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Gonzalo Vergara gnzandrs

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# Here is my Python implementation of the hash table data structure.
# And here's my video where I talk about it in depth:
class Hashtable:
# Assumption: table_length is a prime number (for example, 5, 701, or 30011)
def __init__(self, table_length):
self.table = [None] * table_length
## An internal search function.
# If it finds the given key in the table, it will return (True, index)
# If not, it will return (False, the index where it would be inserted)
yocontra /
Last active June 9, 2023 18:28
Age of Empires II HD - For Mac OSX
williamtsoi1 / lake-s3-object-take-ownership.js
Last active September 1, 2020 07:48
a lambda function to automatically take ownership of any objects written into an s3 bucket. Inspired by
console.log('Loading event');
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var s3 = new aws.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'});
var sqs = new aws.SQS({apiVersion: '2012-11-05'});
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
s3.listBuckets(function(err,data) {
if (err) {
console.log('ERROR: Problem getting list of buckets. This should have something to do with incorrect IAM permissions for the lambda.');
errorMessage = 'ERROR: Error from S3: '+err;
whelmed / lamp_demo_final.yaml
Created November 7, 2016 19:08
The final result of our LAMP demo
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
connection: local
become: yes
- apache2
- mysql-server
medmunds /
Created March 29, 2016 02:32
Taking back your Mandrill click-tracking links

Taking back your Mandrill click-tracking links

My company, like many, has recently switched away from using Mandrill for our transactional email.

We'd been using Mandrill's [click-tracking][mandrill-click-tracking] feature, and became worried about what would happen to all those old emailed links after we cancel our Mandrill account.

Why should we care about links in emails sent a month or more ago?

veselosky /
Last active August 29, 2024 11:32
How to store and retrieve gzip-compressed objects in AWS S3
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# How to store and retrieve gzip-compressed objects in AWS S3
# Copyright 2015 Vince Veselosky and contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
markusklems / lambda-dynamo
Last active September 24, 2021 03:48
Short aws lambda sample program that puts an item into dynamodb
// create an IAM Lambda role with access to dynamodb
// Launch Lambda in the same region as your dynamodb region
// (here: us-east-1)
// dynamodb table with hash key = user and range key = datetime
console.log('Loading event');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'});
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
tonylukasavage /
Created May 29, 2013 18:18
Move all uncommitted changes to a new branch and revert the existing branch to HEAD. "master" has uncommitted changes. You decided you'd rather make those changes in "dev_branch". Here's how to move those uncommitted changes to "dev_branch" and then revert "master" to its last commit.
# get into the master branch
git checkout master
# create a new branch for the changes and check it out
git checkout -b dev_branch
# stash the changes until we revert master
git stash
# go back to master
jmoz /
Created January 17, 2013 00:03
A Pagination class in Python.
class Pagination(object):
"""A Pagination object to be used for querying and displaying pagination links on frontend
Example usage:
>>> p = Pagination(total=15, per_page=5, current_page=1)
>>> p.start
>>> p.pages
[1, 2, 3]