediaProfilesJNI( 119): native_get_video_decoder_type: 0
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 198K, 72% free 723K/2560K, paused 7ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 204K, 60% free 1030K/2560K, paused 12ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 84K, 44% free 1458K/2560K, paused 18ms
W/Zygote ( 119): Class not found for preloading: android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics$CharCount
W/Zygote ( 119): Class not found for preloading: android.text.method.WordIterator$1
I/dalvikvm( 119): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
D/dalvikvm( 119): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/ 0x0, skipping init
W/Zygote ( 119): Class not found for preloading: android.widget.EdgeGlow
E/PhonePolicy( 119): Could not preload class for phone policy:$ContextMenuCallback
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 270K, 34% free 1699K/2560K, paused 23ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 219K, 23% free 1991K/2560K, paused 16ms
I/System ( 119): Loaded time zone names for in 386ms (381ms in ICU)
I/System ( 119): Loaded time zone names for en_US in 273ms (268ms in ICU)
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 406K, 19% free 2096K/2560K, paused 23ms
I/Zygote ( 119): ...preloaded 2298 classes in 2154ms.
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 85K, 17% free 2140K/2560K, paused 1ms+1ms
I/Zygote ( 119): Preloading resources...
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 93K, 4% free 4037K/4163K, paused 24ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 41K, 5% free 5022K/5251K, paused 20ms
I/Zygote ( 119): ...preloaded 379 resources in 381ms.
I/Zygote ( 119): ...preloaded 31 resources in 7ms.
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 49K, 2% free 6525K/6595K, paused 1ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 49K, 2% free 6475K/6595K, paused 2ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm( 119): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 2% free 6475K/6595K, paused 2ms+2ms
I/dalvikvm( 119): System server process 172 has been created
I/Zygote ( 119): Accepting command socket connections
I/sysproc ( 172): Entered system_init()
I/sysproc ( 172): ServiceManager: 0x1076330
D/SensorService( 172): nuSensorService starting...
E/Sensors ( 172): couldn't find 'detect' input device
I/SensorService( 172): BMA250 3-axis Accelerometer
I/sysproc ( 172): System server: starting Android runtime.
I/sysproc ( 172): System server: starting Android services.
D/SensorService( 172): nuSensorService thread starting...
I/sysproc ( 172): System server: entering thread pool.
I/SystemServer( 172): Entered the Android system server!
I/SystemServer( 172): Entropy Service
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