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Last active September 9, 2024 15:56
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Wolfram Language: Create a daily map from Bouncie API webhook data
Requires creation of a webhook on to post to an Apache CouchDB database exposed to the Internet.
Substitute '6984' as the port number if you prefer a secure connection after setting up SSL according to the Apache
CouchDB Instructions.
The 'tripData' view used here to retrieve just tripData entries is as follows in CouchDB:
function (doc) {
if (doc.eventType == 'tripData')
emit(, null);
The variables 'Yesterday' and 'Today' are built into the Wolfram Language and do not need to be defined elsewhere;
but to avoid an error with conflicting date/time granularities, the 'Instant' option *must* be specified.
data = Import["http://<your server name>:5984/bouncie/_design/tripData/_view/tripData?include_docs=true", "RawJSON"][["rows", All, "doc", "data"]] // Flatten //
Select[DateObject[#timestamp] >=
DateObject[Yesterday, "Instant"] &&
DateObject[#timestamp] < DateObject[Today, "Instant"] &] //
SortBy[#timestamp &];
tb = Table[
GeoPosition[{data[[i, "gps", "lat"]],
data[[i, "gps", "lon"]]}], {i, Length[data]}];
tb = DeleteCases[tb, GeoPosition[{_Missing, _Missing}]];
tb = DeleteCases[tb, GeoPosition[{0, 0}]];
img = GeoListPlot[
Joined -> True,
PlotMarkers -> None,
PlotStyle -> Thin,
ImageSize -> Large,
GeoBackground -> "StreetMap",
PlotLabel ->
"Bouncie App Vehicle Locator \[Bullet] " <>
DateString[Yesterday, "Date"]
Export["~/Downloads/bouncie.png", img, "PNG"]
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