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Forked from glasslion/
Created October 13, 2021 19:44
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This script convert youtube subtitle file(vtt) to plain text.
Convert YouTube subtitles(vtt) to human readable text.
Download only subtitles from YouTube with youtube-dl:
youtube-dl --skip-download --convert-subs vtt <video_url>
Note that default subtitle format provided by YouTube is ass, which is hard
to process with simple regex. Luckily youtube-dl can convert ass to vtt, which
is easier to process.
To conver all vtt files inside a directory:
find . -name "*.vtt" -exec python {} \;
import sys
import re
def remove_tags(text):
Remove vtt markup tags
tags = [
for pat in tags:
text = re.sub(pat, '', text)
# extract timestamp, only kep HH:MM
text = re.sub(
r'(\d{2}:\d{2}):\d{2}\.\d{3} --> .* align:start position:0%',
text = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return text
def remove_header(lines):
Remove vtt file header
pos = -1
for mark in ('##', 'Language: en',):
if mark in lines:
pos = lines.index(mark)
lines = lines[pos+1:]
return lines
def merge_duplicates(lines):
Remove duplicated subtitles. Duplacates are always adjacent.
last_timestamp = ''
last_cap = ''
for line in lines:
if line == "":
if re.match('^\d{2}:\d{2}$', line):
if line != last_timestamp:
yield line
last_timestamp = line
if line != last_cap:
yield line
last_cap = line
def merge_short_lines(lines):
buffer = ''
for line in lines:
if line == "" or re.match('^\d{2}:\d{2}$', line):
yield '\n' + line
if len(line+buffer) < 80:
buffer += ' ' + line
yield buffer.strip()
buffer = line
yield buffer
def main():
vtt_file_name = sys.argv[1]
txt_name = re.sub(r'.vtt$', '.txt', vtt_file_name)
with open(vtt_file_name) as f:
text =
text = remove_tags(text)
lines = text.splitlines()
lines = remove_header(lines)
lines = merge_duplicates(lines)
lines = list(lines)
lines = merge_short_lines(lines)
lines = list(lines)
with open(txt_name, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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