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Forked from zhangshine/sojson.v5.decrypt.js
Created September 18, 2022 02:17
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sojson.v5 解密
// 用法 console.log(decrypt(加密的js内容))
// console里面输出的内容就是解密后的内容,解密后的内容里面仍然含有 _0xXXXX 这样的混淆后的字符串, 需要一点点进行重命名
// 下面的代码以前从网上找的,已经找不到出处了。。。
function decrypt(js_body) {
// 脱壳 && 解密
let js_arr = js_body.split("\n").pop().split(';'),
fun_name = /var\s+(_0x[a-z0-9]+)=/.exec(js_arr[6])[1],
reg_str = fun_name + '\\(' + "'([^']+)',\s*'([^']+)'" + '\\)',
js_str = js_arr.slice(54, js_arr.length - 4).join(' ;'),
code_shell = js_arr.slice(0, 54).join(';'),
//shell_obj = eval("(function(){" + code_shell + "return " + fun_name + "})()")
shell_obj_str = `(function(){ ${code_shell} return ${fun_name})()`;
let shell_obj = eval(shell_obj_str);
js_str = js_str.replace(new RegExp(reg_str, 'g'), function (str, id, key) {
return '"' + shell_obj(id, key) + '"';
}).replace(/([a-z0-9\-_A-Z)\]]+)\s?\[["']([^"']+)["']\]/g, '$1.$2').replace(/\\(?<!_\\)(0x[0-9a-f]+)/g, function (hex) {
return parseInt(hex).toString();
// 还原混淆
let obj = null, name = '';
js_str = js_str.replace(/{(var \s+(_0x[0-9a-z]+)=(\{(.*)\}));/g, function (str, code_str, _name, obj_str) {
obj = eval("(function () {return" + obj_str + "})()");
name = name;
return '{';
if (obj) {
let i = 5;
while (js_str.indexOf(name) && --i > 0) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if (typeof obj[key] == 'function') {
let fun_info = /function \s*_0x[0-9a-z]+\(([^)]*)\){return \s*([^;]+);}/.exec(obj[key].toString());
js_str = js_str.replace(new RegExp(name + '\\. ' + key + '\\(([^())]* )\\)', 'g'), function (string, args_str) {
let args = args_str.split(','),
fun_args = fun_info[1].split(','),
fun_body = fun_info[2];
fun_args.forEach(function (item, index) {
fun_body = fun_body.replace(item, args[index]);
return fun_body;
} else if (typeof obj[key] == 'string ') {
js_str = js_str.replace(name + '.' + key, '"' + obj[key] + '"');
} else {
js_str = js_str.replace(name + '.' + key, obj[key].toString());
return js_str;
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