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Last active April 29, 2019 15:58
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A modified version of the Pi-calculation script from the mpi4py repository.
from mpi4py import MPI
from math import pi as PI
from numpy import array
def comp_pi(n, myrank=0, nprocs=1):
h = 1.0 / n
s = 0.0
for i in range(myrank + 1, n + 1, nprocs):
x = h * (i - 0.5)
s += 4.0 / (1.0 + x**2)
return s * h
def prn_pi(pi, PI):
message = "pi is approximately %.16f, error is %.16f"
print (message % (pi, abs(pi - PI)))
nprocs = comm.Get_size()
myrank = comm.Get_rank()
n = array(0, dtype=int)
pi = array(0, dtype=float)
mypi = array(0, dtype=float)
if myrank == 0:
_n = 20 # Enter the number of intervals
comm.Bcast([n, MPI.INT], root=0)
_mypi = comp_pi(n, myrank, nprocs)
comm.Reduce([mypi, MPI.DOUBLE], [pi, MPI.DOUBLE],
op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
if myrank == 0:
prn_pi(pi, PI)
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